
Lady Macbeth 3 Essay Research Paper MACBETHStudy (стр. 2 из 2)

Macbeth is killed by Macduff and his head carried around as a trophy.

Malcolm becomes the next king of Scotland. Order is restored.


1. Does Macbeth get what he deserves?

2. What about Lady Macbeth?

Discussion questions on the whole play:

1. What are the main ideas expressed in Macbeth?

2. What are the most dramatic scenes in the play? How do they bring out the main ideas in the play?

3. Who is responsible for the tragedy in Macbeth?

4. What power do the witches have in Macbeth?

5. In what way can Macbeth be seen as a tragic hero?

6. What ideas about violence does Shakespeare convey in this play?

7. Lady Macbeth goes mad and kills herself. Macbeth kills other people for different reasons although he, too, is guilty. What does this reveal about the ways men and women react to crisis?

8. Conflict is an essential part of a good play. What conflicts are crucial to Macbeth?

9. Does this play, written so long ago, have anything to say to a modern audience?

Guided Essay Question:

1. “… My way of life

has fallen into the sere, the yellow leaf…’

(Macbeth Act 5, Scene 3, lines 22-23)

What do you think are the main causes of Macbeth’s downfall?


1. Interpret the question:

What is the ’sere’?

What does Macbeth mean by these lines?

Has Macbeth changed for the worse since the beginning of the play?

2. Plan the answer and find appropriate quotes

3. Explain Macbeth’s downfall:

What is Macbeth’s condition or state at this point in the play?

What was Macbeth like at the beginning of the play?

What are the results of the change in Macbeth?

What were the main causes of this change? – Macbeth himself? Lady Macbeth? The witches? Any other?

4. Writing the essay

* Underline the title of the play every time you write it

* Write in the present tense

* Make each point: topic sentence … example from the play…quote to support point

* Link each paragraph to the following one by an expression like, ‘Secondly…’ or ‘However…’

* Link paragraphs back to the question by expressions like ‘This shows that Macbeth was not the only cause of his downfall’

* Use short, frequent quotes

* Incorporate quotes into your sentences

* Put quotes in inverted commas

In the first paragraph: give your point of view in the first sentence; give an outline of your main points:

In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth we see the main character change from a well-regarded and loyal soldier of the Scottish king to a murderous tyrant. At the end of the play Macbeth is in despair, realising that he does not have what old men should have such as ‘honour, love, obedience, troops of friends’ or his wife. While he vows to fight Macduff to the death, as a warrior should, Macbeth is no longer the brave Thane the audience saw at the beginning of the play. His downfall is complete and he is responsible for his fate. It is his ambition and then his misplaced confidence in his invulnerability that causes his decline. However he is not the only cause of his downfall. Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth to murder Duncan and the witches’ prophecies gave him confidence, even though this was misplaced confidence.

In the second paragraph show how Macbeth changes during the play.

* Explain why Macbeth is responsible for his downfall…he believes Lady Macbeth at first and also believes the witches’ first prophecies.

* For each point you make, give a reference to an event in the play and then quote as supporting evidence.

In the third paragraph explain Lady Macbeth’s part in the murder of Duncan.

* Explain how she becomes less powerful.

* Link this to the next paragraph: Macbeth starts to act alone.

* Fourth paragraph: Macbeth plans the murder of Banquo and Fleance.

* Macbeth visits the witches again…deliberate and alone. The witches deliberately mislead Macbeth but he believes them, showing his overconfidence.


Fifth paragraph: Macbeth continues his downfall, planning the murders of the Macduffs. His subjects talk about the poor state of Scotland; Macduff gets help from England. Still Macbeth believes he is invulnerable…but he is starting to be unhappy…especially when Lady Macbeth dies.

Sixth paragraph: The end of Macbeth…explain how he dies and that the witches’ prophecies seem to have been fulfilled but not in the way Macbeth expected.

* Make a clear point that Macbeth is seen as a ‘dead butcher’ so different from the view of him at the beginning of the play. He fights to the death but he has not gained what he expected.

Final paragraph: Restate your point of view. Restate the main points made, giving the causes of Macbeth’s downfall and showing how much each character is responsible.

MACBETH, Thane of Glamis and Cawdor, a general in the King’s army and LADY MACBETH, his wife

Macbeth is a basically good man who is troubled by his conscience and loyalty though at the same time ambitious and murderous. He is led to evil initially by the witches’ predictions and then by his wife’s goading, which he succumbs to because he loves her so. His obsession over the kingship shows a certain kind of egotism.Lady Macbeth is a good wife who loves her husband. She is also ambitious but lacks the morals of her husband. To achieve her ambition, she rids of herself of any kindness that might stand in the way. However, she runs out of energy to supress her conscience and kills herself.