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The “Phenomenon” Of Greece Essay, Research Paper

Greece is a strange phenomenon the similar of which could hardly be equaled elsewhere in the world. The greatest misfortune of Turkey is that it is condemned to live with that country side by side. When the issue is Turkey, Greece always sees red. When we analyze the feelings of Athens toward Turkey, it is seen that those feelings exceed every criterion of what would be an “enmity “.

The presence of the Turk has manifested itself in the behavior of the Greek as a ‘ psychological illness “. In other words, the policy oJthat country regarding Turkey is in a word “phenomenon “, and “ill founded “. That diagnosis may not sound well to the honest people. We art respectful for those people, however, is it possible to keep a blind eye to the realities, and continue an artificial cordiality when the issue is the dismemberment of the terrorists of a country?

It is a fact that though Greece, with its agitations and behaviors exceeds in many issues any limits of toleration, 7tirkiye does not respond to the ugly policy of its neighbor, continuing its sober and warm policy. The frame of the Turkish foreign policy has been drafted by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. That is “Peace at home, peace in the world “. Turkey, in order not to endanger peace, turns a deaf ear to the behaviors of Greece, and some of its other neighbors. However, every endurance and tolerance has a limit.

We are going to give the names of 451 organizations active in Greece below. However, their real number is more than 451. What we will enumerate are only those known. Those organizations after 1974 were founded with the mediation of the Greece governments coming to power. The sole aim for the establishment of those organizations is to “DISMEMBER TURKEY”.

Those organizations, are the main source of nourishment of the terrorism targeting Turkey. They helped the murderers of innocent women, children, old people to be accommodated in Greece, and then they send them back to Turkey, giving to them weapons.

If we deal with the activities of those organizations one by one, we are required to write at least 3 volumes of books. The time of this endeavor will one day come. We cannot accuse all those organizations and associations as terrorist. The duty given to those not related to terrorism was to propagate against Turkey and show the people of the country they live as the “occupied Greek territories “. The names of the organizations we will enumerate below in themselves sufficient to understand with which realities Turkey is faced vis-?-vis Greece.


1. The Foundation of Mediterranean Studies, 2. Akritas Organization, 3. The United International Asia Minor Liberation Front, 4. Bozcaada-Gokceada and Istanbul Refugees Association, 5. Democratic Renewal Association, 6. Research and Studies Centre of Hellenism (KEME), 7. Thracian Falcons-Hellene Spirited Association, 8. Former Istanbul Inhabitants Association, 9. Aegean Studies Association, 10. The Greek League for the Rights and Liberation of the Peoples, 11. The Smirni Association (Athens), 12. Istanbul-Gokceada-Bozcaada-Eastern Thraet Association, 13. Istanbul Association, 14. The Coordination Committee of the Asia Minor Refugees, 14. The Asia Minor Association, 15. The Coordination Committee of the Struggle of the Asia Minor and Cyprus Peoples (SEALMAK), 17. Asia Minor Research Fraternity, 18. Asia Minor Spartans Association, 19. Northern Cretee Smirni and Asia Minor Association, 20. Northern Greece Istanbul Association, 21. Black Sea Sile Association, 22. The Association of the Relatives of the Lost Greeks, 23. Luridion Association-The Cuhural Association of the Memories of Istanbul, 24. Macedonia-Thrace Imroz Union, 25. The Association for the Preservation of the National Heritage, 26. The Association of the Friends of the Megali Idea, 27. The National Crusader Armies Organization, 28. Nikeo Smirni Association, 29. Nea Smirni Fraternity, 30. PanHellenic EOKA Warriors League, 31. The Anatolian Emigre Association of Patra, 32. The Pomak Association, 33. The PanHellenic Combatants, 34. The Asia Minor Association of Tltessaloniki, 35. Stokhos Organization, 36. The Thracian Combatants Association, 37. The League of the Combatants for the Liberation of Territories Usurped by Turkey, 38. Turkish-Greek Anarchists and Anti-Militarists, 39. The Association of the Greek Citizen Hellenes Expelled from Turkey, 40. The Thracian Fraternity, 41. The Committee for the Entightenment of the National Problems, 42. The Federation of lmmigrant Associations in Greece, 43. The Greek Front (EM), 44. The Greek Immigrants Committee, 45. The New “Etniki Eteria ” Association, 46. The Union of Local Forces, 47. The Associations of the Combatants for the Liberation of the Greek Territories, 48. The Association of the Hellenes from Istanbul in Greece, 49. The Greek Nationals Association, 50. The Culture and Information Centre of Greece, 51. The Greek Foundation of Foreign Policy and Defense.


The “Ponthian ” Associations aim at establishing a “Pontous Roum State ” along the Black Sea coast of Turkey.

The Ponthian Federation of Canada, 2. Philadelphia “Akrite ” Ponthian Union, 3. Australia-MelbourneVictoria PanPonthian Colony, 4. The Athens Committee for the Accommodation of the Returning Hellenes (EIYAADE), 5. The Athens Ponthian Artists’ Union, 6. The Greek Ponthian Liberation Union, 7. The Argonaphte Komnini Ponthian Association, 8. The Patriotic Union for the Free Ponthian, 9. The Brotherhood Association of Ponthian and Tirebolu, 10. The Greek Ponthian Liberation Union, 11. Kalithea “I Argo” Ponthian Association, 12. Thc Ponthian association, 13. The Ponthian Students Association, 14. Kalamaria Kromneanians Brotherhood Association, 15. The Union of PanHellenic Ponthian Associations, 16. All-Federation of Greece Ponthian Associations (PEPIS), 17. The National Foundatron for the Ponthian Immigrants, 18. The Ponthian Union, 19. The ion Greek Association-Ponthian Studies Centre, 20. The Attiki-Melissia Ponthian Union, 21. Attiki- “Ta Surmena ” Ponthian Greek Union, 22. Attiki-Menidion Culture Association, 23. Ardessa-”I Ardassa” Cukure Association, 24. Arama-Sitogra Culture Association, 25. ?Aetorahi Elassona” Ponthian Cukure Association, 26. Aiyos Theorodos Gavms Ponthian Association, 27. AmindeosLakkia Ponthian Union, 28. Almopia Black Sea Club, 29. Germany-West Berlin Ponthian Associations Federation, 30. Germany-Greek Ponthian Associations Federation, 31. Berlin-Greek Ponthian Association, 32. Batum-Greek Ponthian Association, 33. Bremen-Greek Ponthian Association, 34. Bitigheim-”Panaia Sumela” Ponthian Association, 35. Boston-”Panaia Sumela” Ponthian Cobny, 36. Boston “Pontiaki Estia”Association, 37. Boston “I Matsuka” Culture Association, 38. The World Ponthian League, 39. Drama-”I Komnini” Ponthian Association 40. Drama-N. Sevastia Ponthian Culture Association, 42. Diavati “O Alexandros Iphilantis” Ponthian Association, 43. “Dimitrios Ipsilantis Nea Philadelphia and Environs Ponthian Association, 44. Dachaou-Greek Ponthian Association, 45. Dusseldorf Greek Ponthian Association, 46. Dortmund-Greek Ponthian Association, 47. Epirus Asia Minor Brotherhood Association, 48. Edessa “O Theorodos Gavras ” Ponthian Association, 49. Former USSR Ponthian Association, 50. Etholoakarnania Ayios Constandinos “D. Psathans” Ponthian Association, 51. eteloakarnania “Hamenes Patrides” Ponthian Culture Association, 52. Evros “Alexios Komninos” pontous Culture Association “, 53. Federal Germany-Greek Ponthian Associations Federation, 54. Frankfurt Greek Ponthian Association, 55. Florina Black Sea Club- Komotini Free Ponthian Patriotic Organization, 56. Grevcna Ponthian and Asia Minor Association, 57. Southern Greece Ponthian Associations Federation, S8. Grevena-Kivoto Ponthian Culture Association, 59. Hania “Panaia Sumela Ponthian Association, 60. Haydari “Pontiaki Lira ” Ponthian Association, 61. Haydari Ponthian Association, 62. Hamburg Greek Ponthian Association, 63. Igumenitsa “Dioyenis O Sinopeus” Ponthian Association, 64. Alexandrra and Environs Ponthian Association, 65. Blou polis “OAlcxandros Ipsitantis” Ponthian Association, 66. “IPanaia Gumera” Ponthian Brotherhood Association, 67. Switzerland-Zurich Ponthian Association, 68. Sweden-Lud Greek Ponthian Association, 69. Ipsilantis Ponthian Association, 70. Kalamaria “Kromneon ” Brotherhood Association, 71. Kromnean Kalamarias Ponthian Associalion, 72. Xalamaria Crimeans Fraternity, 73. Kavala-Ponthian Students Union, 74. Kavala-Ponthian Club, 75. Xozani-Ayios Dimitrros ?Ayios lannis Vazebn ” Association, 76. Kozani Black Sea Club, 77. Korinos “Black Sea” Ponthian Association, 78. Coridallos “Black Sea” Ponthian Association, 79. Kastania “Amaranthon” Ponthian Culture Association, 80. Katerini “Akritas” Ponthian Cukure Association, 81. KalithEa “i Proodos” Ponthian Association, 82. Kilkis “i Argonaphte ” Ponthian Leaugt, 83. Kastoria “Black Sea ” Club, 84. Koln-Greek Ponthian Association, 85. Florina-Bbck Sea Club, 86. Gami Fithiotida Ponthian Union, 87. Luh`iegshavon Greek Ponthian Association, 88. Macroporion Ponthian Association, 89. Menemen Ponthian Association, 90. Munich Greek Ponthian Association, 91. Melbournc Ponthian Fraternity, 92. Montreal “Black Sea” Association, 93. Nea Hill “Black Sea” Sile Association, 94. Nikea -Koridallos Ponthian Union, 95. Nea Ionia “i Zoodohos Piyi” Ponthian Union, %. Nestosffrisoupolis Ponthian Association, 97. Nausa Ponthian “Black Sea” Club, 98. Norfolk “Ponthian” Union, 99. N. Philadclphia “Ipsilantis” Ponthian Union, 100. Nlirnberg Greek Ponthian Union, 101. New York “Komnini” Ponthian Syndicatt, 102. New York “Panaia Sumcla ” Association, 103. “O Ponthian ” Kescrians Culture Centre, 104. Oreocastrn Culture-Sports Association, 105. Ohio- “Komnini” Ponthian Club, 106. PanHellcnic Ponthian Associations Union, 107. PanHeltenic “Panaia Sumela” Sacred Association, 108. Ptolcaida Black Sea Club, 109. Ptoaemaida Ponthian Union, 110. Pieria Ponthian Union, 111. Pieria-Trebimnd “O Ipsilantis” Ponthian Culture Association, 112. Patra “Pharos” Ponthian Association, 113. Pireltus Greek Ponthian Culture Club, 114. Pireaus-Pcrama Ponthian Associotion, 115. Pontian Brnthcrhood “Bonthoxehiteas” of N.S.W. Limited, 116. Tlec Solidarity Association of Ponthians and Cypriots, 117. Prosotsani “O Pontous” Ponthian Association, 118. Policastro “i Acrites” Ponthian Association, 719. Pelli “i Psilante” Ponthian Culturc Association, 120. Preveza-N. Sampsunta “i Amisos” Culture Association, 121. Ponthian Studies Center, 122. Russel sheim Greek Ponthians Association, 123. Rhodes “O Digenis” Ponthian Association, 124. Thessaloniki-PanHellcnic Pontian Associations Union, 125. Thessaloniki “Panaia Sumcla”Syndicatc, 126. Thessaloniki “Black Sea” Club, 127. Thessaliniki “i Anayanisi” PanHelenic Pontous Old People Housc, 128. TThessaloniki loniki Fraternity, 129. Thessaliniki Ponthians Ligthouse, 129. Thessaloniki Ayios Thcorodos-Gavra Ponthian Association, 130. Thessaloniki Ponthian Research Institute, 131. Thessabniki-Meseos “O Ponthnian ” Culture Association, 132. Thessaloniki-Bafra Association, 133. Thessaloniki “i Eptakomas Santa” Santans Association, 134. Thessaloniki”Gcorgios K Photiadis” Teatrc Association, 135. Thessabniki-Elefthero Kordelyo Black Sea Association, 136. Thessaliniki Free Philosophy and Sociat Scienccs Centrc, 137. thessanaliki Avgi Cukure Association, 138. Thessaloniki-Ptristereota Ayios Georgios”Assoriation, 139. Thtssaloniki- Akrite Tu Pontous” StavroupoGs Ponthian Association, 140. Thessaloniki-Kirio Ponthian Solidarity Association, 141. Thecssaloniki-Aristotclian University Ponthian Students Association, 142. Tlressaloniki-Evosmos “Panaia Krcmasti ” Ponthian Association, 143. Thessabniki-Western District Ponthian Union, 144. Thessaloniki-Ponthian Students Association, 145. Thessaloniki Ponthian Studies Centre, 146. Thessaloniki-Stavmupolis Ponthian Union, 147. Thessalaniki Thermi “Panaia Sumela” Association, 148. Thessaloniki Matsoukas Ponthian Lcague, 149. Thessaloniki Kalithea Pontous Culturt Association, 150. Thessaloniki Panaroma Ponthian Association, 151. Thessaloniki Ponthian Women Association, 152. Thessaloniki Sikea Black Sea Fraternity, 153. Thessaloniki 75riandrra Ponthian Association, 154. Thcssanoliki Asia Minor Club, 155. Thessaloniki Greek Ponthran Youth League, 156. Thessabniki Kalamarias Association, 157. Thcssaloniki Ponthian Women Association, 158. Thessaloniki Panaia Sumtla Association, 159. Sercs Black Sea Club, 160. Stockholm Black Sea Pontous Association, 161. Sydney “Panaia Sumela ” PanPontous Association, 162. Sevrbs-Gmud Greek Ponthian Association, 163. Stuggan Grcek Ponthian Association, 164. Thiva “O Pontous” Black Sca Club, 165. Tbilisi Ponthian Hellents Assoriation, 166. Toronto “Panaia Sumela ” Association, 167. Thrilorion Ponthian Culture Union, 168. Veria Black Sea Club, 169. Whitthesld “Panaia Sumeta ” Ponthian Union, 170. Wuppertal and environs Ponthian Brotherhood Association, 171. Wiesbaden Greek Ponthian Association, 172. Eannitsa Ponthian Association, 173. lannitsa Kria Vrisi “Alexandros Ipsilantis” Ponthian Culture Association, 174. Xanthi Ponthian Association.


Greece branch of the ASALA, Athens, 2. The Armenian People’s Movement, Athens, 3. The Defense Committee for the Armenian Thesis, Athens, 4. The Armenian Youth Organization, Athens, 5. The Armenian New Generation Youth Organization, Athens, 6. The Armenian National Committee, Athens, 7. The Armenian Union of Philanthropist Associations (AGBU), Athens, 8. The Armenian Massacres Demonstration Committee, Athens, 9. The Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Athens, 10. The Armenian Liberal People’s Party, Athens, 11. The Armenian National Committee Athens, 12. The Armenian Secret Army for Liberation, Athens, 13. The Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Athens, 14. The Justice Commandos for the Armenian Genocide, Athens, 15. The Armenian Secret Army, Athens, 16. The Defense Committee for the Armenian Theesis, Athens, 17. The Defense Committee for the Armenian Political Detainees, Athens, 18. The Armenian Athletes Union, Athens, 19. The Armenian Cukure Association, Komotini, 20. The Armenian Youth Association, 21. The World Committee for the Free Armenia, Thessaloniki, 22. The Protogras Armenian Association, Athens, 23. The Armenian National Organization in Greece, Athens, 24. The Armenian Youth Association in Greece, Athens, 25. The Armenian Committee in Greece, Athens, 26. The Orthodox Armenian Central Committee in Greece, Athens, 27. Ayma Komeyard Youth Group, 28. Cilician Armenian Women Union, 29. The Armenian Justice Commandos, 30. The Armenian Solidarity Association (AGBU), 31. The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (TASHNAK), 32. Melkonian Armcnian Institute, 33. The Greek-Armenian Youth League.


1. AHEI, 2. Akropolou Invitation Movement (KEA), 3: Agonas Student Union, 4. Oem Megas Alexandros, 5. The Independent Peace Movement (AKE), 6. May 1 Organization, 7. Christos Castimis Group, 8. Revolutionary People’s Struggle (ELA), 9. Anti-state Struggle Organization, 10. Cells for the Solidarity Against State, 11. August 4 Organization, 12. Soldier Commissions, 13. September 1980 Organization, 14. The Central Organization Commission for the Human and National Rights for the Aegean Macedonia (KDE-MAD), 15. The Aegean Macedonians Minority Rights Group, 16. EKKE, 17. Ethniki Parataksi, 18. Embros, 19. Fib Democratic Brigades, 20. Cretan Liberation Committet, 21. Young Greek Officers Union, 22. Christian Youth, 23. The People’s Revengers, 24. Revolutionary People’s Union, 25. Revolutionary Celts, 26. The Combatant Team for the Banished Officers, 27. November 1967, 28. The League of Royalists, 28. Falcon, 30. The National Liberation Army of Macedonia, 31. Blue Arrow, 32. National Light, 33. National Committee, 34. National Byzantium Organization, 35. Mihalis Kahezas, 36. Mahitis, 37. OMLE, 38. 17 November, 39. The Students’ National Liberation Struggle (MEAK), 40. PanHellen Liberation Movement, 41. Punks, 42. The PanHellen Comatant Union (PAK), 43. PanHellen Royalist Union, 44. Rigas Ferreos, 45. Ropiso Youth Organization, 46. The Rdodope Province Organization for the Democratization of the Army, 47. Social Resistance, 48. Socialist Revolutionary Organization (OSE), 49. National Greek Officers Union, 50. October 20, 51. April 27, 52. November, 21, 53. The Future of Greece, 54. The New Movement, 55. The Greek National Anti-Communist Youth, 56. The Greek Communist Union, 57. The Greek International Organization (EDE), 58. The National Organization of the Greek Officers (ESEA).


1. The Association for the Minority Rights (EDM), 2. Ala Rizgari, 3. Revolutionary Path, 4. Revolutionary Left, 5. The PanHellenic Committee for the Solidarity with the Democratic Turkish people (PEADILAT), 6. Revolutionary Liberation, 7. Revolutionary Youth, 8. ERNK, 9. IGD, 10. The Kurdish Students Committee, 11. KAWA, 12. KUK, 13. Kurdistan National Liberation Front (KUKC), 14. PKK, 15. Rizgari, 16. SVP 17. TKP/ML, 18. TKP/ML Parliuin, 19. TKP/ML TIKKO, 20. TDY, 21. TKP/E, 22. THEP, 23. TKP, 24. TIP, 25. THKP/C Acilciler, 26. TSIP, 27. TIKP, 28. TDKP, 29. Tekofin, 30. THKO, 31. The Union of Refugees from Turkey and Turkish Kurdistan in Greece, 32. The Union of Democrats and Kurds from Turkey in Greece, 33. Turkey, Kurds and Kurdistan Committee, 34. The Solidarity Union between Turkey and Greece, 35. Turkey and Union and Democrats and Turkish Kurdistan, 36. The Supporting Committee for the Turkish Resistance Movement, 37. VP, 38. The Solidarity Union between the peoples in Greece and Turkey.