
Development of technology of crude smoked sausage (стр. 5 из 6)

7 Equipment

They are designed for fine grinding of soft raw meat and turning it into a uniform homogeneous mass. Prior to joining the cutter raw pre-milled on the top, but some design cutters are devices for crushing lumpy material. Cutters are periodic and continuous action. Raw meat in a cutter is crushed by rapidly rotating crescent-shaped blades mounted on a shaft. Knives alternately immersed in a rotating speeds up to 0.3 with ~ 1 cup. Milling is conducted in open bowls or under vacuum. In addition, the cutter combines the processes of grinding and mixing.

Key technical specifications Cutter - Capacity of the bowl. For small businesses use cutters with a bowl of 15 to 125 hp at large - more than 125 liters.

7.1 Cutter-Mixer P3-FSE

Cutter-mixer P3-FSE with mechanized loading and unloading of meat grinds and mixes the constituent components simultaneously stuffing in the manufacture of frankfurters, sausages and cooked sausages. The machine consists of a bed, mixers, cutters, lifts, hydraulic pump and electric minced. The agitator includes a bowl with spiral screws (rotation speed 39 min-1). Cutter is a cast-iron rack in which a drive shaft mounted sickle-shaped knives. They are enclosed in a special box, protected by 'cover. Mounted on the housing locking mechanism cover mutes the knife shaft drive when you open it. Shaft drive cutter from the electric motor through V-belt transmission [20].

The lift consists of a lever system, hydraulic cylinder and stand under the truck floor. Lever system enables the capture lift truck with forcemeat, a lifting and tilting of the bowl mixer. Work carried out by the lift cylinder and controlled by a hydraulic remote control. The composition of the hydraulic system includes pipes, pumps and control panel. In the pump housing for pumping. meat, there are two pairs of special cams propellants, rotating toward each other.

When working cutter-mixer spiral auger, rotating toward each other, mix stuffing with the simultaneous movement along the length of his bowl. End wall bowl adjacent to the cutter has a window through which an auger feeds minced cutter for grinding, while the second takes the crushed product, driving him to the opposite end wall and the feeding to the first screw. Thus, in the course of work carried out a circular movement of meat with simultaneous mixing and grinding. In the box end wall of the bowl, through which the stuffing load and unload a part of the cutter, mounted dampers. Dampers are controlled remotely from the hydraulic remote control. Dampers open and close the hole in the bottom of the bowl, through which the stuffing goes into the pump. In the car, provided the locking devices[21]:

Development of technology of crude smoked sausage

1-bed, 2-cutter, 3 - mixer, 4 - Hydraulics; 5-V-belt drive, 6, 8, 9-dampers the right and left pump 7-sickle blades, 10-cams propellant pump 11, 16, 17 - electric motors, respectively, pumps, mixers and cutter;12 - deja with screws, 13-gear, 14 - a star 15 - reducer;

Fig. 5 Cutter-mixer P3-FSE

The motor will not turn on when the lid is open cutter, pressing the protective frame bowl off the mixer motor drive screws.

When operating the cutter is important to correctly install and adjust the sickle-shaped knives. Permissible difference in their weight no more than 1-5 kg. The gap between the blades and housing wall cutter 2 mm.

Technical characteristics of cutter-mixer P3-FSE

Productivity, kg / h 1000

Bowl capacity, l 400

The number of sickle blades 8

Motor power, KW 22.3

Dimensions, m 2.38 X3, 23H1, 84

Weight, kg 3560

Cutters are used for fine grinding and turning the meat and certain meat products in a fairly uniform homogeneous mass. Products loaded in the cutters, usually pre-milled on the top, although the latest designs cutters adapted to work on raw minced before the ambassador. Grinding meat in a cutter, taking place when you add cold water, snow or crushed ice, accompanied by a noticeable change in the mechanical and chemical properties of the processed products (linear dimensions of the fragments, determined by sieve analysis, tack, shear stress limit, etc.).

On the cutter is allowed refinement of chilled meat in pieces weighing not more than 0.5 kg, and the frozen blocks of size 190 75 mm, their temperature must not fall below - 8 єS.

8 Safeties.Environmental protection

It is a system of organizational measures and technical means to prevent the impact on workers safety hazards. In the manufacturing process may affect the following dangerous and harmful factors: physical - moving machinery, moving mechanical parts' equipment, move the waste materials, slippery floors, the location of jobs in height, sharp edges, burrs, roughness on the surfaces of instruments and equipment, increased dust in the air in the working area, high temperature materials, finished products, increased humidity, noise in the workplace, increased the voltage in an electrical circuit, chemicals - detergents and disinfectants, biological - pathogens; physical overload when performing manual tasks , the monotony of work. Comprehensive planning allows more clearly, thoughtfully address issues of increasing safety and sanitation conditions, mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes, to introduce modern means of technology 9 security, improve sanitation - domestic service workers. To avoid injury in the enterprise must implement a series of measures, among them - to ensure the administration of strict compliance of all team requirements, rules and norms of labor protection, increase of production.

The nature is a complex system which part is the human society, capable to exist only in constant interrelation with it. Necessary for the ability to live - air, water, food, raw material for the industry - the person obtains all from an environment.

During industrial activity the mankind creates new for nature objects: cars, buildings, constructions, roads, etc. which render decisive influence on an environment. Negative consequences of influence of activity of the person on the nature are inevitable result of scientific and technical progress.

Preservation of the environment as the problem covers the broad audience of the varied questions connected with savings of use of natural resources, the food-processing industry necessary for progress and agriculture.

Specific targets of preservation of the environment are complex and varied, among them decrease in air pollution in cities, improvement state of water objects and maintenance with potable water of the population.

Guarantee of a radiating security, prevention of environmental pollution by dangerous chemicals, the decision of problems in zones of ecological disaster, conservation of woods, reservoirs, wild animal and other natural objects).

Preservation of the environment is fixed by Constitution RK (it.9, 10, 42, 58).

The constitution guarantees the right to a favorable environment, trustworthy information about its condition, as well as on compensation of the damage, caused to health or property of people ecological offences (item 42). To each citizen RK wildlife management, environments and the careful attitude to natural resources is made a duty.


Meats - meat is made from minced meat with the addition of nutritional supplements, herbs and spices, encased and cooked until ready for consumption. Meats have high taste and nutritional properties. Assortment of sausages is quite wide. At the present time developed a large number of formulations of sausages, which include a variety of dietary supplements that improve the taste and nutritional properties.

Atthe presenttimefor the preparation ofsausagesthat are availablefor massconsumption, there is aproblem ofthe meatindustry, which consists in thefactthat it is necessaryto providecost-effectiveconsumerproductsthat would have beenatthisa highly. Forthis requirement,to adopt a newpolicyof the protein. Thispolicyisan optimalcombinationof proteinfood ingredients, which areeconomicallycombinehighnutritionalvalue andfunctionalcharacteristicsthat providea finishedfoodproducts to satisfycustomer requirements.

The quality of meat products depends on the quality of raw materials, formulation, compliance technology, also from the hygienic conditions of production.

In carrying out the course work were studied the organizational structure, resource base, product range, recipes and technological scheme of production of sausages. In conducting special studies of the identified sensory, physical, chemical and microbiological logical indicators smoked sausages.

When comparing commercial and sanitary quality investigations samples of products with the requirements of normative documents mouthlished that the organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of these sausages with GOST 23670-79, GOST 16351-86, TC 61 RK 01-99-2000 and SanPiN for all regulated parameters.

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