
Мультимедийный курс Развитие навыков аудирования Хабаровск 2007 (стр. 4 из 6)

pound фунт стерлинг

again снова

receipt квитанция

You're welcome пожалуйста

numbers числа

scientist ученый

first первый

trip поездка

to meet встречаться

researcher исследователь

colleague коллега


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Today, dollar, half, one and a half, excuse, hello, fine, plane, nice, great, journalist, reporter, boss.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Today the exchange … is one to one and a … .

2. It's one British … for one and a … U.S. dollars.

3. Rachel is on the … to Chicago … , but I'm fine.

4. He's a … , but numbers—they're a … for him.

5. It's my first … to England.

6. Tom is my sister's … .

7. It's … to meet you.

8. I'm the … and she's the … .

9. We are all … .

Answer the questions

1. What is the exchange rate?

2. Where is Rachel on the plane?

3. What is David?

4. Where is the first trip of David to?

5. Who is a boss?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Сегодня обменный курс - один британский фунт за один с половиной американский доллар.

2. Как поживаете?

3. Он учёный, но цифры для него проблема.

4. Это моя первая поездка в Англию

5. Приятно познакомится с Вами.

6. Очень рад встретить вас.

7. Мы коллеги.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

14. Getting around the airport

Vocabulary notes

through через

south юг

east восток

west запад

passengers пассажиры

flight рейс

to proceed проходить

gate ворота

to board начинать посадку

honey дорогой

luck везение, удача

to stay останавливаться

to head for направляться

day off выходной день

parking garage парковочный гараж

parking lot парковка

concourse ряд


Suggest the Russian equivalents

On my way, meeting, traveling, near, plane, Saturday, here, across, raining.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Where are you … in England, David?

2. Bristol is a … in the south of England.

3. It's … of London.

4. … for Magna Carta Airways, … 867 to London, please … to gate C24.

5. Rachel is on the … to Chicago, and David is … to England.

6. I'm … for a meeting at the office.

7. I'm … the day off.

8. It's … and it's cold.

9. My car is in the parking … .

10. It's in the parking lot, … from Concourse B.

Answer the questions

1. Where is David going?

2. What does he have in Bristol?

3. When will David come back to Boston?

4. Where are Kristin and Tom staying?

5. Who is on the plane to Chicago?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Я еду на встречу в Бристоль.

2. Это к западу о Лондона.

3. Увидимся в субботу.

4. А мы остаёмся в Бостоне.

5. Я направляюсь на встречу в офис.

6. У меня выходной.

7. Моя машина в парковочном гараже.

8. Увидимся.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

15. Family relationships

Vocabulary notes

to meet встречаться, знакомиться

the first time впервые

a long time ago давным давно

to remember помнить

farmers' market фермерский рынок

to bye (bought) покупать

lucky везение

the dairy stand молочный прилавок

to happen происходить

would like хотелось бы

together вместе

to get married жениться

farmer фермер

dairy farmer молочник

cow корова

horse лошадь

chicken цыпленок, курица

aunt тётя

uncle дядя

dish блюдо

daddy папочка

piece кусок, часть

kiss поцелуй


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Winter morning, saw, tall, man, needed, some, cheese, accepted, two years later, university, a big farm, miss, cocoa, want.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. I met … for the first time on a … morning.

2. I remember it … well.

3. I bought some … .

4. At the dairy stand I … a tall man.

5. I … for some milk.

6. We had a … … together and ... two years … we got ….

7. I mean, … was a dairy farmer, and he … the milk at the market.

8. They had a big … with a lot of cows.

9. Would you … a cup of hot … ?

10. Who would like a … good-bye from Mom and Dad?

11. She's eating a … dish of … .

Answer the questions

1. When and where did grandmother meet grandfather for the first time?

2. What was he doing there?

3. When did they get married?

4. Who was pictured at the photo?

5. How many children did grandmother have?

6. What was daddy doing at the photo?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Это было давным давно, но я хорошо всё помню.

2. Я увидела высокого мужчину.

3. А что случилось потом?

4. Вы не хотели бы немного сыра?

5. Через два года мы поженились.

6. У них было большая ферма и много коров.

7. Лошадей не было, но у них были цыплята.

8. Ты скачаешь по дедушке?

9. Хотите чашку горячего какао?

10. Она ест большую порцию мороженого.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

16. Morning routine

Vocabulary notes

morning routine утренние будни

backpack рюкзак

both оба

front door входная дверь

to belong принадлежать

still всё ещё

headlines новости

major главный

marathon race беговой марафон

to happen происходить

state capital building здание законодательного собрания штата

legislators законодатели

to leave покидать, оставлять

job работа

to hope надеяться

to make the decision принимать решение

chance шанс

production team производственная команда

rumors слухи

to find находить

peanut butter арахисовое масло

jelly повидло

tuna fish sandwich бутерброд с тунцом

cupcake кекс

junk food вредная пища

candy bar конфета


Suggest the Russian equivalents

Put, important, wake up, next month, anything, somebody, many, anybody, orange, more.

Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the dialogue

1. Christopher, whose … is that?

2. Is Emma still in … ?

3. It's time for today's … with Katie Baxter.

4. In New York, they have their major … race.

5. He's just … it by the front door now, right, Christopher?

6. Something important is … at the state capital building.

7. So, from … month on, her … will be yours?

8. Did … say anything about your … ?

9. But there are so … rumors.

10. What … you like to have for lunch?

11. The other … have junk … in their lunches!

Answer the questions

1. Where must backpack of Christopher be?

2. Who is still in bed?

3. What would Christopher like to have for lunch?

4. Where will Kristin have her job?

Translate into English using all the active possible

1. Чей это рюкзак?

2. В Нью-Йорке проводится главный беговой марафон.

3. Что-то важное происходит у здания законодательного собрания штата.

4. Кто-нибудь говорил что-либо о твоих шансах.

5. Думаю, они примут решение сегодня.

6. Но ходит столько слухов.

7. Ты будешь вести эту передачу?

8. Другие дети едят фаст-фуд на ланч.

9. Их еда мне нравится больше, чем моя.

Reproduce the dialogue with a group mate or make up a similar one

Film scripts

1. Entertaining

Jeff: Congratulations, Kristin. You're the perfect voice for WMJT's news program. You'll be even more appealing than Katie Baxter ever was.

Kristin: Oh, Jeff. Thank you.

Jeff: You'll wake me up every morning. It will motivate me to begin the day in a positive mood.

Kristin: And who will motivate me to get up every day at half past five?

Jeff: Are you going to change the concept of the program?

Kristin: We're still arguing about that. We have this mix of entertainment and news, and I believe that the news is at least as important as the entertainment. After all, it is a news program.

Jeff: Actually, it's more important!

Kristin: That's one viewpoint, but other people think that it's less important. It's also a question of what the public wants, and we know that's not less important!

Emma: Do you like Aunt Rachel?

Tom: Yes. I do.

Christopher: Why do you like her?

Tom: Why... She's a very nice and special person.

Emma: You're right. She's almost as nice as Mom.

Christopher: Yeah. But Mom's not as cool as she is. Sometimes she lets us do stuff that Mom never does.

Emma: And why do you...

Tom: I don't know. I just know one thing. Christopher is as curious as a cat, and Emma is even more curious!

Emma: No I'm not!

Kristin: Good morning. This is WMJT. It's time for today's headlines with Kristin Porter.

Jeff: Congratulations on your new job, Kristin!

2. Fine dining

Head waiter: Do you have a reservation?

Rachel: Yes. I think so.

Head waiter: For how many people?

Rachel: It's a table for four, but it's not in my name...

Tom: Hi, Rachel.

Rachel: Excuse me. Hi Tom!

Tom: Rachel! How are you?

Rachel: Did you make a reservation for us?

Tom: No, I didn't, but I think Kristin did. Try Porter.

David: Porter? Here we are! Welcome to Boston, Rachel.

Rachel: Thank you. I'm so glad to be here. I have a wonderful new job, a great apartment and I'm here with my loved ones.

Kristin: It was a good decision.

Rachel: Yes, it was. I'm a hundred percent sure. Boston is really a beautiful place.

Tom: Is our table ready?

Head waiter: There's one available near the window. And one next to the fireplace.

Tom: The fireplace... That sounds perfect.

David: When did you get here Rachel?

Rachel: I arrived last night, after two days on the road.

Kristin: I asked her to stay at our house, but...

Rachel: ...but I wanted to spend my first night in Boston in my new apartment.

3. Coffee, tea, dessert

David: So, Kristin told me that you had an important interview.

Tom: Yes, with Mick Morrison.

David: Mick Morrison? Who's that?

Tom: Geez David! Mick Morrison is number one on the charts!

David: OK, OK. I guess I'm not with it. Anyway, how did it go - the interview? I mean?

Tom: Mmm... In the end it went fine, but the beginning was...

Rachel: ...a disaster.

David: A disaster? What happened?

Tom: Phew ... It was terrible. Everything went fine at first. I was on time, he was on time, we sat down I began my questions, but...

Tom: ... I didn't record it.

David: You're kidding.

Tom: I'm not kidding. I didn't turn on my tape recorder. I just... I just... forgot. After a while I noticed and...

David: Did you tell him?

Tom: Of course I told him!

David: And what did he say?

Tom: He said: "Don't worry, bro. At my first concert I forgot my guitar!"

Waiter: Excuse me. Are you ready to order dessert now? We have a wonderful chocolate cheesecake. And the tiramisu is fantastic.

Kristin: Just a moment, please. I think we... forgot about dessert.

Rachel: A black coffee for me, please.

Kristin: Who's having dessert?

Tom: I am. The chocolate cheesecake, please.

Kristin: Mmm... Sounds good.

David: Just a cup of tea for me, please.

Waiter: With lemon? Or milk.

David: Just lemon, no milk.

Kristin: What's the "Apple In and Out"?

Waiter: That's a sort of apple pie. It's really delicious.

Kristin: OK. I'll have that.

4. Meal planning

Tom: Hmm... Do I need anything? I need a lot of things. Vegetables, potatoes...

Hello Rachel! Come in! How was your day?

Rachel: Excellent! I love this job. It's so interesting, I have a lot of responsibility, my co-workers are great and I'm having a wonderful time.