
Мультимедийный курс Развитие навыков аудирования Хабаровск 2007 (стр. 5 из 6)

Tom: Don't you miss teaching?

Rachel: Hmm... No. I liked teaching very much, as you know, but I wanted to do something else. I wanted to move on. I made the right decision. I really believe that. And... ... don't forget that I need to live in Boston.

Tom: I see your point.

Rachel: What are you doing, making a grocery list?

You wanted to cook tonight! That's wonderful! I'd love to cook together!

Tom: Actually, I wanted to invite you to a very nice little restaurant that I found on the other side of town...

Rachel: Oh no! Let's stay in.

Do you want to make lasagne? What do we need?

We need the noodles, of course. We need oil, onions, garlic, tomatoes, pepper, salt, mushrooms, oregano, basil, cheese, and ground beef.

Tom: I have everything except for the mushrooms and the ground beef.

Rachel: Then let's leave out the ground beef, forget about the mushrooms, and have a vegetarian lasagne. We'll cook it together and we won't even go out of the house!

Tom: Now, that's a good idea!

5. Checking account

Tom: What time do you have to be at the bank to open your new account?

Rachel: Oh, I don't have to be there at any special time. I just called them to ask about all these options for checking accounts. They say I can talk to an account representative in person, if I still have questions. And I do.

Tom: Like what?

Rachel: Well. I'd like to open a deluxe checking account. But it says here that you have to maintain a minimum balance of $3,000

Tom: That's common practice.

Rachel: But does that mean that it all must be in the checking account itself? Maybe I can have a combined balance of three thousand between the checking and the savings.

Tom: Hmm. At my bank, I don't have to keep as high a balance. I only have to have twenty-five hundred between both accounts. But the checking account still must not drop below a thousand.

Rachel: That sounds better than three thousand!

Tom: What else?

Rachel: I like all the free services that come with the deluxe account. But I don't like having to keep so much money in my account all the time.

Tom: Do you have to have the services?

Rachel: No, I don't have to have them, but I want them.

Tom: Well, maybe you can get some of them with the regular account.

Rachel: There are so many options listed here. I can't make up my mind.

Tom: You don't have to yet. Talk to them first and see what they say.

Rachel: I will. Let's go to the bank now.

6. Budget

David: Is everything fine upstairs?

Kristin: Yes. I always have to tell them the same story. Otherwise they refuse to go to bed. It must be that story.

David: The one about the little cat? Kristin: Mm-hmm. Once upon a time...

David: ...there was a little cat...

I'm going over the bills from this month.

Kristin: And?

David: They really went up. The electric bill, for example. It was really high. We should be more careful, shut things off when we're not using them...

Kristin: It is getting colder now though. The electric bill's always higher in wintertime.

David: True. But that's all the more reason why we should take care. We must get Emma and Christopher to cooperate, too. They're old enough now. They have to do a better job of turning off the video games when they're not playing them, for example.

Kristin: I agree. We'll have to insist on that. In summer we'll have lower costs again.

David: Lower costs?

Kristin: I mean electricity, gas...

David: Yes, but what about our vacation?

Kristin: That's true. And I'd like to be able to afford to go somewhere really nice this year.

David: We talked about seeing France and Italy. Good food, nice weather, a lot of beautiful architecture, churches, castles...

Kristin: I hope we'll be able to manage it. Remember we also have to go to Los Angeles to visit my mother.

David: And the children want to go to camp again this summer.

Kristin: Do you think we can swing it?

David: Yes, but we'll have to pinch pennies as much as possible.

7. Tennis

Rachel: Tom! What's going on?

Tom: I'm getting back into sports.

Rachel: For the first time in five years?

Tom: ...and I'm going to beat him.

Rachel: Who are you going to beat? The man in the mirror? Hmm... You might have a chance.

Tom: I'm going to play tennis with David this afternoon. And I will beat him.

Rachel: David? David is a good player!

Tom: Yes, he's a good player. But I think like a winner. I know I'll beat him!

Rachel: Why not play doubles? You and David as partners. You'll beat the other guys, for sure!

Tom: That might be a good idea. David: Wow... Nice outfit!

Rachel: Tom is going to beat you. He's sure about that.

Tom: No, not sure...but I might beat him. Do you really play that well?

David: No, I don't play very well, but I play quite often. Twice a week.

Tom: Twice a week...

David: And today I'm looking forward to a match against a strong young opponent!

Tom: I see...

David: Of course, I may lose, but I'll give you a run for your money!

Rachel: It's almost four o'clock. I'm leaving. Kristin is expecting me. Have a good game!

David: Good-bye!

Tom: Good-bye!

So David, how about playing doubles? Do you like doubles?

David: No way. I want to beat you one-on-one.

Tom: You're not going to beat me!

David: You never can tell! I might

8. Outdoor activities

Kristin: Would you like some grapes? Or an apple maybe?

Rachel: I'd rather have an orange. Do you have any oranges?

Kristin: Yes, I do. I'll have the grapes. Here we are.

Rachel: Thanks.

Kristin: I am exhausted. Whew... You walk so fast

Rachel: Isn't that the point of power walking?

Kristin: Yes.. .I guess it is. I really like it. It's so different from jogging. Let's do this every week.

Rachel: Good idea.

Kristin: And let's ask David and Tom, too.

Rachel: I don't know... Maybe Tom would rather not do that with me again?

Kristin: Oh? Why not?

Rachel: Well, I called him early one Saturday morning. We both lived in Chicago at that time. I wanted him to go power walking with me. But he was really grumpy and...

Kristin: And just how early was this, health nut?

Rachel: Not early. It was about 8:30.

Kristin: Eight-thirty! Rachel, a lot of people are still in bed at eight-thirty on Saturday morning!

Rachel: Well, I didn't know his habits then. Anyway, he showed up at my door unshaven and in rumpled clothes.

Kristin: And then what.

Rachel: We went power walking for just a short time, but he got out of breath right away.

Kristin: Define "for just a short time."

Rachel: Not long at all.

Kristin: Rachel?

Rachel: No, really! No more than 20 minutes.

Kristin: OK, and then what happened?

Rachel: He almost collapsed from exhaustion, so we took a taxi home. He was quite embarrassed!

Kristin: Well, maybe he won't want to go. Let's not ask him, then.

'By the way, talking about Saturdays, next Saturday we're going up to Queen Lake. David's going to fish, and the children are going to go horseback riding. Would you like to join us?

Rachel: Next Saturday? Let's see... I'm not sure. I think Tom bought theatre tickets for Saturday night.

Kristin: Well, come with us! We'll certainly be back by seven at the latest. You'll have plenty of time to get ready for the theatre.

Rachel: I'd rather come home earlier, so I can have enough time to shower and dress.

Kristin: OK, we'll be back by six. Let's plan on it!

9. Change of career

Rachel: It is a big change. I mean... In Chicago, I was a gym teacher and now I'm the coordinator for the whole physical education department.

In Chicago, I was teaching full-time, but here I'm doing a lot of administrative work.

Kristin: How are your colleagues?

Rachel: They're really nice people. Very friendly.

Kristin: You're lucky then.

Rachel: Yeah, I really am.

Kristin: Sugar?

Rachel: No, thanks. I never have sugar with my coffee. You know me, the health food nut.

Kristin: Yeah. I know.

Rachel: One...Two... Two sugar cubes. That's enough energy for an entire day.

Kristin: I need it. It was rather a heavy afternoon.

Rachel: I'm sorry, Kristin, but I needed a lot of new things for my new apartment.

Kristin: What's next on the list?

Rachel: Well. I have stuff for the kitchen. I have pots and pans, knives... that sort of thing. And I also have the basics for cooking: salt, pepper, oil, rice...

Kristin: And the bathroom?

Rachel: I still need a big mirror there. That's all. My bedroom is OK...

Kristin: ... but you need more furniture for the living-room. What furniture do you have? Three chairs, a table, a sofa... What else?

Rachel: That's it, basically. But for the moment, I don't care. We bought enough this afternoon. Don't you think so?

Kristin: Oh yes, I do. What time is it?

Rachel: It's half past five.

Kristin: Half past five! I've got to go! David and the kids are on their way home.

10. Daily schedules

Tom: Is that Emma and Christopher in this picture?

Kristin: Yes. This is Emma and that's Christopher.

Tom: What are you all doing here?

Kristin: We're having a party. We're singing, and dancing, and having fun.

Tom: And where is this scene taking place?

Kristin: Oh, that's in Los Angeles. My mother lives there. We visit her twice a year. The children love LA.

Tom: A successful career and a wonderful family. You have it all! How do you do it?

Kristin: There's only one way to do that: plan. That's very important. Plan everything!

We get up at six-thirty in the morning.

Tom: What time do you get up?

Kristin: Usually half past six. We have breakfast at seven. David and the children leave at eight and they're home by six every evening. Then we have dinner together at six-thirty.

Tom: When do you go to work?

Kristin: Sometimes I work from home, like today. And sometimes I go to the office. But I always begin work at half past eight.

Tom: And when do you stop?

Kristin: A journalist never stops. Don't forget those wise words, Tom.

Tom: A journalist never stops. My interview!

Kristin: Take it easy. Tom. You still have more than an hour.

Tom: Thank you very much for your help, Kristin.

Kristin: You're welcome. This way, Tom. This way.

11. Lunch date rescheduling

David: Emma wants to be a politician and Christopher wants to become a pilot. What do you think of that?

Michael: No way. That profession is too dangerous!

David: Which, the pilot or the politician?

And how are the twins? You have a boy and a girl, right? How old are they now?

Michael: Yes, they're six months. They're so cute.

David: Do they sleep through the night yet?

Michael: Yes, they sleep very well. And I'm very happy about that.

David: I'd like to see them sometime.

Michael: Why don't you come over on Saturday or Sunday?

David: I can't make it this weekend. It's Emma's birthday, so, of course, we're having a birthday party for her.

Michael: By the way, David, I forgot to tell you - I can't come to the meeting tomorrow morning.

David: Really? Why not?

Michael: I can't be in two places at the same time.

David: What do you mean?

Michael: I need to be at another meeting tomorrow morning. I'd like to postpone it, but I can't. It's too urgent. It's about getting approval for the Patagonia project, and we're supposed to start next week.

David: Geez, Michael, our meeting tomorrow morning is very important. Can you try to come?

Michael: I don't think so. There's too much going on right now. The department head quit without notice, two guys on the team are out sick, and, on top of it all, we're preparing for an audit next week! We just don't have enough people at the moment, and...

David: Wow. You're in trouble.

Michael: No, I can deal with it, but that meeting tomorrow is just... too much. I'm sorry.

David: No, no. You're right. We'll postpone it.

Michael: What about early next week?

David: No problem. Can you make it on Monday?

Michael: Yes, I can! Same time, same place?

David: OK.

Michael: What were we talking about?

David: Your babies. So when can I see the little ones?

12. Directions - public transport

Kristin: Come in. Please, sit down.

Tom: Thank you. How are David and the children?

Kristin: The children are fine. Christopher is a soccer star now and Emma is doing very well at her new school. David is still in England. He's on his way back at this moment. And Rachel? Any news about her?

Tom: Don't worry about your sister. I'm taking good care of her.

Kristin: Mmm ... taking care... She lives in Chicago and you live here in Boston?

Tom: But she's applying for a job in Boston, so maybe...

Kristin: Maybe...?

So. You're on your way to the concert hall?

Tom: Yes. To interview Mick Morrison.

Kristin: Are you driving your car today?

Tom: No, no. I'm taking the bus today. Listen, could you give me directions?

Kristin: Sure.

OK. The bus stop is near the concert hall. Get off the bus. Go to your right, then turn left at the corner.

Tom: Would you repeat that, please.

Kristin: OK. Get off the bus. Turn right, turn left, and the concert hall is just across the street.

Tom: OK. Thanks.

Kristin: Oh, and Tom, there are two entrances. Don't use the main entrance. There's a stage door on the right. Use that one.

Tom: Thank you.

13. Airport - exchanging money

Employee: Today the exchange rate is one to one and a half.

David: So, is it one dollar for one and a half British pounds?

Employee: No, it's not, sir. It's one British pound for one and a half U.S. dollars.

Tom: Excuse me...Kristin?

Kristin: Hello, Tom!

Tom: How are you?

Kristin: I'm fine, thank you, and you?

Tom: Rachel is on the plane to Chicago again, but I'm fine.

Employee: 20...40...60...80...and 100, 200 pounds. And the receipt.

David: Thank you very much. Good-bye!

Employee: You're welcome. Good-bye.

David: So... it's one and a half pounds to the dollar, right?

Kristin: No, David. It's one and a half dollars to the pound!

Tom, this is David, my husband. He's a scientist, but numbers—they're a problem for him.

David: It's my first trip to England. Nice to meet you. Tom.

Tom: Nice to meet you, David.

Kristin: Tom is my sister's boyfriend.

David: Oh! So, you are Tom. It's great to meet you.

Kristin: He's also a journalist.

Tom: I'm the researcher and she's the reporter.