
The Abstract Wild Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

preserve nature.

I agree with his argument, but I don?t think his solutions are realistic. Turner?s solution

is for man to establish residency in wild nature, and gain knowledge and understanding of the

land, the flora, and the fauna. Modern man should return to a primitive society and adopt the

Native American way of life. Furthermore, it is the art, beauty, and myth of wild nature that will

lead us back to wildness and our place in nature. His solution seems logical, but it is too

idealistic. Modern Western Civilization just simply will not succumb to these solutions under

the present control of the many facets of megatechnology. The vast majority of human minds

are controlled by corporations on a global scale that for economic purposes (or the love of

money) would prevent Turner?s solution from becoming reality. Unfortunately, it seems that

only a few enlightened individuals have the courage to commit to this way of life and understand

the wild. Logically, humans will only commit to major change once they are scared into

submission, but only after the collapse of the environment.

Turner is accurate in his claim that the solution of preserving the wild begins with

language. Language is the basis of how we express our ideas, morals, and values.

Unfortunately, this is another area in which megatechnology has great control over. In years

past, it was the courageous activity of counter-cultures, such as the Beats and the Hippies, that

strayed from corporate and government control. These groups began to create their own

language, form of communication, and perceptions of the world. Bound by similar goals and

ideas, these counter-cultures refused to conform to what was considered normality. They ignited

the Civil Rights Movement and changed society. Although some were concerned with

environmental issues, most of their battles were fought within the anthropocentric realm. Maybe

our best fight to preserve wild nature lies in the hands of our youth. The environmental crisis is

in need of a modern counter-culture. It needs a generation that could regain power through

autonomy, non-conformity, and a new language. Starting from where their predecessors ended,

this new counter-culture would adopt a geocentric view and become the future of the

environmental movement.

Another major issue that Turner discusses is the effectiveness of different methods of

solving ecological problems. I agree with Turner that conservation biology, biodiversity, and

preservation seem like short term answers to long term problems. These are science?s quick

remedies. At the root of this issue is the philosophical idea that if human technology and control

is ruining the environment then more human technology and control will not fix it. Trying to

solve ecological problems by artificial means will only add to the problem. No matter how you

justify it or disguise it, human technology and control of ecosystems disrupts the natural order in

which the system operates. The environment was fine before we altered it with our pollutants

and behavior, so it will only begin to repair itself in the absence of human influence. This is a

logical idea that MIT scientists can?t seem to comprehend because they would rather indulge in

their "playing God" with nature. Turner believes that we should let nature sort it out. If we just

stop conservation biology and the experiments in wilderness labs maybe nature can find its own

natural way of returning to homeostasis.

Whether or not I accept either solution boils down to the idea of the wild. The "let

nature sort it out" solution is decaying fast. Philosopher and deep ecologist George Sessions,

gave the environment twenty years before its collapse. The "let nature sort it out" solution is

running out of time. At the same time, Turner can?t predict the future of science and ecological

research through the writings of Thoreau and Muir. There is always the undeniable, and yet,

unpredictable possibility that science might produce an ecological cure based on chemical

compounds. However, implementing chemical compounds into ecosystems and organisms

won?t preserve the wildness of an ecosystem. The possibility of a viable techno-wilderness is

imaginable, but the wildness of the land, the flora, and the fauna will be lost forever and, I don?t

think science can cure that.