
Alternative Cinema Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

influence in his work. Yet he is still classed as Mainstream because his films

gain high box-office receipts, although, at the same time, garnering ?cult?

status. The film-makers that emerged through the seventies, for example Stanley

Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Copolla and Arthur Penn, all displayed

prominent anti-Hollywood threads. Yet their box-office returns proved that the

so-called Hollywood rules of production set up in the studio years, can be

ignored and a specific effect achieved. These directors were great innovators

yet still gained huge box-office returns, which forged the alliance between the

alternative and the mainstream. Hollywood is still concerned with the economic

side of film-making yet it has been shown to be possible to innovate and also

side with the mainstream movement.


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societe Nouvelle de Cinema. The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (1920) Directed by Robert

Wiene. Written by Hans Janowitz & Karl Mayer. Germany: Decla-Bioscop Kuhle

Wampe (1932) Directed by Slatan Dudow. Written by Slatan Dudow & Bertolt

Brecht. Germany & Switzerland: Praesens-Film AG, Prometheus Film. Not

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