
Abortion Choose Life Essay Research Paper Choose

Abortion Choose Life Essay, Research Paper

Choose Life: Why Abortion is Wrong

Do you consider something with a beating heart a living creature? A baby s heart forms and starts beating in the fifth week of pregnancy, therefore, that would make abortion murder. The baby that is growing inside of you is depending on you, so when you make the choice to end that life, you are making the choice to murder another person.

Someone that believes in the pro-choice theory would say that the decision is up to the woman, but the person with the pro-life theory would say that abortion is murder no matter what the situation. Would you consider it murder to kill a baby the day after it is born? Why then, would it not be murder to kill it before it is born? If it is impossible to abort a baby in the ninth month, then what makes it ok to do in the fifth or sixth month?

Many abortions are performed each year in the United States. 75% of all abortions in the U.S. are performed on women over 20 years of age, but the lawmakers try to concentrate on the 186,000 teens that have an abortion each year. In 1990, there were nearly 400 abortion bills introduced to 41 legislatures. So far, as many as 20 states have passed laws that require a teenager to have a parent s consent before having an abortion. This may help reduce the number of abortions each year and the people that passed these bills feel that maybe the parents will feel differently about the situation and be able to talk their child out of it.

20 % of teens that are sexually active do not use any form of birth control. These are the teens that end up getting pregnant and getting an abortion. If these girls would use some kind of contraceptive, it may stop a lot of the abortions performed each year. If you think about it, it is so much easier to take a pill than it is to be pregnant and have to decide on the life of another person. When you feel that you are responsible enough to participate in sexual activity, you should also feel that you a responsible enough to deal with the consequences that follow.

Abortions are considered the easy was out. I feel that abortions are just selfish. There is no easy way out. I could not imagine living with the guilt of taking another s life, especially the life of something that I created, and that is dependant of me. There are so many people out there that wish they had the chance to get pregnant. If you really feel that you are not ready to be a parent then you could at least give the baby up for adoption, and make your life, that baby s life, and the family adopting the babies life a lot happier.

I believe that when conception occurs, it is Gods will. He would not have provided you with the joys of having a baby if he did not feel that you could handle it, and he definitely would not provide you with the joys of having a baby if he thought that you had any intentions of killing it.

Many of the people that have abortions take advantage of it and use abortion as a form of birth control. I can understand that having a baby might ruin your life, or so you think, but what about the life that you are ruining when you have an abortion? In a way, it is taking away a piece of you, a piece of you that you will never be able to get back. This might sound humorous but it is not meant to be, what if the baby that you killed could have grown up to be the president of the United States, or discovered a cure for a disease that you might have when you are older? There are so many things that need to be considered.