
Gangsta Rap Essay Research Paper

Gangsta Rap Essay, Research Paper

Gangsta rap is a form of expression which uses words with rhythmicbeats to make one point or another. What separates gangsta rap from regular rap is that gangsta rap talksabout gang life and rap usually doesn’t. Lyrics in gangsta rap that cause the most controversy are the onesthat talk about killing people or ones that portray woman as just objects. People like Delores Tucker andWilliam Bennett are currently trying to censor these “filthy” lyrics because they believe that these lyricscorrupt minds. But even though gangsta rappers like Tupac Shakur and “Biggie Smalls” might rap abouthurting women or killing people, they are not to be blamed for what people do regardless of whatcorrelation there might be. And even though it is unsure whether or not gangsta rap causes violent crimes, itshould never be used as a scapegoat for hiding the more important issues. Delores C. Tucker, chairwoman of the National Political Congress of Black Women inWashington, D.C., is working with William Bennett to censor rap music because of its harsh lyrics anddisparaging view of women. It is true that rap music, especially gangsta rap, uses vulgar language and alsodenigrate women. But rap, like all types of music is a form of expression. Just like poetry or art, itexpresses ones view. It doesn’t matter that rap uses explicit lyrics but, it does matter if you take away theright to express oneself. Because if ones right to express his or her opinion freely was taken away, then theexpression will not be real. Tucker once stated “Stop producing [gangsta rap] and selling it to our children.”(?95 Emerge) Stopping the production will not stop anything and Tucker obviously has no idea what thereal problems are. Tucker and Bennett should be concerned more about dealing with the more importantissues that plague society than trying to take away peoples !right to free speech. In the video “Gangs in Los Angeles” (?91 Tom Brokaw), real life gangsters are shown in their ownneighborhood. Unlike how music video’s show gang life, life as a gangster is not as glamorous as it isportrayed in videos. Many of the children born in these “hoods” are most likely going to become gangmembers as well because of their surroundings and how they are raised. These children might not have thesupport, love, and guidance of parents or what is more common now, a parent. All they see around them isdrugs, gangs, andcrime. By joining a gang, they gain a sense of belonging and pride. But more often, this isjust a false sense, and eventually, they lose what should be most important to them. Rap music does notcause them to become gang members or to commit violent crimes, it is just one of the ways gangstersexpress themselves. The more important issues that should concern politicians and people like Tucker andBennett should be that of figuring out how they will stop the!cycle of gangs, not going after the rappers. “Power Rangers,” (?96 Courie) a documentary on the banning of a television show because of thebelief that it promoted violence among young children is a good example of how people often use ascapegoat to hide more important issues. In Canada and New Zealand, a popular television show called”Power Rangers” was put off air because many people believed it promoted violence. Whether or not it didpromote violence is irrelevant to the problem. The problem was, children appeared to be more violent. Theissue is about the children, not the show they watched the day before. Taking away the show will not solveanything. The problem concerned the behavior of children and people should have focused their attentionon that instead of using television as a scapegoat like Tucker and Bennett use rap music as a scapegoat. In conclusion, what people need to do is to stop blaming their own problems on issues that doesn’tconcern them. Even though scapegoating is not a new issue, people should stop and think about the mainproblems rather that being quick to blame problems on the small issues. Gangsta rap is not what should befocused on, but rather the main problems behind gangsta rap. Maybe by actually understanding andlistening to the problems that cause some rappers to become so enraged, they might find solutions totoday’s problems.______________________________________________________________________________WORKS CITED

1. “Gangsta Rap” (handout) Emerge Magazine 19952. “Gangs in Los Angeles” Tom Brokaw, 19913. “Power Rangers”, Katie Courie. Today Show 1996