
LifeS Simple Pleasure Essay Research Paper Life

Life?S Simple Pleasure Essay, Research Paper

Life’s Simple PleasureWhen I was a young man, just moved out of the house, I remember going salmon fishing with a few of my buddies. It was a very competitive outing where whoever caught the biggest fish was the winner. In those days I don’t think I ever really slowed down enough to see what fishing was doing for me. However, as I matured and became a veteran fisherman, I started to learn that fishing was enriching my life. One of the first things that I have learned is that fishing is a great way to relax. I like standing on a riverbank, taking in all that nature has to give. Recently I realized that watching the blue herons fishing for crawfish on the river bank, or red robins tending to their young by scavenging bugs out of mid air, gives me a calm that is equal to the feeling of casting a shiny metallic lure in front of a boulder, where a steelhead lies in wait. As I cast my line I can feel the stress from work and school being peeled away layer by layer. The second thing, I have learned is that when you become a competent fisherman, it can put a very healthy and satisfying meal on the table. There are many ways to cook fish. I like trout or steelhead fried in a pan with butter, a little salt and pepper, and a slice of lemon on top. For salmon, I like to broil or bake it with butter, salt, pepper, lemon and a slice of onion on top. Both of these recipes make a very delicious main course; just add rice or potatoes and fresh vegetables to it and you have a great dinner any chef would be proud to serve. Finally I have learned, contrary to some beliefs, that fishing is a fun and a wholesome form of entertainment. My children, Justin age 12 and Gianna age 9, enjoy being next to any lake, river, or pond where they can examine and explore the area. When they have completed their exploration, they watch me in wonderment, pick up their poles and try to emulate my casting and retrieving techniques. As your children learn to cast their lines for the first time, you may want to have a video recorder available, so that you don’t miss these humorous, yet valuable moments. At the end of the day not everyone may have caught a fish, but the time spent with loved ones make it all worthwhile. For those of you who love the taste of fresh fish, but have never been fishing or have tried it but were unsuccessful, I urge you to try it again and this time take in the beauty and the surroundings, and make sure to have a loved one with you. I’m sure the trip will enrich your life as well.