
Democracy Essay Research Paper

Democracy Essay, Research Paper

Although many may think it has been written by Hitler, Mein Kampf is not a book in the

usual sense. Hitler never actually sat down and poked at a typewriter or wrote longhand, but

instead he dictated it to Rudolph Mess while pacing around his prison cell in 1923-24 and later

at an inn at Berchtesgaden. I feel reading Mein Kampf would be like listening to Hitler speak at

length about his youth, early days in the Nazi Party, future plans for Germany, and ideas on

politics and race.

The original title Hitler chose for the book was ?Four and a Half Years of Struggle

against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice.? However, his Nazi publisher knew better and shortened

it to Mein Kampf, simply My Struggle, or My Battle, which basically outlines his power struggle

to be on top.

Hitler?s main purpose in writing the book was to divide humans into categories

depending on physical appearance, establishing higher and lower orders, or types of humans,

which he did accomplish for awhile. At the top, according to Hitler, is the Germanic man with

his fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler refers to this type of person as Aryan. He asserts

the Aryan as the supreme form of humans, or mater race. I also believe that he wanted people to

believe that his thoughts would create a better world for everyone.

I think, if following Hitler?s thoughts, if there is a supreme form of human, then there

must be others less than supreme, or racially inferior. Which is why Hitler assigns this position

to Jews and the Slavic people, notably the Czechs, Poles, and Russians.

I feel Hitler?s main ideas are organized chronologically and he has a very strong style of

writing showing bias. He thinks the Jews are engaged in a conspiracy to keep this master race

from assuming its rightful position as rulers of the world, by tainting its racial and cultural purity

and even inventing forms of government in which the Aryans comes to believe in equality and

facts to recognize his racial superiority. I think Hitler feels that the struggle for world

domination is an ongoing racial, cultural, and political battle between Aryans and Jews. He

outlines his thoughts in detail, accusing the Jews of conducting an international conspiracy to

control world finances, controlling the press, inventing liberal democracy as well as Marxism,

promoting prostitution, and using culture to control humanity.

Hitler?s ideas are very immoral, but were seen as very strong. I think Hitler was a very

strong and powerful man in how he made others believe that Jews are parasites, liars, dirty,

crafty, sly, witty, clever, without any true culture, eternal blood suckers and so on. Hitler, I feel,

also provided a strong explanation for the military conquest he attempted. Hitler states that

since the Aryans are the master race, they are entitled simply by that fact to acquired more land

for themselves. This living space must be acquired by force, Hitler says, and includes the land to

the east of Germany, mainly Russia. That land would be used to cultivate food and to provide

room for the expanding Aryan population at the expense of the Slavic peoples, who were to be

removed, eliminated, or enslaved.

However, Hitler shows a weakness in his ideas, by deciding he must defeat France to

avenge the German defeat of World War I and to secure the Western border. Hitler very bitterly

recalls the end of the war saying the German army was denied the chance for victory on the

battlefield by political treachery.

Mein Kampf was first released in 1925 and sold very poorly. Although, in time Hitler

made millions from the book he later expressed regrets that he produced Mein Kampf,

considering the extent of his revelations. However, people wouldn?t be able to see into Hitler?s

twisted mind and see how he thought he was almighty.