
Animal Farm Essay Research Paper Animal FarmEric

Animal Farm Essay, Research Paper

Animal Farm

Eric Blair-

Blair was born in Bengal in 1903, educated at Eton, and after working

for the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, returned to Europe and started writing

novels and essays for a living under his pen name “George Orwell.” He was a

political writer of his time, and usually wrote from his intense feelings and

fierce hates. He hated government having complete control, and served in the

Loyalist forces in the Spanish Civil War.

He contradicted himself in many ways. He was a socialist while hating

communism and was a literary critic while distrusting intellectuals. He hated

how the world was cruel and how lies were way of life. When he died in 1950

from a neglected lung ailment he left his work and ideas to us and we grow

trying to fulfill his demands…..failing.

When I first looked at this book I thought It would be a children’s

storybook. Then I noticed the thickness of the novel and opened it up. I read

the introduction and found that the novel was based on a political matter, and I

thought that the title was just a metaphor, and there were no “animals” in the

story. As I read I discovered the whole thing was a metaphor.

The five topics I’ll be covering are:

1. plot structure

2. conflict

3. point of view

4. symbolism and figuration language

5. theme and author’s vision

I hope this essay shows the ideas of Eric Blair and the freedom we have

under government control.


1. plot structure

The story starts off in a form called “Manor Farm.” An old white boar

called “Old Major” tells all the farm animals of a day when all the animals

would be free, and of a dream that took him back to when he was young. In his

dream he remembered a song that tells of such a day. This was the day of the

Rebellion. Soon after Old Major dies all the animals prepare for this day and

it was not long before it happened.

The animals chased off all the humans from the farm and changed the name

from “Manor Farm” to “Animal Farm.” They had their freedom….for a while.

As the story continues the smartest of the animals started dominating

over the rest of the animals. The pigs. Two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, both

wanted power and snowball is chased out of the farm by Napoleon who had his own

plans for the future of “Manor Farm” after the Rebellion. As the pigs take more

and more control, they start acting more like man, and using his habits. At the

end the animals watch from outside a window as the pigs have liquor and play

cards with the men while they trade stories of how they manage control of the


2. conflict

There were a few conflicts, one at the start between man and the animal

and then among themselves between Snowball and Napoleon, each of which have

separate ideas. Although the humans were pushed out of Manor Farm that did not

stop them from trying to take control again. It was unsuccessful. The farm

animals tried to build a windmill to supply them with electricity to cut down on

manual work. Humans tried to take it down with dynamite and the animals would

have to start all over again. The other was the conflict between Snowball and

Napoleon who both wanted to lead. A vote proved Snowball to be leader but

Napoleon had raised nine dogs and had them chase him out of the farm. This is

when controlling the farm came in.

3. point of view

I think the author is telling us that no matter what we do, there will

always be people who want power and they will take it as it comes, and although

some of us are aware, most are naive and try to look the other way. Most people

ignore the truth and are manipulated easily. I think this is shown well in the


4. symbolism and figurative language

This is quite apparent in “Animal Farm.” The Animals form a community

of their own and different animals represented members of today’s society. The

pigs were the smartest and most innovative and so they played the part that

government take’s care of in our world, and along with government comes leaders,

followers, crooks, and even the odd good honest politician. As unfortunate as

it is these “honest politicians” don’t last long and usually don’t make it to

the top. The good hearted leaders like Snowball end up at the feet of selfish

crooks like Napoleon. The other animals are organized from the smart to the

simple and from the strong to the weak.

In every situation there is the person with a different vote such as

Benjamin, the oldest animal on the farm who thinks nothing can save them and

that life will go on like it always has, and nothing can make it better. There

is no freedom where there is power.

3. theme and author’s vision

Blair wanted something that may never happen. Equality and free

government, a government run by the local people, world freedom and other such

dreams. He expresses his immense emotion in his literature. He wanted probably

what every one wants but he is one of the few who speak up about it. If we all

had his inhibition this might have been accomplished, but it’s our own

stubbornness that keeps us from his dream.


It’s not hard to say that we live good lives looking at others in other

government rulings. Our way of life is top ranked in the world and looked up

upon by third worlds and shattered countries, but is our luxury worth the total

control? Should we be happy with the life we live? Are we being selfish in our

demands? These questions don’t have a right answer. Everyone is to there own

vote, and to there own opinion, although these questions could be best explained

through experience and wisdom.