
Entrance Essay Essay Research Paper Andromeda is (стр. 2 из 2)

gets home to have sex with her.

Entrances to the underworld are usually very beautiful. King Pitthens = pine tree, puts Aegeus (whos drunk)

with his daughter Aithra = ether= a highly intoxicating liquid that turns to vapor. Aithra is a turncoat. She

walks across the plain and jumps into the water and makes it to Porous. She falls asleep and sleeps with

Poseidon on the same night as she sleeps with Aegeus. Aegeus placed two tokens underneath a rock, where

Aithra takes her son Theseus to when he reaches puberty. He receives a sword and one sandal.

After Aegeus goes home he sleeps with Medea and they have a child named Medos ( who will later be the

ancestor of the Persians), named after the queen.

Theseus 6 Labors

The place where the labor occurs is usually a place of the old civilization.

1. Sinos the tree man who uses 2 trees to tear apart his victims.

2. Skeron he would ask u to tie his sandal and then push you off the cliff. There after u fell, a huge turtle

would eat u.

3. Procrustes has a bed and if you visit him u must sleep there. If your penis is to long he cuts it shorter, and

if its short he stretches it out.

4. Encounter with the Bull at Crete

5. ?

6. ?

At Marathon he probably picked up his sidekick Perethous

Medea is a witch who knows that Theseus is coming and she knows that he will be a threat because he is the

son of the father. She makes a poison, but he does not drink it and birds drink it. Aegeus recognizes his son

and they fight a great battle for patrilinity in Athens.

At Crete there is still a stronghold of the old religion. 7 males and 7 females must be sent to Knossos to be

sacrificed, or actually dance with a bull. Theseus fights this bull.

Origin of the Bull

Broadface = Europa = the queen of Africa (has a puffed up face like the Gorgon Medusa) She has an affair

with a bull who is actually Zeus in a disguise. She goes to the ocean with her sisters and is raped by this

bull. It is not really Zeus but th older version of zeus as the consort of the Queen. He may have used an

entheogen to swoon her away. She journeys on the bull across the waters being led by a bird with a long

neck with Eros following them. Europa gives birth to Minos at Crete. Minos gets married to Pasiphae who

is the aunt of Medea. Pasiphae has estrual lust for a bull in Minos crowd. Daidalos (a craftsman) helps her

by building a fake cow for her to climb into so that she can sleep with the bull. She gives birth to a child

who is half bull and half human = Minotaur.

Date: 17-NOV-99

Semester: Fall ‘99

Umphae is a female version of Apollo

You do not drink from the golden cup, it is a ritual cup usually decorated with a theme.

Daidalos built a labyrinth to house the Minotaur and he too was held in captive in the labyrinth and made

wings with beeswax. Daidalos tells Icarus, his son, not to fly too high up because the wings were melt=this

gives the name Icarian see = myth of antagonism of fathers and sons

The palace of Minos was the place of the deadly dance.

The myth is similar to the true history = form of labyrinth which is the emblem of the mother goddess and

the womb passage.

Athens was one of the cities that had to make an offering. Theseus arranged to be chosen as one of the

fourteen sacrificial victims

Minos with Theseus goes on a journey and throws a ring into the sea Theseus gets it proving that Poseidon

is his father

Theseus confronts the Minotaur.

Date: 19-NOV-99

Semester: Fall ‘99


Is not identified with any particular city and is a very sad figure.

There is only one story in which he goes to Olympus where he refounds the whole world to a new religion.

(Tragedy is a losing phase).


Theseus puts a curse on the son of Hippolytus and it becomes clear that he is Poseidons son.

In Athenian plays the hero and the wife are played by the same person (doubling of roles).

Aphrodite is mad because Hippolytus is one sided and is in love with Artemis. Aphrodite, and Thedra is

played by Artemis actor.

Thedra wants to be Artemis and be in love with Hippolytus. She does not want to live in the liminal world.

She wants to be Artemis but is forced to be Aphrodite. This all leads to the similar solution of fasting.

Theseus cannot have a Minoan wife, matrimonial son, and horse relatives.

The remedy is that Thedra commits suicide and Hippolytus is dragged to death by horses. Human is the

civilized form of worship.


Yasum drug man and a witch = Hera in decline and Hera becomes an anima. Jason takes her across the

river and loses her sandal. He is sent on a Heros quest to get the golden fleece.

Argo ship

Argonauts. They fight the snake and get the golden fleece. Has the wife Medas.

Kadnis refounds the inside of Thebes and Dirce is the first founding of Thebes. He follows the cow, kills

the snake, plants the teeth and a crop of men grows. He gets Harmony as his wife.

Re-refounding of Thebes

Antiope founds the outside and has an affair with Zeus

Sons names are Anthean and Priapos. They kill Dirce saving their mother.

Date: 29-NOV-99

Semester: Fall ‘99

The Final class will be on Dec. 8, 1999

You must know the mythology of Thebes.

Today he passed back our Persona papers.
