
Media And Violence Essay Research Paper Violence (стр. 2 из 3)

Another extremely surprising statistic is a rape occurs every seven minutes in the

United states…This adds up to over one million rapes a year, from article 15*. I think

what makes rape an even worse crime is the amount of times it goes unreported. The

victim usually feels really guilty and dirty. Sometimes the victim blames herself or

thinks that because she is on a date, she has somehow consented to sex. Or, if the

attacker used pressure and threats rather than physical violence, she may feel she did not

fight hard enough to stop the rape, (article 15). Also, Rape victims often blame

themselves for not foreseeing- and preventing- the incident. But, counselors say, these

feelings can be the biggest obstacle to moving past the experience. Realize it was a

violation that you had no control over and shove the blame back where it belongs- on the

shoulders of the attacker, (article 15).

It is very hard to convict a person of rape because there is a fine line between rape

and sex when it comes to evidence. It is hard for medical examiners to tell if the guy

really did force sex unless there are bruises or some other obvious physical signs.

Finding sperm evidence on the woman is not enough evidence to say for sure that the

woman was raped. In my opinion, we need to make it a more comfortable situation for a

woman to report the rape. We also need to have tougher punishments for the rapist. Life

in jail, with no bail and no appeals sounds great to me. I also think that we need to make

it easier to prove that a man is guilty. Using something like a lie detector test would help

greatly in this.

Death is sometimes punishment for rape and murders. I think that the invention

of electric chair, lethal injection machine, and all other things used for the death penalty

were the stupidest things ever invented. What were these people thinking when they

invented this? Did they actually think it would work? Did they ever consider that an eye

for the eye makes the world blind, or two wrongs don t make a right? What is the point

of having the death penalty? There isn t one! It hasn t lessened the amount of crime

present in America. Giving a criminal the death penalty is giving them the easy way out.

It is doing to them exactly what we are punishing them for in a lot of instances. How can

we preach one thing but then go against it to punish someone? It would be MUCH

harder for someone to sit in a brick square with no contact with the important people in

their life, no television, limited time outside, and arduous work all day long.

These convicted sex offenders, and murderers need is life imprisonment in a

maximum security prison with no parole, and no appeals. It is outrageous the amount of

people that go into prison on a 15 year sentence and get out many years before that.

How do people expect to make changes in the amount of violence in American when

they are consistently lenient on criminals? Why should we waste our money killing

someone when we can rehabilitate them and give them a real punishment by forcing

them to live the rest of their wasted life behind bars?

My thoughts on the death penalty agree with my thoughts on other life and death

issues. I am 100% against abortion and euthanasia also. I think that the main reason I

am against abortion is because of adoption. There are so many people that dream of

having kids and find out they can t. Adoption gives them the chance to fulfill their

life-long dreams. By allowing a woman to murder her baby, her own flesh and blood, we

are throwing away thousands of people s hopes and dreams. The person that wishes to

have the abortion needs to take responsibility for getting in bed with that man. There are

many precautions she could have taken, but chose not to. It is now him and her

responsibility to let that child live. They produced it, they must care for it, even if it is

only for the 9 months of pregnancy. Even in the case of rape, I am against abortion.

That woman can give up that child just like a woman can that didn t want the child.

I am also against doctor assisted suicide. If a doctor consents to taking a patient

off of life support or prescribe a drug that will kill them, they are committing murder.

All three of these life and death issues are wrong and should be outlawed!

It would be more difficult to commit murder if it was more difficult to get

weapons. Hand guns should definitely be banned. They should be allowed only for law

enforcement and those that are involved in the armed force. Article 24* uses statistics to

prove this, Deaths caused by firearms, most of them handguns, number about 40,000

each year in the United States. More than 1,600 of them are accidents. The number of

nonfatal injuries caused by hand gun accidents is four to six times higher.. guns are the

second most deadly consumer product, after cars, on the death market..some states the

death rate related to firearms already exceeded that associated with motor vehicles.

The ownership of guns increased the risk of homicide among teens and young

adults more than threefold and the risk of suicide is more than tenfold, (article 24).

Also, the availability of a gun greatly increases the likelihood that suicide attempt will

succeed. Nationwide, firearms– mostly handguns– are used in about 19,000 suicides

each year. Among young people from 10 to 19, more than 1,400 suicides are committed

with guns each year, (article 24).

For the safety of the entire nation, hand guns need to be banned. Research

shows that playing with toy guns prompts aggression and anti-social behavior, which may

include kicking, fist fighting, pushing and shoving, damaging property, and threatening to

hurt someone, (article 25*). As we learned before anti-social behavior as a child can

result in violence later on in life. Giving a child a toy gun is setting them up for a hard

time later in life when it comes to relating to people, and is setting them up for a violent

life style. Why would any parent want to ruin their child s life like that? I wouldn t want

to, therefore my children would never be allowed to play with any toy that resembles a

gun. This includes lazor shooters and a lot of toys that are popular now-days. This

would probably cause a lot of arguing, but I know that it would help my children in the

future because providing children with imitation weapons parents are, in effect, giving

tacit approval to the kind of behavior with which guns are closely associated: violence

and aggression, (article 25). If I knew that my child s friend had toy guns in their house,

I would still let them play there, but I would make sure the friends parents knew that my

child could not play with them. Most respectable people would take the toy guns away

while my child was there.

The second amendment makes banning handguns unconstitutional, in many

people s opinions. The second amendment gives the right to a well regulated Militia,

being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear

Arms, shall not be infringed. My interpretation of this amendment is that a person has

the right to bear arms if they are protecting the security of the United States through

means of the armed forces only. When the Constitution was written violence with guns

was not a problem. Things have changed since then and so should the amendment. I

think it should read a person has the right to bear arms if it is necessary to the security of

the free state through the means of armed forces and law enforcement. This way there

would be no controversy over if we are being unconstitutional by making it illegal to

have a hand gun.

I think violence shown through the media should be regulated. When a person

turns on the television or radio they are bound to hear/see some sort of violence.

Children are viewing this and beginning to think all of this violence is okay, and

sometimes even a cool thing. If so and so artist sings this, or so and so actor kills

someone it is okay, it can t be morally unjust, is what many are beginning to think. The

media currently has the biggest impact on the growth of violence in America, I think.

Violence in television has gotten way out of hand, but due to the first amendment nothing

can be done through the judicial system. When the constitution allowed freedom of the

press I don t think that they know what would happen in the future. They never expected

songs to be about killing other people or television showing brutality.

Parent s can restrict the amount of violence, if any, that their child views by

purchasing the new v-chips. With these they can set a block that will not allow shows

with a certain rating to be viewed through their television. Also, many televisions have a

program where you can put a block on certain channels. In order to unblock the channel

you must know the code. These two things are very helpful and can diminish the amount

of violence seen through television.

Song lyrics also seem to have a lot more phrases in them that suggest or talk

about violent acts. CDs have stickers on them that say there are explicit lyrics in the

songs, but that doesn t seem to help. Music stores should have a law that says you cannot

buy a CD with this sticker on it unless you are eighteen years old. Producers should

supply CDs with the regular lyrics and CDs with edited lyrics. This way a twelve year

old child can listen to the music they enjoy without hearing the f-word every other word.

They can no longer be influenced by the type of music they enjoy. Just like we have a

rating system for television, we should have one for books, and music. Not as many kids

read books as do watch TV or listen to music, so that doesn t seem to be as big of a

problem. A problem that I see to be a lot larger than books would be the Internet and

computer games. Just look at the two boys from Columbine, constantly playing war

games on the computer and learning how to make bombs through the Internet. Somehow

the United States Government needs to regulate these games and the web sites placed on

the Internet. When it comes to my children I will definitely have restrictions on the

music they listen to, the television they watch, and what other things they do in their

spare time. I personally don t think a kid needs to see people being blown up or hear

about something shooting a cop to be entertained. If my ideas about alleviating the

amount of violence in the media happen in the next ten years I may not have to worry so

much about what restrictions I will have on my children.

Sport is set apart both cognitively and emotionally from the everyday world.

(article 29*) The way an athlete performs on the field, ice or in the ring does not reflect

they way there are as a human being. Playing the sport and the contact that goes along

with it has nothing to do with how the person acts on the streets. Contact is a major part

of the game, and I see nothing wrong with it. There is a problem, though, when the

athletes start to use their sports contact outside of the sport. There is a certain point in

which the severity of aggression is too high. Some aggressive acts are not acceptable.

The game is a game. You go out to win, but there s a line-limitations-there are

rules…You try to dominate the other player, but you don t want to make him leave the

game, supports what I am saying exactly (article 29). When a person paralyzes someone

because they tackled them something needs to be done; they need to be suspended from

the sport until they learn their lesson. It is part of the person s job as a sports figure to be

a person someone can look up to, and when things are taken too far or aggression is used

outside of the sport they aren t doing their job. Most people get fired when they don t do

their job, athletes should be fired just like everyone else. They should receive no special

treatment. Sports aren t encouraging violence in society in any way.

The three sports that have the most aggression in them are boxing, football, and

hockey. When a person signs up to play these sports they know that they are a very

physical game, and are consenting to what may happen to them while playing. I see

nothing wrong with these three sports at all. The physical contact is part of the game,

and without it what fun would it be to play and watch? I will let my children play sports

that involve physical contact but I will make sure they know the difference between what

is justified during the game, and that how they act while playing their sport will never be

allowed outside of the sport.

I don t think a person s religion makes a person for or against violence unless

they practice their religion purposely. People go to war a lot of times despite the fact that

they are Christian. People do seem to be as dedicated to their religion as they used to be,

therefore they are losing some of their morals and not following every aspect and rule of

their religion to a T . I think that the Christian commandment Thou shall not kill

means exactly what it says; don t kill-no exceptions. Even in the situation of war I don t

think that commandment allows people to kill. Therefore, I do not believe in the just war

theory. I don t believe in war period.

Religions shouldn t take a stance on things. They should let the people decide for

themselves how they feel rather than saying since you believe this you must also believe

this, because a lot of people have contrasting views now. Religion may be an important

part of people s lives because of what they believe in when it comes to a higher being,

but I don t think that it impacts every single part of their life. If Jesus were alive today I

think he would be extremely disappointed in everyone. He would probably be hurt that

people aren t following his ways to the extent he did, but things have changed a lot in

2,000 years and people can no longer be expected to follow every aspect of their religion.

Pacifism and civil disobedience have been effective many times (i.e. Ghandi, and

Martin Luther King Jr.). It can still be very effective when it is used. Ghandi and Martin

Luther King did a very brave things by trying to accomplish their goals non-violently

when the people they were against were only using violence. It seems like everyone

thinks that everything has to be solved with violence now, though.

I would have to say that I am a pacifist. IF something can be solved by means of

talking then do it. Not everything has to be solved by blowing up half a country and

killing thousands of innocent people. I would never ever go to war. I would flee to

Canada if they made it mandatory for women to fill out the draft cards. I am against war

100%. . Every minute, the world spends $1.3 million for military purposes, article 34*

claims. Some other interesting facts about what is spent for military purposes are:

The worlds stockpile of nuclear weapons represents an explosive force more than

5,000 times greater that all the munitions used in World War II.

The cost of one new nuclear submarine equals the annual education budget of 23

developing countries with 160 million school-age children. (article 34)

Why are we wasting all this time and energy on nuclear weapons when we could be

giving children a better education and educating them on how not to have war and how

to solve things peacefully. Everything can be solved nonviolently it just takes a lot more

time and effort. With how busy people s lifestyles are now, they just don t want to take

the time to sit down and work it out. I personally think that non-violent means of solving

things are a lot more productive than violent means. Look at how much Martin Luther

King Jr. accomplished in less than a year, then look at what little we have solved with the

Middle East since we went to war with them. What accomplished more? Martin Luther

King did. Non-violence accomplishes more in less time than violence does.

The United States and every other country all need to get together and sit down

and discuss calmly how they feel about things and work all their problems out. There is

no need to continue fighting. We should all be working together to make this entire

world a better place rather than being selfish and focusing only on our own country. If

we all worked things out there would no longer be international violence. This would be

a very lengthy process, but I think it would be worth it in the end. At this point getting

rid of all our nuclear weapons would be very dangerous for the United States. I am sure

that would be attacked as soon as we did it and would go to ruins. If we all agreed to do