
What Really Is A Hacker Essay Research

What Really Is A Hacker? Essay, Research Paper

What Really is a Hacker?

Dan Parks

Julie Jackson – Instructor

CIS 101


There is a common misconception among the general public about what

constitutes a hacker and what hacking is. Hacking is defined as “gaining

illegal entry into a computer system, with the intent to alter, steal, or

destroy data.” The validity of this definition is still being debated, but most

individuals would describe hacking as gaining access to information which should

be free to all. Hackers generally follow some basic principles, and hold these

principles as the “ethical code.” There are also a few basic “Hacker rules” that

are usually viewed by all in this unique group.

The principles that hackers abide by are characteristic of most people who

consider the themselves to be a hacker. The first, which is universally agreed

upon is that access to computers should be free and unlimited. This is not

meant to be a invasion of privacy issue, but rather free use of all computers

and what they have to offer. They also believe that anyone should be able to

use all of a computers resource with no restrictions as to what may be accessed

or viewed. This belief is controversial, it not only could infringe upon

people’s right to privacy, but give up trade secrets as well. A deep mistrust

of authority, some hackers consider authority to be a constriction force. Not

all hackers believe in this ethic, but generally authority represents something

that would keep people from being able to have full access and/or free


Along with the “ethical code” of hackers there are a few basic “hacking

rules” that are followed, sometimes even more closely then there own code. Keep

a low profile, no one ever suspects the quite guy in the corner. If suspected,

keep a lower profile. If accused, simply ignore. If caught, plead the 5th.

Hackers consider a computer to be a tool and to limit its accessibility is

wrong. Hacking would cease if there was no barrier as to what information could

be accessed freely. By limiting the information which may be attained by

someone, hampers the ability to be curious and creative. These people do not

want to destroy, rather they want to have access to new technology, software, or

information. These creations are considered an art form, and are looked upon

much like an artist views a painting.

References Consulted

Internet. http://www.ling.umu.se/~phred/hackfaq.txt Internet.

http://www.jargon.com/~backdoor Internet. http://www.cyberfractal.com/~
