
Sickle Cell Anemia Essay Research Paper We (стр. 1 из 2)

Sickle Cell Anemia Essay, Research Paper

We feel that this report looks a lot better single-spaced. A Brief History of

Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease in African Tradition Sickle cell disease

has been known to the peoples of Africa for hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of

years. In West Africa various ethnic groups gave the condition different names:

Ga tribe: Chwechweechwe Faute tribe: Nwiiwii Ewe tribe: Nuidudui Twi tribe:

Ahotutuo Sickle Cell Disease in the Western Literature Description of Sickle

Cell Disease In the western literature, the first description of sickle cell

disease was by a Chicago physician, James B. Herrick, who noted in 1910 that a

patient of his from the West Indies had an anemia characterized by unusual red

cells that were "sickle shaped". Relationship of Red Cell Sickling to

Oxygen In 1927, Hahn and Gillespie showed that sickling of the red cells was

related to low oxygen. Deoxygenation and Hemoglobin In 1940, Sherman (a medical

student at Johns Hopkins) noted a birefringence of deoxygenated red cells,

suggesting that low oxygen altered the structure of the hemoglobin in the

molecule. Protective Role of Fetal Hemoglobin in Sickle Cell Disease Janet

Watson, a pediatric hematolist in New York, suggested in 1948 that the paucity

of sickle cells in the peripheral blood of newborns was due to the presence of

fetal hemoglobin in the red cells, which consequently did not have the abnormal

sickle hemoglobin seen in adults. Abnormal Hemoglobin in Sickle Cell Disease

Using the new technique of protein electrophoresis, Linus Pauling and colleagues

showed in 1949 that the hemoglobin from patients with sickle cell disease is

different than that of normals. This made sickle cell disease the first disorder

in which an abnormality in a protein was known to be at fault. Amino Acid

Substitution in Sickle Hemoglobin In 1956, Vernon Ingram, then at the MRC in

England, and J.A. Hunt sequenced sickle hemoglobin and showed that a glutamic

acid at position 6 was replaced by a valine in sickle cell disease. Using the

known information about amino acids and the codons that coded for them, he was

able to predict the mutation in sickle cell disease. This made sickle cell

disease the first known genetic disorder. Preventive Treatment for Sickle Cell

Disease Hydroxyurea became the first (and only) drug proven to prevent

complications of sickle cell disease in the Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea in

Sickle Cell Anemia, which was completed in 1995. How Does Sickle Cell Cause

Disease? The Mutation in Hemoglobin Sickle cell disease is a blood condition

primarily affecting people of African ancestry. The disorder is caused by a

single change in the amino acid building blocks of the oxygen-transport protein,

hemoglobin. This protein, which is the component that makes red cells

"red", has two subunits. The alpha subunit is normal in people with

sickle cell disease. The ?-subunit has the amino acid valine at position 6

instead of the glutamic acid that is there normally. The alteration is the basis

of all the problems that occur in people with sickle cell disease. The schematic

diagram shows the first eight-of the 146 amino acids in the ?-globin subunit of

the hemoglobin molecule. The amino acids of the hemoglobin protein are

represented as a series of linked, colored boxes. The lavender box represents

the normal glutamic acid at position 6. The dark green box represents the valine

in sickle cell hemoglobin. The other amino acids in sickle and normal hemoglobin

are identical. The molecule, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), is the fundamental

genetic material that determines the arrangement of the amino acid building

blocks in all proteins. Segments of DNA that code for particular proteins are

called genes. The gene that controls the production of the ?-subunit of

hemoglobin is located on one of the 46 human chromosomes (chromosome #11).

People have twenty-two identical chromosome pairs (the twenty-third pair is the

unlike X and Y-chromosomes that determine a person’s sex). One of each pair is

inherited from the father, and one from the mother. Occasionally, a gene is

altered in the exchange between parent and offspring. This event, called

mutation, occurs extremely infrequently. Therefore, the inheritance of sickle

cell disease depends totally on the genes of the parents. If only one of the ?-globin

genes is the "sickle" gene and the other is normal, the person is a

carrier. The condition is called sickle cell trait. With a few rare exceptions,

people with sickle cell trait are completely normal. If both ?-globin genes

code for the sickle protein, the person has sickle cell disease. Sickle cell

disease is determined at conception, when a person acquires his/her genes from

the parents. Sickle cell disease cannot be caught, acquired, or otherwise

transmitted. The hemoglobin molecule (made of alpha and ?-globin subunits)

picks up oxygen in the lungs and releases it when the red cells reach peripheral

tissues, such as the muscles. Ordinarily, the hemoglobin molecules exist as

single, isolated units in the red cell, whether they have oxygen bound or not.

Normal red cells maintain a basic disc shape, whether they are transporting

oxygen or not. The picture is different with sickle hemoglobin. Sickle

hemoglobin exists as isolated units in the red cells when they have oxygen

bound. When sickle hemoglobin releases oxygen in the peripheral tissues,

however, the molecules tend to stick together and form long chains or polymers.

These polymers distort the cell and cause it to bend out of shape. When the red

cells return to the lungs and pick up oxygen again, the hemoglobin molecules

resume their solitary existence (the left of the diagram). A single red cell may

traverse the circulation four times in one minute. Sickle hemoglobin undergoes

repeated episodes of polymerization and depolymerization. This

"Ping-Pong" alteration in the state of the molecules damages the

hemoglobin and ultimately the red cell itself. Polymerized sickle hemoglobin

does not form single strands. Instead, the molecules group in long bundles of 14

strands each that twist in a regular fashion, much like a braid. These bundles

self-associate into even larger structures that stretch and distort the cell. An

analogy would be a water ballon that formed ice sickles that extended and

stretched the ballon. The stretching of the rubber of the ballon is similar to

what happens to the membrane of the red cell. Despite their imposing appearance,

the forces that hold these sickle hemoglobin polymers together are very weak.

The abnormal valine amino acid at position 6 in the ?-globin chain interacts

weakly with the ? globin chain in an adjacent sickle hemoglobin molecule. The

complex twisting, 14-strand structure of the bundles produces multiple

interactions and cross-interactions between molecules. On the other hand, the

weak nature of the interaction opens one strategy to treat sickle cell disease.

Some types of hemoglobin molecules, such as that found before birth (fetal

hemoglobin), block the interactions between the hemoglobin S molecules. All

people have fetal hemoglobin in their circulation before birth. Fetal hemoglobin

protects the unborn and newborns from the effects of sickle cell hemoglobin.

Unfortunately, this hemoglobin disappears within the first year after birth. One

approach to treating sickle cell disease is to rekindle production of fetal

hemoglobin. The drug, Hydroxyurea induces fetal hemoglobin production in some

patients with sickle cell disease and improves the clinical condition of some

patients. The Sickle Red Cell The schematic diagram shows the changes that occur

as sickle or normal red cells release oxygen in the microcirculation. The upper

panel shows that normal red cells retain their biconcave shape and move through

the microcirculation (capillaries) without problem. In contrast, the hemoglobin

polymerizes in sickle red cells when they release oxygen, as shown in the lower

panel. The polymerization of hemoglobin deforms the red cells. The problem,

however, is not simply one of abnormal shape. The membranes of the cells are

rigid due in part to repeated episodes of hemoglobin polymerization/depolymerization

as the cells pick up and release oxygen in the circulation. These rigid cells

fail to move through the microcirculation, blocking local blood flow to a

microscopic region of tissue. Amplified many times, these episodes produce

tissue hypoxia (low oxygen supply). The result is pain, and often damage to

organs. The damage to red cell membranes plays an important role in the

development of complications in sickle cell disease. Robert Hebbel at the

University of Minnesota and colleagues were among the first workers to show that

the heme component of hemoglobin tends to be released from the protein with

repeated episodes of sickle hemoglobin polymerization. Some of this free heme

lodges in the red cell membrane. The iron in the center of the heme molecule

promotes formation of very dangerous compounds, called oxygen radicals. These

molecules damage both the lipid and protein components of the red cell membrane.

As a consequence, the membranes become stiff. Also, the damaged proteins tend to

clump together to form abnormal clusters in the red cell membrane. Antibodies

develop to these protein clusters, leading to even more red cell destruction (hemolysis).

Red cell destruction or hemolysis causes the anemia in sickle cell disease. The

production of red cells by the bone marrow increases dramatically, but is unable

to keep pace with the destruction. Red cell production increases by five to

ten-fold in most patients with sickle cell disease. The average half-life of

normal red cells is about 40 days. In-patients with sickle cell disease, this

value can fall to as low as four days. The volume of "active" bone

marrow is much expanded in-patients with sickle cell disease relative to nomal

in response to demands for higher red cell production. The degree of anemia

varies widely between patients. In general, patients with sickle cell disease

have hematocrits that are roughly half the normal value (e.g., about 25%

compared to about 40-45% normally). Patients with hemoglobin SC disease (where

one of the ?-globin genes codes for hemoglobin S and the other for the variant,

hemoglobin C) have higher hematocrits than do those with homozygous Hb SS

disease. The hematocrits of patients with Hb SC disease run in low- to

mid-thirties. The hematocrit is normal for people with sickle cell trait. How Do

People Get Sickle Cell Disease? Sickle cell disease is an inherited condition.

The genes received from one’s parents before birth determine whether a person

will have sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease cannot be caught or passed on

to another person. The severity of sickle cell disease varies tremendously. Some

people with sickle cell disease lead lives that are nearly normal. Others are

less fortunate, and can suffer from a variety of complications. How Are Genes

Inherited? At the time of conception, a person receives one set of genes from

the mother (egg) and a corresponding set of genes from the father (sperm). The

combined effects of many genes determine some traits (hair color and height, for

instance). One gene pair determines other characteristics. Sickle cell disease

is a condition that is determined by a single pair of genes (one from each

parent). Inheritance of Sickle Cell Disease The genes are those which control

the production of a protein in red cells called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin binds

oxygen in the lungs and delivers it to the peripheral tissues, such as the

liver. Most people have two normal genes for hemoglobin. Some people carry one

normal gene and one gene for sickle hemoglobin. This is called "sickle cell

trait". These people are normal in almost all respects. Problems from the

single sickle cell gene develop only under very unusual conditions. People who

inherit two genes for sickle hemoglobin (one from each parent) have sickle cell

disease. With a few exceptions, a child can inherit sickle cell disease only if

both parents have one gene for sickle cell hemoglobin. The most common situation

in which this occurs is when each parent has one sickle cell gene. In other

words, each parent has sickle cell trait. Figure 1 shows the possible

combination of genes that can occur for parents each of whom has sickle cell

trait. Figure 1. (ABOVE) Inheritance of sickle genes from parents with sickle

cell trait. As shown in the graphic, the couple has one chance in four that the

child will be normal, one chance in four that the child will have sickle cell

disease, and one chance in two that the child will have sickle cell trait. A

one-in-four chance exists that a child will inherit two normal genes from the

parents. A one-in-four chance also exists that a child will inherit two sickle

cell genes, and have sickle cell disease. A one-in-two chance exists that the

child will inherit a normal gene from one parent and a sickle gene from the

other. This would produce sickle trait. These probabilities exist for each child

independently of what happened with prior children the couple may have had. In

other words, each new child has a one-in-four chance of having sickle cell

disease. A couple with sickle cell trait can have eight children, none of whom

have two sickle genes. Another couple with sickle trait can have two children

each with sickle cell disease. The inheritance of sickle cell genes is purely a

matter of chance and cannot be altered. Do Factors Other Than Genes Influence

Sickle Cell Disease? Sickle cell disease is quite variable in itself. Other

blood conditions can influence sickle cell disease, however. One of the most

important is thalassemia. One form of thalassemia, called ?-thalassemia,

reduces the production of normal hemoglobin. A person with one normal hemoglobin

gene and one thalassemia gene has thalassemia trait (also called thalassemia

minor). Parents who have sickle cell trait and thalassemia trait have one chance

in four of having a child with one gene for sickle cell disease and one gene for

?-thalassemia (Figure 2). This condition is sickle ?-thalassemia. The severity

varies. Some patients with sickle ?-thalassemia have a condition as severe as

sickle cell disease itself. People of Mediterranean origin who have a sickle

condition most often have sickle ?-thalassemia. Figure 2. (BELOW ON LAST PAGE)

Inheritance of hemoglobin genes from parents with sickle cell trait and

thalassemia trait. As illustrated, the couple has one chance in four that the

child will have the genes both for sickle hemoglobin and for thalassemia. The

child would have sickle ?-thalassemia. The severity of this condition is quite

variable. The nature of the thalassemia gene (?o or ?+) greatly influences the

clinical course of the disorder. Another disorder that interacts with sickle

cell disease is "hemoglobin SC disease". The abnormal hemoglobin C

gene is relatively harmless. Even people with two hemoglobin C genes have a

relatively mild clinical condition. When hemoglobin C combines with hemoglobin

S, the result is "hemoglobin SC disease". On average, hemoglobin SC

disease is milder than sickle cell disease. However, some patients with

hemoglobin SC disease have a clinical condition as severe as any with sickle

cell disease. The reason for the marked variability in the clinical course of

hemoglobin SC disease is unknown. We do know that the tendency of hemoglobin C

to produce red cell dehydration is a major reason that the combination of

hemoglobins S and C is so problematic. Figure 3. (ABOVE) Inheritance of

hemoglobin genes from parents with sickle cell trait and hemoglobin C trait. As

illustrated, the couple has one chance in four that the child will have the

genes both for sickle hemoglobin and for hemoglobin C. The child would have

hemoglobin SC disease. Most patients with hemoglobin SC disease have a milder

condition than occurs with sickle cell disease (two sickle genes).

Unfortunately, some patients run a clinical course that is undistinguishable

from sickle cell disease. Are There Tests That Can Tell Me Whether I Have Sickle

Cell Trait? The answer is yes. Routine "blood counts" commonly

performed in doctors’ offices do not give hints about the presence of sickle

cell trait. The blood counts of most people with sickle cell trait are normal.

Only a special test, called a "hemoglobin electrophoresis" indicates