
Acts And Theophilus Essay Research Paper 1 (стр. 1 из 4)

Acts And Theophilus Essay, Research Paper

1. Theophilus Lover of God, a Christian, probably a Roman, to whom Luke

dedicated both his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. Nothing beyond this is

known of him. From the fact that Luke applies to him the title ?most

excellent?, the same title Paul uses in addressing Felix and Festus, it has

been concluded that Theophilus was a person of rank, perhaps a Roman officer (Henneke).

2. John the Baptist John was Jesus? cousin. He was to prepare a way for the

messiah by baptizing people into repentance. He is only mentioned in Acts in

passing. He had been murdered by King Herod years before. 3. Jesus He is the

suffering servant, the messiah. He is God in flesh. He is the main focal point

of the book of Acts. 4. Peter His name meant rock or stone. He was the brother

mof Andrew. He was a fisherman called by Jesus into his early ministry. He is

well known by his 3 time denial. He was one of Jesus? favorite disciples. He

became the leader of the chosen twelve. He was one of the few to witness Jarius?

daughter?s resurrection, and the transfiguration. After Pentecost, his

ministry appeared in three stages: 1. Leader of activities in Jerusalem. 2. He

opened the door to gentiles with the conversion of Cornelius. 3. He and his wife

started the Zenana missionary. 4. He became a martyr and was crucified upside

down (Henneke). Peter was a quick, perceptive, and impulsive man, given to

bursts of enthusiasm-and depression. He recognized his own unworthiness of his

Lord?s faith in him. Peter was the first one to declare Jesus as Christ. He

raised Dorcus from the dead, and performed many other miracles. The transition

form Judaism to the full acceptance of Christ?s teaching was not easy of

Peter. He was strong and stubborn before the notion that Samaritans and Gentiles

could be Christians without first becoming Jews and circumcised. A direct vision

was required to make him understand that the Lord?s saving work was performed

for all who would believe in him. Once convinced, however, he tried to stand

with Paul on the question of admitting Gentiles to the church (Alexander). 5.

John He was the younger brother of James, and an apostle. He was known as the

disciple whom Jesus loved. He was a native of Galilee. His parents were cousins

of Jesus. He was a fisherman by trade. He was in the inner cabinet of three. He

is mentioned in Acts as at the appearance on Pentecost (Henneke). 6. James James

is best known as the brother of John. He and John were called the Sons of

Thunder. He was a fisherman who left all to follow Christ. He became one of

Christ’s most beloved apostles. He was present at the transfiguration. His

mother asked that he be given a place of power in Christ’s kingdom. He went with

Christ to the garden of Gethsemane before the crucifixion. He was present at

Christ’s death. Jesus allowed only Peter, John, and James to be present at the

healing of Jarius’ daughter. He and John wanted fire from heaven to punish the

Samaritans. James was one of the first to give his life for Christ (Henneke). 7.

Andrew Brother of Simon Peter and an apostle. He was a follower of John the

Baptist. It is suggested that he became the patron-saint of Russia (Lockyer). 8.

Phillip He was an apostle but not much was known of him after that. 9. Thomas

The apostle who was given the name ?the doubter? (Alexander). 10.

Bartholomew He is one of the twelve. He was also known as Nathaniel and a

suggested writer of a gospel (Alexander). 11. Matthew A tax collector before he

became a disciple. He was also known as Levi (Smith). 12. James He was the son

of Alphaeus. He was known as the little or the less, probably because of his

small stature, or because he was young. His brother was Joses. He was one of the

twelve (Lockyer). 13. Simon the Zealot One of the twelve. An interesting thing

about him was that even after he became a follower of Christ he did not cease

being known as a zealot (Smith). 14. Judas, son of James One of the twelve, not

to be confused with Judas Iscariot. 15. Judas Son of Simon (John 6:71; 13:2,

26), surnamed Iscariot. His name is uniformly the last in the list of the

apostles, as given in the synoptic Gospels. The evil of his nature probably

gradually unfolded itself till "Satan entered into him" (John 13:27),

and he betrayed our Lord (18:3). Afterwards he owned his sin with "an

exceeding bitter cry," and cast the money he had received as the wages of

his iniquity down on the floor of the sanctuary, and "departed and went and

hanged himself" (Matt. 27:5). He perished in his guilt, and "went unto

his own place" (Acts 1:25). The statement in Acts 1:18 that he "fell

headlong and burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out," is

in no way contrary to that in Matt. 27:5. The suicide first hanged himself,

perhaps over the valley of Hinnom, "and the rope giving way, or the branch

to which he hung breaking, he fell down headlong on his face, and was crushed

and mangled on the rocky pavement below." (Easton) 16. Barsabbas Surnamed

Joseph; also called Justus. He was one of those who "companied with the

apostles all the time that the Lord Jesus went out and in among them" , and

was one of the candidates for the place of Judas. (Lockyer) 17. Matthias The

apostles agreed that the vacancy in the number twelve created by Judas?

suicide should be filled. They decided, further, that one of those who had been

with Jesus from the beginning should be chosen. Two men were nominated Barsabbas

and Matthias. After prayers for guidance, lots were cast and the lot fell to

Matthias who was then enrolled with the eleven. Nothing else is recorded about

him, he is not mentioned again (Alexander). 18. Joel Mentioning of the Old

Testament prophet. 19. David King David of the Old Testament. 20. Annas the High

Priest He was the high priest A.D. 7-14. In A.D. 25 Caiaphis, who had married

the daughter of Annas, was raised to that office, and probably Annas was now

made president of the Sanhedrim, or deputy or coadjutor of the high priest, and

thus was also called high priest along with Caiaphis. By the Mosaic law the

high-priesthood was held for life (Num. 3:10); and although Annas had been

deposed by the Roman procurator, the Jews may still have regarded him as legally

the high priest. The Lord was first brought before Annas, and after a brief

questioning of him was sent to Caiaphis, when some members of the Sanhedrim had

met, and the first trial of Jesus took place. This examination of Jesus before

Annas is recorded only by John. Annas was president of the Sanhedrim before

which Peter and John were brought (Easton). 21. Caiaphis He was the High Priest

and was the son-in-law of Annas. 22. John He was a kinsman of Annas. 23.

Alexander A relative of Annas the high priest, present when Peter and John were

examined before the Sanhedrim. 24. Joseph, Levite form Cyprus Not much is known

about him. 25. Barnabas His given name was Joses or Joseph. He was a Levite. He

was from Cyprus. A cousin of John Mark. He was also referred to as an apostle.

His character is revealed in the name given to him by the apostles, Barnabas,

"son of encouragement". "When he came and had seen the grace of

God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should

continue with the Lord" (Acts 11:23). "For he was a good man, full of

the Holy Spirit and of faith" (Acts 11:24). When Christians in Jerusalem

were in need, he sold his land and brought the money to the apostles. When Paul

tried to join himself to the Jerusalem Christians, they were afraid of him.

Barnabas took Paul to the apostles so Paul could tell his story. He and Paul

were entrusted with the relief sent to the brethren in Judea during a famine. He

refused the worship of the people of Lystra. He was involved in hypocrisy along

with Peter and others with respect to the treatment of the Gentiles in Antioch.

He contended with Paul over taking John Mark on a second journey. This

contention "became so sharp that they parted from one another" (Acts

15:39). He was willing to preach the gospel without charge that he might not be

a burden (1 Cor. 9:4-18) (Henneke) 26. Ananias Because of need, the disciples

had all things in common. Those who owned property sold it and brought the

proceeds to the apostles for distribution (Acts 4:32-37). Ananias and his wife,

Sapphira, sold a possession but kept back part of the proceeds. Peter confronted

Ananias, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy

Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself" (vs. 3)?

Before Ananias sold the possession, it belonged to him. After he sold the

possession, the money belonged to him. In bringing a portion and implying that

it was all, he had lied to the Holy Spirit. Ananias fell down and died. carry

you out" (Henneke). 27. Gamaliel Gamaliel was a Pharisee, a member of the

Council, who persuaded its members to take less drastic action toward the

apostles with respect to their refusal to quit preaching the gospel He reminded

them of past seditions that had failed. He suggested that if these apostles were

teaching truth, they would be fighting against God. If it were not, the movement

would die out. As a result of this argument, the apostles were only beaten and

then released. When Paul was on trial, he testified that Gamaliel was his

teacher. He was one of the most highly respected rabbis of the first century (Henneke).

28. Judas the Galielan A Jew of Damascus, to whose house Ananias was sent. The

street called "Straight" in which it was situated is identified with

the modern "street of bazaars," where is still pointed out the

so-called "house of Judas.? (Easton) 29. Philip He was one of the seven

set apart as deacons. He is named after Stephen. He preached in Samaria. It was

his work which was completed here after his departure by Peter and John, who

went down from Jerusalem to bestow the Holy Spirit upon them by the laying on of

hands. He converted an Ethiopian Eunuch. He had four unmarried daughters who

prophesied (Alexander). 30. Procurus He was one of the seven chosen. 31. Nicanor

He was one of the seven deacons appointed in the apostolic church. Nothing

further is known of him (Alexander). 32. Timon He was one of the seven deacons

appointed in the apostolic church. Nothing further is known of him (Alexander).

33. Parmenas He was one of the seven deacons appointed in the apostolic church.

Nothing further is known of him (Alexander). 34. Nicolas He was a proselyte of

Antioch, one of the seven deacons. Nothing further is known of him (Alexander).

35. Stephen He was one of the seven deacons, who became a preacher of the

gospel. He was the first Christian martyr. His personal character and history

are recorded in Acts "He fell asleep" with a prayer for his

persecutors on his lips. A devout men carried him to his grave. It was at the

feet of the young Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus that those who stoned him laid their

clothes before they began their cruel work. The scene which Saul then witnessed

and the words he heard appear to have made a deep and lasting impression on his

mind. The speech of Stephen before the Jewish ruler is the first apology for the

universalism of the gospel as a message to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. It

is the longest speech contained in the Acts, a place of prominence being given

to it as a defense (Easton). 36. Abraham Mentioned from Old Testament to show

how God has worked outside of Jewish Boundaries. He was the father of all Jews.

37. Isaac Mentioned from Old Testament to show how God has worked outside of

Jewish Boundaries. He was a son of Abraham 38. Jacob Mentioned from Old

Testament to show how God has worked outside of Jewish Boundaries. He was a son

of Abraham 39. Joseph Mentioned from Old Testament to show how God has worked

outside of Jewish Boundaries. He was the son of Jacob, and second in charge in

Egypt. 40. Pharaoh Mentioned from Old Testament to show how God has worked

outside of Jewish Boundaries. He was the ruler during Joseph?s time 41. Moses

Mentioned from Old Testament to show how God has worked outside of Jewish

Boundaries. He was the leader of the exiled Jews in Egypt. 42. Pharaoh Mentioned

from Old Testament to show how God has worked outside of Jewish Boundaries. He

was ruler during Moses? time. 43. Joshua Mentioned from Old Testament to show

how God has worked outside of Jewish Boundaries. He took over after Moses passed

away. 44. Solomon Mentioned from Old Testament to show how God has worked

outside of Jewish Boundaries. He was the wise son of King David. 45. Saul (Paul)

Nearly all the original materials for the life of Paul are contained in the Acts

of the Apostles and in the Pauline epistles. Paul was born in Tarsus, a city of

Cilicia. (It is not improbable that he was born between A.D. 0 and A.D. 5.) Up

to the time of his going forth as an avowed preacher of Christ to the Gentiles,

the apostle was known by the name of Saul. This was the Jewish name which he

received from his Jewish parents. But though a Hebrew of the Hebrews, he was

born in a Gentile city. Of his parents we know nothing, except that his father

was of the tribe of Benjamin, (Philippians 3:5;) and a Pharisee, that Paul had

acquired by some means the Roman franchise ("I was free born," and

that he was settled in Tarsus. At Tarsus he must have learned to use the Greek

language with freedom and mastery in both speaking and writing. At Tarsus also

he learned that trade of "tent-maker," at which he afterward

occasionally wrought with his own hands. There was a goat’s- hair cloth called

cilicium manufactured in Cilicia, and largely used for tents, Saul’s trade was

probably that of making tents of this hair cloth. When St. Paul makes his

defense before his countrymen at Jerusalem… he tells them that, though born in

Tarsus he had been "brought up" in Jerusalem. He must therefore, have

been yet a boy when was removed, in all probability for the sake of his

education, to the holy city of his fathers. He learned, he says, at the feet of

Gamaliel." He who was to resist so stoutly the usurpation of the law had

for his teacher one of the most eminent of all the doctors of the law. Saul was

yet "a young man," when the Church experienced that sudden expansion

which was connected with the ordaining of the seven appointed to serve tables,

and with the special power and inspiration of Stephen. Among those who disputed

with Stephen were some "of them of Cilicia." We naturally think of

Saul as having been one of these, when we find him afterward keeping the clothes

of those suborned witnesses who, according to the law, (Deuteronomy 17:7) were

the first to cast stones at Stephen. "Saul," says the sacred writer

significantly "was consenting unto his death." Saul’s conversion. A.D.

37. –The persecutor was to be converted. Having undertaken to follow up the

believers "unto strange cities." Saul naturally turned his thoughts to

Damascus. What befell him as he journeyed thither is related in detail three

times in the Acts, first by the historian in his own person, then in the two

addresses made by St. Paul at Jerusalem and before Agrippa. St. Luke’s statement

is to be read in where, however, the words "it is hard for thee to kick

against the pricks," included in the English version, ought to be omitted

(as is done in the Revised Version). The sudden light from heaven, the voice of

Jesus speaking with authority to his persecutor. Saul struck to the ground,

blinded, overcome; the three-days suspense; the coming of Ananias as a messenger

of the Lord and Saul’s baptism, –these were the leading features at the great

event, and in these we must look for the chief significance of the conversion.

It was in Damascus that he was received into the church by Ananias, and here to

the astonishment of all his hearers, he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues,

declaring him to be the Son of God. The narrative in the Acts tells us simply

that he was occupied in this work, with increasing vigor, for "many

days," up to the time when imminent danger drove him from Damascus. From

the Epistle to the Galatians, (Galatians 1:17,18) we learn that the many days

were at least a good part of "three years." A.D. 37- 40, and that