
Climate Change And World Food Supply Essay

, Research Paper

The world needs to think of how the

climate is changing the food supply of the

earth. The climate is doing some really

bad things to the earth. The atmosphere is

also not in good shape because of climate

change. Humans now need to think of

how climate change is affecting people.

Climate change is affecting the food

supply of the world.

The climate change is rapidly affecting the

earth. The Greenhouse gases are what is

really messing up are world food supply

and what is messing up our earth. Global

Warming is causing concerns because of

its high content in the atmosphere already.

Because of global warming the earth is

going down hill fast. We the people need

to step up and take part in the fight

against greenhouse gases. Greenhouse

gases are what are leading to climate

change, and climate change is what is

leading to the depletion of the world food

supply. Because of rising greenhouse

gases, by the year 2060 the temperature

will rise 12 degrees (Pittock 1). We have

to use more fertilizer instead of chemical

fertilizers. Natural fertilizers aren?t

harmful to the environment.

Scientists think that if we are lucky the

populations will only double in the next 66

years (Roach 3). Although we will still

have to increase the

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demand for food. Between 1989 and

1990 the crops increased by 60 percent

(Pittock 4). Between these two years we

have increased farm machinery by 4.7

times what it was before (Pittock 4). And

we gave increased electricity by 5.1 times

what it was before (Pittock 4).

The climate change is affecting our

atmosphere and a lot of people don?t

know that. There are lots of pollutants in

the atmosphere but the two that are

important in global warming and climate

change are carbon dioxide and CFCs.

Between those two, carbon dioxide ranks

number one pollutant in the atmosphere.

CFC?s are bad too, but not nearly as bad

as carbon dioxide. CFC?s quicken global

warming (Weier 1). Greenhouse gases

consist of carbon dioxide mainly and that

is why we need to get rid of greenhouse

gases all together.

Believe it or not climate change affects

people too. Global warming and pollution

affects peoples breathing. Lately people

with asthma have had a hard tine

breathing because of global warming and

pollution. Doctors have had more asthma

patients in this year then in any year

(Weier 2). So now what do you people

think of global warming and pollution?

The green revolution was largely based on

increased energy in the form of irrigation,

mechanization, fertilizers, and pesticides.

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So far the production yields in crops are

negative in the low latitude countries

because of climate change. Natural

fertilizer helps crops by 22 percent where

as chemical fertilizers help a little better

than that but they are harmful to the soil.

Climate change can affect rainfall

intensity, weather extremes, pests, and

diseases. Studies have shown that Sub

Saharan Africa will get the worst of global

climate change and pollution. Also studies

show that food production will have to

grow 2 percent every year to sustain the

food supply (Roach 1). Scientists state

that this is possible.

The world food supply is changing and

the population needs to think about how

to stop this from happening. Changing

climate is changing our earth. As the

climate is changing so is the world food

supply. There is a high content of

greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

People need to use natural fertilizers

instead of chemical fertilizers. We need to

increase the demand for food. Climate

change affects people too. The Green

Revolution was based on the mechanics

of farming. Climate change affects

weather patterns too. Food production

must increase 2 percent ever year to keep

up with the population of the world.

Pittock, A. Barrie. "Climate Change and

World Food Supply: special issues on

environmental change and food policy."

26 Oct. 1999: Internet. 10 Oct. 1999.

Available WWW: http://www.elibrary.com.

Roach, John. "Factory farms come under

scrutiny." 26 Oct. 1999: Internet. 10 Oct.

1999. Available WWW:



Weier, John. "Every Cloud has a Filthy

Lining." 26 Oct. 1999: Internet. 10 Oct.

1999. Available WWW:
