
The Philosophy Of Truth Making You Free

Essay, Research Paper

The Philosophy of Truth Making You Free

There exists a philosophy that, the truth will make you free. For example,

exposing a conspiracy that does yourself and others harm can only set you free

from further harm and related mischief. Whether or not the conspirators are the

criminals of society or the highest branches of our own government. Injustice

spreads like a virus and it needs to be stopped while there is still a way. The

effects of such an act can only free us and make us more aware of such


Moreover, a conspiracy spawned by criminals in society, to cause harm,

will no doubt enslave the public both mentally and physically. The society will

see the injustice happening but will not know from where it is being caused.

This effect will be expressed in the sort of decisions they make and company

they keep. A more defensive society cannot feel free until the conspiracy is

brought to light, that is until the truth is told and the harm is stopped,

society cannot be free.

Furthermore, a harmful conspiracy in the highest levels of our

governments prevents freedom on a greater scale. If the truth cannot be found in

the government that we elect, then what hope have we for progress. Mistrust and

suspicion will be the tools of this brand of enslavement. If the truth is

revealed then the uncovered conspiracy will free the public from the secrets and

lies and in essence keep the government honest.

First, the truth will make you free, is an irresponsible statement. To

reveal the truth is not necessarily the best solution to a conspiracy. When you

make the public aware of all that goes on whether it be what the criminals are

up to or the high officials of governments, then a little knowledge causes a lot

of unnecessary panic. A public with a truthful knowledge of what criminals have

been doing will become paranoid beyond belief. They become defensive and

suspicious of every person. That is how the truth can make you a prisoner of

your own devising.

Also, when this harmful conspiracy in the higher levels of society

becomes known, then a little truth can cause a lot of harm. The issues that the

government deals with are of such great consequence that, they will have to make

unpopular decisions and even make unscrupulous deals and from the products of

this practice, the public in turn will cause an unparalleled uproar that would

tear the fabric that holds a society together, if they knew the truth. Therefore

the truth cannot make you free, because the truth can do more harm than good.

Next is the statement, man is condemned to be free. That is that man is

free to ruin the world. Everyone has the choice of doing something helpful or

harmful in their everyday life. We are free to make others suffer and life a bit

harder than it already is now. The freedom that runs rampant in society allows

hate groups to form and march. It ties the hands of our officials and policemen

from protecting us all in the name of freedom. We are condemning ourselves to a

place that allows almost anyone to get weapons and the most unscrupulous people

into our government because they were free to sling mud at their opponent.

Therefore man is condemned by freedom because the fight for freedom is ongoing

and the more we try to restrict harmful behavior, the more rules are established

to get in the way of enforcement.

First, it is unthinkable that man can be condemned to be free. Man has

made great efforts to make the world better by spreading freedom. The freedom

to choose what is right for you is the most fundamental freedom that exists.

Rather than being weighed down by restriction of what you can and cannot do with

your life man has the freedom to decide on it’s own. It is because anyone can

run for office in government that we are free, life is not decided for us. We

have the freedom to make a mistake and the freedom of whether we want to learn

from it. This can only free a society, not condemn it. A world does not become

ruined by making those who enforce the law use a bit of human decency when

dealing with those people whom have made bad decisions. Laws and regulations are

made to stop injustice, they should not be an excuse to infringe on another

person’s life. Therefore the idea that man is condemned to free is ludicrous,

man is privileged to be free to make the world what they want it to be good or


Next there is a statement of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you

were to ask a man what he considered to be beauty in a woman, perhaps he would

say it is the face, the body, or even the mind. However the quality of these

features and even how they are judged depend on the particular taste of this man.

Perhaps he enjoys the charms of a thin and fit woman of perfect shape or a

variety of shape that exists in other women. He may prefer an intellectual

person or even one that is not so keen on conversation. The details are infinite,

but regardless of what this man finds beautiful may not necessarily be the same

for every other man.

Moreover, the opinion of this one man is simply the product of his

education, both formal and private by countless people that range anywhere from

parent to complete stranger. Therefore by this condition it is easy to see that

not every man had his kind of education. However his view is his from what he

has learned, it does not mean that someone else with the same background will

have the same views, it simply means that these are his particular views that he

has formed based on that previous education. So beauty is truly in the eye of

the beholder.

Next, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is simply not true. The man

in question based his opinion of beauty on standards that have already been set.

He most likely grew up seeing a particular kind of woman in advertisements,

television shows, and countless other sources that depicted what is beauty.

Human kind has been doing it for centuries, through artwork, literature, and

fashion it has always been made clear what physical and mental attributes are

commonly desired in women. In particular if this man says that he likes women

who are thin than this is because society has made great efforts to say that

obesity is not beauty. Health and beauty aids of a store supply products to make

someone thinner not fatter. Also if he prefers blonde haired women it is

because all the woman in the movies that were that were most desired had blonde

haired. Therefore any quality that this man can think of as beauty is beauty to

a great amount of men. So beauty exists in the woman that can meet societies

idea of what is beautiful.

Lastly there is a statement, science is the only valid way of knowing.

This is evident in the knowledge derived from scientific methods. When you use

scientific methods, you eliminate all other variables and conduct tests that are

objective and specific. Science explains the mysteries of the world with sound

tested theories that have not been conclusively proven wrong. When science finds

previous theories to be false, then it is false only because it has been

scientifically proven wrong. It is a practice that eliminates all doubts to

arrive at a plausible solution to whatever problem is present. Therefore if

knowledge has been established by science then it is valid and should be

accepted until science proves otherwise.

Now, the statement that says, science is the only valid way of knowing,

is false. Scientific method is based on estimated standards that are basically

estimated guesses. It is mere luck alone that makes it possible for scientific

theories to be proven true, otherwise why would there still be so many mysteries

to life, science cannot explain everything. It can eliminate variables and find

and test a solution, but many solutions that were found to be true turned out to

later be false. Luck and a lot of convincing made scientific fact finding sound

reasonable. For every explanation that science gives, there is an equal and

opposite reason why it may not be valid. Science cannot be the only valid way of

knowing because the knowledge gained from science is not completely valid.