
Comparative political science (стр. 2 из 2)


However intuitively explicit, what political truth maybe procured in comparison, during condition which is compared of phenomenon, in comparable measure studied, of notion one thing current, and signifies fairly abstract. Today manages to read that modern rate of studied the political cultures of West and East lets to done their comparison. And not trouble, what of distinction between them evident, similarity it will be necessary seek.

In the center of the political life of all countries today undoubtedly reside the problems of democracy. However this does not signify that self democracy acquired for all countries and the nations of world implication first common to all mankind political value. In the east up to now democracies prefer "order", namely those variants authoritarian. Related to this follow to say that world really realizes the incompetence of the negative detecting of the democracy as of exemption from despotism what ours was called " worship persons", from oppressive control on the part of govern elite, of all-powerful nomenclature, as well as the narrowness of the self understanding of the democracy of as little as disengagement of political choice (these essential, but the deficient minimum of democracy) irrelative to the purposes of self democracy.

As soon as we move away from the question of the "negative" detecting of democracy and approach to positive its sense which politics of _ this rule of game, in basis which are put value orientation. But next essential to acknowledge that in politics rushes into the problems of ideals, and signifies of deideologization political bead - not above than convenient for what - that (for that, who does not want intelligibility in detecting of perspectives) political myth.

Read very attentively in ideas modern French political scientist: "Today in the countries of "third world" chief consists in that, in order to find pathway between openness with reference to world market (which essential, because she enables competition) and by protection personal and collective originality from devaluation and alien ideological constructs".


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