
Body Systems Essay Research Paper Body SystemsThere

Body Systems Essay, Research Paper

Body Systems

There are 10 body systems, one of them is the Integumentary (skin). It is

composed of hair, skin, nails, sence receptions and oil glands. Its functionis

to protect from outside, to regulate the body temperature, to make synthesis of

hormones & chemicals and is used as a sense organ.

Another one is the Skeletal System (bones). It is made of about 206 bones, that

are divided in tho categories: axial bones (in the body by itself) and

apendicular bones (arms & legs). We have Joints too. Thei`re divided in Ball

Socket (like elbow and shoulders) and sattle (fingers). This system`s function

are movement, storage of minerals, blood formation, support of the body and

protection of body parts. The next one is the Muscular System. It is composed of

muscles (dah). The muscles are divided in visceral or involuntary or smooth (The

one in the organs, like intestines), skeletal or voluntary or striated (found

superficial to the bones, like biceps, triceps…) and cardiac (heart). Their

functions are movement, to maintain body posture & tone and in the production of

body heat.

Now its time for the Nervous System. Its constructed of the brain, the spinal

cord and the nerves (neurons). Its functions are to communicate (fast with short

duration), integration, and to control. The subsequent system is the Endocrine

System (known as ductless too…). This is composed of a lot of things… They

are:pituitary gland – below the brain (master gland), pineal gland – brain (It`s

called the “third eye” by some, because its sensitive to light cycles),

hypothalamus – also in the brain (it works with the pituitary), the thyrodic -

neck (controls the metabolism), adrenal – kidneys (responsible for the

adrenaline), pancreas – near stomach (produces insulin), ovaries – on females

and testes – on males (it produces estrogen and ova – testosterone and sperm,

respectively). Their functions are to secrete hormones into the blood,

communication (slow & long duration), integration and control.