
The Last Of The Mohicans Essay Research

The Last Of The Mohicans Essay, Research Paper

The Last of the Mohicans

The story The Last Of The Mohicans takes place in eastern Canada and in the

area of modern New York State. This area is also called the St.Lawernce Low

Lands. The book takes place in the year 1757 during the third year of the

colonial wars between England and France.

The books main character is about a man named Hawkeye who is a white man

but his parents were killed and he was raised by a mohican man named

Chingachgook. In the book Hawkeye helps a English soldier named Duncan who is

escorting the two daughters of a English General Named Munro to Fort William

Henry. Hawkeye Takes them to the Fort will it is under attack. Then the fort is

captured by the French and everyone in the fort must leave. While they are

leaving they are attacked by a band of Indians led by A Indian chief named

Magua. During the battle Hawkeye escapees With Cora and Alice. The Cora and

Alice are captured by Magua. Then Hawkeye and Uncas go after them and Cora and

Uncas are killed. Chingachgook and Uncas are the only Mohicans left and when

Uncas dies Chingachgook is the last one giving the book its title.

The main character of the book is Hawkeye. Hawkeye is described as having a

big head and narrow shoulders. His arms are long and skinny and he has small

hands. He also has thin legs which are very long. Hawkeye is much like a Metis

Because he is white and educated but raised an Indian.

Hawkeye at first does not want to get involved in the war he only wants to

go and trap and make some money. He only wants to take them to the fort but then

he falls in love and he stays.

In the book Hawkeye faces a big challenge. Munro’s daughters are taken

hostage by a ruthless Indian chief named Magua. Hawkeye tries saving them but

Cora is killed. During the battle his adopted brother Uncas is killed. Then

Chingachgook says the Mohican seed is will not be carried on to another

generation but Hawkeye tells him that it will because he is Mohican at heart.

The most interesting part of the book was the last battle on the rocks. The

battles are the easiest to understand. They are also the most exciting they also

make Hawkeye a hero type figure because he is a good fighter.

Love is a major theme in the book. Hawkeye and Uncas fight for their loves.

In this fight Uncas and Cora die. James Fenimore Cooper brings the issues of

Indian and European relations and how the coming of the white people changed the

Indians way of live forever.

The Last Of The Mohican is written in the Philosophic Mode because the book

deals with Hawkeye and his relations with the people around him. It also brings

in death and how he deals with it. The book in a way is a part of our history

because it teaches how live was then and how our Country was formed.

The book is to entertain and to inform. It entertains because all of the

characters are fictional. Everything else like the places, the wars are all real.

It shows people what life was like back then.

If I was to recommend this book to someone else I would tell to see if they

could find a edited version that was written our modern day English. The novel

is old and in some places it can be tough to understand. But overall the book is

entertaining and fun to read. Anyone interested in our past or who enjoys action

\ adventure books will enjoy the book.