
Judgement Day The Middle East Essay Research (стр. 2 из 2)

Israel home? It would be logical to conclude that both could call Israel home, but extremist on

both sides condemn that action and now that an extremist is in power in Israel, peace seems to be

a distant memory.

If PM Netanyahu continues on his hard line stance as many outside observers believe

will happen, he will be the cause of a major holy war. The new PM has insisted that the highest

priority must be to protect the Jewish people, but is not peace the most absolute security? He has

the backing of ultra-orthodox, right winged Jews, the same group who assassinated Rabin. The

PM stance has outraged not only Palestinians but other Jews, who are bent on securing peace.

These Jews who are sympathetic to the Palestinians, recognize that they have been oppressed and

displaced as they were at the hands of the Nazis. This feeling is growing among Jews in Israel

and in the rest of the world. The conflict now in the Middle East has turned away from Jews

against Palestinians, to those who want peace against those who do not.

Douglas McArthur once wrote:

‘ Last but by no means least – moral courage, the courage of one’s convictions, the courage to see

things through. The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It’s the age-old struggle

– the roar of the crowd on one side and the voice of your conscience on the other’ ( Webster,

1987, 59 ).

Courage that is what is needed to achieve peace in the Middle East. The courage to follow

through with peace in spite of danger, in spite of religious principle, in spite of electorate

platforms. Peace must be achieved in order for Israel and Palestine to survive. Israel must grant

the displaced Palestinians its own land for settlement, just as the UN granted the displaced

Israelis land for settlement after W.W.II. Once Palestine has achieved it own state and Jews and

Arabs co-exist peacefully. Peace because of courage, courage because of insistence, insistence

because of two men’s dream as they shook hands on the White House lawn. One chief Palestinian

negotiator was once quoted as saying ‘ Unless a miracle happens, the agreement between us will

collapse ‘ (Globe&Mail, 1993, 1). A miracle must happen, it should happen and will happen

because the two have gone too far already to abruptly stop. Peace at all costs.



- ” Paper Pact Makes For Cold Reality “. Christian Science Monitor, Wednesday September

15th 1993: page 3.

- ” Five Years Later, Uneasy Stability in Middle East “. Chronicle – Herald, Thursday May 5th,

1994: page 1

- ” History Signing Brings Down Wall “. Globe & Mail, Tuesday September 14 1993: front page

- ” Clinton Fails to Sway Israeli PM “. Toronto Star, Wednesday July 10, 1996: page 1 and 4

- ” Jericho Test of Palestine Self-Rule “. Toronto Star, September 5, 1993 : pages 1 and 2

-Facts on File, Volume 55, No. 2861, September 28, 1995

-Facts on File, Volume 55, No. 2863, October 12, 1995

-Facts on File, Volume 56, No. 2895, May 30, 1996

-Facts on File, Volume 56, No. 2896, June 6, 1996


- Omran, Abdel R. The Middle East Population Puzzle. Washington: Population Reference

Bureau Inc., 1993.

- Tiger Books Concise Dictionary of Quotations. Slovenia: Geddes & Grosset Ltd., 1993.

- Webster Library of Practical Information. New York: Career Institute., 1987.