
Adventures Of Huck Finn Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

the argot to Blacks and not to Whites throughout the novel. There is not

one sentence in the treatise spoken by an African American that is not

comprised of broken English. The but in spite of that, the broken English

does add an entraining piece of culture to the milieu.

The second way Clemens differentiates people in the novel of

different skin color is that all Blacks in the book are portrayed as stupid and

uneducated. The most blatant example is where the African American

character Jim is kept prisoner for weeks while he is a dupe in a childish

game that Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn play with him. Clemens spends the

last three chapters in the novel to tell the tale of how Tom Sawyer

maliciously lets Jim, who known only unto Tom is really a free man, be kept

prisoner in a shack while Tom torments Jim with musings about freedom

and infests his living space with rats, snakes, and spiders. At the end of

this charade Tom even admits, ?Why, I wanted the adventure of it??

The next two groups Clemens contrasts are the rednecks and the

scholarly. In the novel Clemens uses interaction between backwoods and

more highly educated people as a vital part of the plot. The main usage of

this mixing of two social groups is seen in the development of the two very

entertaining characters simply called the duke and the king. These two

characters are rednecks who pretend to be of a more scholarly background

in order to cozen naive people along the banks of the Mississippi. In one

instance the king and the duke fail miserably in trying to act more

studiously when they perform a ?Shakespearean Revival.? The duke totally

slaughters the lines of Hamlet saying, ?To be, or not to be; that is the bare

bodkin. That it makes clamity of so long life. For who fardel bear, till

Birnam Wood do come to Dunshire, but that fear of something after death.?

Thirdly Clemens contrasts adults and children. Clemens portrays

adults as the conventional group in society, and children as the

unconventional. In the story adults are not portrayed with much bias, but

children are portrayed as more imaginative. The two main examples of this

are when Huckleberry fakes his death, and when Tom and Huck ?help? Jim

escape from captivity. This extra imaginative aspect Clemens gives to the

children of the story adds a lot of humor to the plot.

Fourthly in the novel Clemens contrasts women and men. Women in

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are portrayed as frail, while men are

portrayed as more outgoing. The foremost example of a frail woman

character in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Tom Sawyer?s Aunt

Sally. One example was when Tom and Huck were collecting wildlife to

live in the shack that Jim is being held prisoner in they accidentally let

loose some snakes in Aunt Sally?s house and Aunt Sally, ??would just lay

that work down, and light out.? The main reason that Clemens portrays

women as less outgoing, is because there are really only four minor

women characters in the novel, while all major characters are men.

Lastly Clemens contrasts two families engaged in a feud. The

names of the two families are the Sheperdson?s and the Grangerford?s.

The ironic thing is that, other than their names, the two factions are totally

similar and even attend the same church. This intolerance augments a

major part to the plot because it serves as the basis for one of the

escapades Huck and Jim get involved in on their trip down the Mississippi.

In conclusion the entire plot of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is

rooted on intolerance between different social groups. Without prejudice

and intolerance The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would not have any of

the antagonism and intercourse that makes the recital interesting.