
Book Review Of Business Policy And Strategy (стр. 2 из 2)

analyzed. Small firms need to focus on facts rather than hunches and guesses.

Owner-managers need to seek out qualified professional advice and take advantage

of it. Growth for its own sake needs to be avoided, as does undercapitalization.

Lack of cash planning and managerial problems also plague small companies.

Medium and large companies are grouped together in the remainder of

chapter 5 to examine why they succeed and fail. Here, the authors find that

successful firms have written objectives and policies that cover all aspects of

a company’s operations, including its internal and external environment (92).

Companies in this size category that fail almost always have no unified sense of

direction (94). Failing companies may suffer inadequacy in one or more key

functional areas, or have people problems that cannot be overcome. These

companies may not have good controls, or may try to implement too many controls

at one time. Finally, medium and large companies that fail to operate with an

“international” mentality may well find themselves facing difficult times (100).

Chapter 6 begins a four-part section on functional areas with a discussion of

marketing. Here, Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse suggest that successful firms are

characterized by everyone in the company being marketing-oriented (103). They

also find that it is not enough for a company to understand the science of

marketing; a company and its marketing staff must be able to understand the art,

as well. Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse take a philosophical rather than mechanical

approach to marketing in order to provide the reader with a better base of

understanding that can be applied in the real world. The authors first present

the idea of a “marketing concept,” which they define as a philosophy that guides

the attitude and behavior of each employee in the organization (104). Specific

characteristics of the marketing concept include treating the customer as all-

important, pinpointing a target market, gaining a competitive edge, and focusing

on profits (105-106).

Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse also attempt to identify the characteristics

of good marketers. They find that good marketers are those who can identify the

key factors associated with their business, foresee how those factors will

behave in the future, and who can create outstanding strategies based on these

factors. Good marketers satisfy a large number of customers at a high level of

profit over a long period of time (at least ten years). Good marketers

recognize that marketing is both an art and a science, and they make the best

use of scientific information in order to enhance the art. When examining the

marketing position of a company, it is necessary to analyze the marketing

philosophy, policies, strategy and operations. Fundamentally, it is necessary

to establish that a company is following its marketing concept. Broad marketing

policies must be established. The marketing strategy of the company must be

well defined within these broad policies. Finally, marketing operations must be

carried out effectively and efficiently (109). Strategic marketing policies are

developed by top managers working from top level marketing policies. Murdick,

Moor and Eckhouse identify seven areas that may be covered by these strategic

marketing policies: morality and public service, products, markets, profits,

personal selling, customer relations and promotion (111)

The authors then turn their attention to marketing policy and find that

there are three policy options within marketing: expand sales into new classes

of customers; increase penetration in existing market segments; avoid marketing

innovations, but work to maintain present market share with product design and

manufacturing innovations. Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse are also careful to

discuss plans and tactics for keeping with the marketing concept and strategy.

In suggesting ways to analyze the marketing of an organization, the authors

suggest that companies strive to establish and maintain a competitive edge.

Marketing research is of prime importance in order that the company base its

direction on as much quantitative information as possible. Advertising and

sales promotion policies must be considered in light of the company’s customers,

industry and other environmental factors. Personal selling must be taken into

account. Distribution and pricing strategies must be reviewed and modified on a

regular basis in order to keep the company operating at maximum efficiency. The

authors conclude this chapter with a summary of the marketing mix as well as a

summary of the pitfalls that may be symptomatic of companies experiencing

marketing difficulty.

Chapter 7, which focuses on the functional area of accounting and

finance, is the longest chapter in the book; it is nearly twice as long as any

other chapter. This illustrates the importance that the authors place on

accounting and finance, and also the trepidation they believe most readers have

when it comes to these subjects. The authors concentrate on the basic aspects

of finance and accounting that can be learned quickly and that will bring the

greatest benefit when taking a strategic approach to business. Three appendices

provide review material for those readers who feel they are lacking in some area.

The appendices cover business arithmetic, break-even analysis and definitions

of accounting terms. Having recognized that there is hesitation and a general

lack of comfort among business when confronted with accounting and finance,

Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse discuss why it is important to understand financial

analysis. Chief among these reasons is the idea that financial analysis is the

most direct way to point out that a company may be experiencing difficulty.

Financial analysis can be used to establish that there is a problem, though it

may not always establish what the root cause of the problem is. Despite the fact

that the authors consider financial analysis to be key in understanding

companies, they are also careful to point out the limitations of this type of

analysis. For example, there can be a tendency to use financial analysis to

focus on the past, rather than anticipating what the historical figures may

indicate about the future. There is also an inherent danger in expecting past

trends to accurately predict future trends.

Technological changes, changes in consumer demand and other

environmental factors that are outside the realm of financial analysis can be

overlooked if there is too much emphasis on historical financial performance.

High technology companies or those in rapidly expanding industries may have

financial figures that are too uneven to provide an accurate picture of how the

company is actually performing. There is also the possibility that figures may

not (whether intentionally or not), accurately reflect the true position of the

company. Finally, the authors suggest that financial analysis is an art that is

mastered by all too few people for it to be considered the ultimate analysis


Having presented this rather lengthy discussion of the limitations of

financial analysis, the authors then counter with an equally lengthy discussion

of the advantages of using financial analysis. Foremost among these is the idea

that trends do exist and financial analysis is one of the most effective methods

for spotting them. Financial analysis can also spotlight symptoms of problems

(although not the underlying cause, necessarily). Companies seeking

outside capital to infuse into the business find that potential investors

consider financial analysis key to their decision-making process; inside

managers would do well to keep a financial picture of the company in mind to

prevent unpleasant surprises. Since financial analysis is quantitative, it can

help point up where problems exist, rather than where managers may think they

exist. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the authors suggest that weighing

different, exclusive courses of action quantitatively provides additional tools

to managers to make strategic decisions.

The authors then provide information on how readers can obtain financial

information. General sources, such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s are

discussed as are ratio reports. Ratios are of particular importance to the

authors; they devote four pages of a chart to figuring ratios and a lengthy

discussion of their proper use. Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse favor comparing

performance across departments within a single organization, and across

companies within a single industry in order to arrive at the most accurate

comparison. They note that when performing industry comparisons, it is

important to compare like industries, and like companies within the industries.

Selecting the wrong category can render the value of the ratio comparison null.

At this point, the authors shift their focus from finance to accounting,

and discuss how accounting can help decision-makers. Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse

suggest that financial accounting should answer five basic questions. One, how

is the company doing overall? Two, when evaluating alternate plans, which is

most attractive? Three, what is going wrong? Where? How can it be fixed?

Four, how can activities be coordinated? Five, is the company operating as

effectively as it can in its environment (144-145)? Anticipating that readers

are curious as to how to begin their analysis, the authors suggest that they

begin by taking financial information from the most recent ten years. Any

trends that exist over this period are likely to persist, according to the

authors, because trends generally do persist barring unforeseen circumstances.

The authors suggest that the reader consider four questions when examining the

profit and loss statement. One, what is the sales trend? Two, what is the

trend of cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales? Three, what’s the trend

of operating expenses as a percentage of sales? Four, what is the trend in

profits? If the trend in sales is up, but the trend in profits is down, the

company is very likely already in serious trouble (147). Returning briefly to

ratio analysis at this point, the authors identify four key areas to examine:

profitability, liquidity, leverage and turnover. They also stress the

importance of considering any other pertinent questions that must be considered

for the specific company and industry.

Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse consider break-even analysis to be important

when: deciding whether to increase sales or advertising expenses to increase

volume; weighing the relative merits of decreasing prices to increasing volume;

determining the advisability of borrowing for capital improvements to increase

capacity; and when evaluating office automation. The first step in break-even

analysis, according to Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse, is dividing costs into fixed

(constant) and variable. Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse give several examples of

inventory valuation and the effect that changing valuation methods may have when

considering a company’s financial position. This discussion reminds the reader

that the valuation method or changing valuation may result in a company

overstating or understating its actual position. The reader is then introduced

to the funds flow concept that establishes how many funds are needed for

projects and the possible sources of those funds. The authors then discuss

budgets, which they consider to be of prime importance when evaluating a

company’s managerial performance.. Budgets assist in planning, but also indicate

how the firm has performed in the past. They indicate how well the company

expects to do, and how well the company has predicted their past performance.

They can also be used to spot difficulties and problem areas in the present, as

well as areas that became problems in the past.

Having presented a wealth of information to the reader on finance and

accounting, the authors end the chapter with a lengthy chart designed to help

the reader use his or her newly acquired skills. They also emphasize that it is

through repeated and frequent analysis that the reader is likely to improve his

or her financial analysis skills, and the tools presented in the three

appendices to this chapter are designed to assist in that improvement. Chapter 8

is concerned with the functional area of production. The authors begin this

chapter by stating that the concepts they are putting forth with regard to

production apply equally to businesses that produce tangible goods as well as

that provide service. Production, they suggest, is the “process of converting

any design of product or service into the actual product or service,” (177).