
Australian Shepherds Essay Research Paper httpwwwk9webcomdogfaqsbreedsaustshepherdshtml (стр. 2 из 2)

The female Australian Shepherd will typically stand between 18-21 inches at the point of her withers and will on average weigh around 35-50 pounds. She does not usually carry the density and length of coat as a male, and her personality will generally be more sensitive and laid-back. Females will come into season approximately every 6 months and will need to be confined for 2-3 weeks during this time. If you are not planning on breeding your female, you should consider spaying her to avoid this inconvenience and to prevent any unwanted breeding.

The male Australian Shepherd will usually stand 20-23 inches and will weigh around 50-65 pounds. As with most animal species, the male Aussie is the showier of the two sexes, carrying longer hair, heavier bone, and a more masculine head. He typically has a very regal air about him. Males do have a tendency to be territorial and do not always take well to having to share their space with other male canines. Again, if you are not planning on using your male for stud, you should think about having him neutered to make life easier for all parties concerned.

Most of the personality differences between the two sexes are minimal or non-existent if the animals in question are spayed/neutered.

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Should I get show/breeding quality or pet quality?

Pet quality puppies are those which are healthy and happy but are less than perfect when compared to the breed standard. Often these imperfections are minimal and are things that the novice would not notice. Nonetheless, these animals would not be likely to do well in the conformation show ring, and they should NOT be used for breeding since they will not contribute to the improvement of the breed. Pet quality animals are eligible to be shown in both obedience and herding competitions, even if they have been spayed or neutered. It is important to remember that just because a puppy is termed a “pet”, it should not have any health or temperament defects.

If you have any thoughts of either showing or breeding your pup, advise the breeder of what your intentions are. In this situation you are going to want to buy the pup that comes the closest to perfection according to the breed standard. Not every pup is a future champion and no one can guarantee you that any puppy will grow up to be a perfect specimen of the breed. But a knowledgeable breeder can spot puppies with potential qualities and will be honest with you in evaluating their puppies as future show or breeding prospects.

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What should I pay for an Aussie?

Proper raising of a litter of healthy, happy Aussie pups takes time and effort on the part of a conscientious, informed breeder and is an expensive proposition if done properly. The breeder has invested in good nutrition, good veterinary care, showing, stud fees to a top quality dog, along with a great deal of time and love in the hope of producing better specimens of the breed and quality dogs for the prospective buyer.

Price should be consistent with the quality of the pup and the time and expense it has taken to raise that pup. For these reasons, it is unlikely that an inexpensive puppy will be the result of conscientious breeding and careful upbringing. Remember too that your initial investment in a puppy is going to be next to nothing in comparison to the investment you are going to make in that puppy’s future.

Average pet quality puppies generally fall in the range of $150-500. Breeding quality puppies/dogs generally range from $300-1000.

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What should I get with my new Aussie?

When you make your final selection, make sure the following items are in order before you pay for your new puppy:

· An individual registration application, or a registration certificate, or a written agreement signed by both parties stating the reason for not giving any registration privileges.

· A written sales agreement outlining all terms and conditions that the buyer and seller have previously agreed upon.

· A pedigree with at least three generations.

· A photocopy of the hip rating certificate (OFA, PennHIP, or GDC) of both the sire and the dam.

· A photocopy of either the eye clearance certificate (CERF or GDC), or the opthalmologist’s exam papers of both the sire and the dam.

· A schedule of dates and types of vaccines, worms, and any other treatments the puppy has received, as well as a recommended schedule for further vaccinations and worms.

· A feeding schedule and enough of the puppy’s regular food to last at least 24 hours, as well as recommendations on what types of food to feed.

· Any reading material on the breed or puppy care that the breeder may have to offer.

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How can I make my Aussie the best dog in the world?

Congratulations on your new pup! We feel that you will find the experience special and rewarding. To help make the ownership of this dog positive and enjoyable, here are a few things to consider that we hope will be of help.

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Bringing your puppy home

It is always an exciting time when you welcome a new puppy into your home. You need to remember, though, that it can also be a stressful and confusing time for the new pup. You should provide a sleeping area, preferably near the activities of the household, but also quiet and out of the way. A dog crate would be a good investment at this time. Let the puppy know this is his bed and a safe place to be. If there are children in the family, they will want to play with the new puppy a lot. While puppies play and are active, they also require a good deal of sleep. Do not fall in the trap of going to the puppy to comfort him for making noise. He will learn that crying is a good way to get attention. You might take him out to play with him and tire him out just a little before bedtime so he will be ready to sleep.

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Nutrition and good health

A name brand puppy food is the best choice for your puppy until he is over a year old. It is a good idea to feed what the breeder has been feeding and not change his diet, since changes can lead to digestive problems and diarrhea. Also, your puppy does not need table scraps, which may likewise cause problems. Never give your puppy bones or chocolate. You may either free-feed (leave food out) or put down food for the puppy three, decreasing to two times a day as the puppy matures. Fresh water should be available to the puppy at all times. Watch your puppy to make sure he does not get too fat. A fat puppy is not a healthy puppy and obesity is hard on developing bones and joints. Be sure you keep your puppy’s vaccinations up-to-date. Distemper and Parvo are both killers and if your puppy should survive these (and other) dreaded diseases, they may still ruin his health for the remainder of his life. Talk to your vet about heartworm preventative. Heartgard, which uses Ivermectin, should not be used for Aussies since they are a “collie-type” breed. A brand that doesn’t use Ivermectin, such as Interceptor, is recommended instead.

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Aussies generally housebreak quite easily. The key to good house habits is consistency by the owner. The puppy should, if he must be left alone, be in the yard (with shelter and water) or in an area where he is not expected to refrain from relieving himself. When the puppy is in the main part of the house, the owner should be present. When the puppy wakes from a nap, he should go outside and be praised when he relieves himself. Watch the puppy for sniffing and circling in the house; this probably means he is looking for a place to go. Take him outside and again praise. If you catch him too late, “in the act,” do not spank him but scold him slightly and take him outside or to a place where he is allowed to potty. Soon the puppy may go to the door and “ask” to be let out. Praise the puppy for this action. A crate is a handy tool for housebreaking. Most dogs do not like to relieve themselves where they sleep and this teaches some control. Remember that a puppy does not have a great deal of control and use the crate only for short periods of time. When he comes out of the crate, he should be immediately let outside and, after he relieves himself, allowed to play in the house.

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Crate training

To some people, a dog crate seems like cruelty to the dog. However, if presented correctly, it is just the opposite. It gives the dog a place that belongs to him, a safe den where he can go if he wants to be left alone or rest. It also gives you a place to keep your dog at the times when you do not want him underfoot, like a dinner party or a cookout, and a safe way of traveling your dog. If you crate your dog in the car, he can be left with the windows completely down. It is extremely dangerous to leave your dog in a closed car in warm weather or riding loose in the back of a truck. Also if you should have an auto accident, your dog is not likely to be thrown out of the car or escape in the confusion. Motel rooms generally prefer crated dogs. To crate train your dog, first select a crate that will be large enough to fit him as an adult. The puppy should be fed in his crate, and encouraged to sleep in it with the door open. He may be left with the door closed for short periods of time once he is used to it. Avoid leaving a puppy in a crate for extended periods of time. NEVER use the crate as a punishment. The location should be out of the way but near family activity.

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The Aussie is by nature a one-family or one-person dog. They do not accept all people as their natural “friends” as do some breeds. They are selective. This is not a fault. It makes them a better protector of their home and their family. Because of this part of their nature, it is a good idea to expose them to different situations and strangers often and at an early age. While they may not go tail-waggingly up to every stranger on the street, they should be taught to be mannerly and accept the presence of non-threatening people and situations.

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The Australian Shepherd is an easy dog to train. Being a working stock dog, he has been bred to learn to take directions and listen to his owner. He is also bred to be able to think on his own and make decisions for himself. It is up to you, the owner, to teach the dog what is, and is not, allowed. When he is a puppy, he must learn to look to you as his leader or you could be in for trouble when he becomes an adult. This does not mean you need to treat your puppy roughly. If trained correctly, Aussies readily accept the authority of their masters and a harsh word is often as effective as physical punishment. While he is eating, your puppy should allow you to be present and to take away his food. He should not growl or nip at you when you try to make him do something. A good method to show a puppy who is boss is to pick him up by both sides of the scruff of his neck and shake him gently while looking him in the eye and speaking firmly. This is very similar to the way a mother dog disciplines her pups and he will understand this far better than a spanking or a swat with a newspaper. Aussies are very intelligent and will test you from time to time. You should be firm and let them know who is in charge. The earlier you do this, the less trouble you will have later. A dog who knows his place in the family is far happier and more secure.

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It is highly recommended that you teach your puppy some obedience. It is much more enjoyable to have a well-mannered dog that can go out for a walk than a lurching, wild dog that pulls you along or runs away when off lead. It is also a satisfying experience to train your dog and have a dog that listens to you and minds you. The Aussie is an extremely quick learner and enjoys the attention and the mental challenge of learning what you have to teach him. Even a young puppy, if taught in a positive manner, with no force, can learn basic obedience. Look for obedience training classes in your area or read some of the many good books on this subject. For your peace of mind, and your dog’s safety, he should know at least these basics: sit, down, stay, come, and be able to walk at your side.

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Are Aussies good with children?

Australian Shepherds are basically very good with children if they have been raised with children, and sometimes even when they have not been around them. One of the basic prerequisites for your children and your puppy to have a good relationship is to teach the child, as well as the puppy, what is allowed. Babies and toddlers should not be left unattended with your dog, no matter what breed. A child should learn not to handle the dog roughly or tease him. The parent, not the child, should be responsible for correcting the puppy if he gets too rough. Puppies and dogs have a tendency to look at children as “siblings” in the social order of the family, and the dog should never be allowed to get the upper position over the child. Something that sometimes occurs with Aussie puppies and kids is that, in play, the puppy may chase and nip at the heels of the child. This is because the dog is bred to herd and he is trying to “herd” the child because it is natural to herd something moving. In this situation, it is a good idea to have the child stop running and tell the dog “no bite.” This should not be confused with actually trying to harm the child, but the game should not be encouraged.

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Can an Aussie live in town?

Unlike many breeds, Aussies don’t need a lot of space to run or a big yard to play in. What they DO need is LOTS of social interaction and things to do. They need to be a member of the family, as they are very pack-oriented dogs. In short, they need a job to do, whether that job is working livestock, protecting the family, or going to obedience/agility classes. The more time you spend with them, the better companions they will be. As long as these needs are met, Aussies can make wonderful suburban pets.

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What are some good resources?

The Aussie Connection should be your next internet stop. There you can find information about national clubs, affiliate clubs, breeders & enthusiasts, email discussion lists, and more. The Aussie Connection can be found at: http://incolor.inetnebr.com/roanoak/TheAussieConnection.shtml.

Also check out the Australian Shepherd Homepage at: http://www.everett.net/users/jimmb/aussie.html, as there is some great information there, as well as many references to check out.

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Miscellaneous Questions

If you have questions that are not addressed in this FAQ, please email me at Roanoak@InetNebr.com.

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What are the standard color genetics?

B – Black gene

b – Red gene

BB – Black dog (not red factored)

Bb – Black dog (red factored)

bb – Red dog

The black/red gene is a simple dominant/recessive trait. Two BB (black) dogs will produce all BB (black) dogs. Two bb (red) dogs will produce all bb (red) dogs. One BB (black) dog bred to one bb (red) dog will produce all Bb (black) dogs. The merle gene is completely separate from the color gene. The merle gene is an incomplete dominant gene. It is NOT straight dominant/recessive like black & red.

M – Merle gene

m – Solid gene

MM – Excessive white dog (aka double-merle, lethal-white, lethal-merle)

Mm – Merle dog

mm – Solid dog

As you can see from the charts below, two solids bred together will produce all solids. One solid dog bred to one merle dog will produce 50% merles and 50% solids. Two merles bred together will produce 25% solids, 50% merles, and 25% lethal-white. Which brings us to the next question in the FAQ below.

Solid X Solid = Solid X Merle = Merle X Merle =

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| m | m | m | m | M | m

————— ————— —————

m | mm | mm m | mm | mm M | MM | Mm

m | mm | mm M | Mm | Mm m | Mm | mm

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Should merle-to-merle breedings be done?

The merle color seems to be a trademark for Aussies. Non-merled Aussies are often mistaken for other breeds or mutts. However, the merle gene can be lethal to the uneducated breeder.

The merle gene is an incomplete dominant gene – NOT a simple recessive. This gene is also completely separate from the color genes (black, red, tan, white, etc.).

A dog with one merle gene and one solid gene will be a normal merle dog. A dog with two solid genes will be a solid (black or red). A dog with two merle genes will be a double-merle (a.k.a. lethal white, excessive white, or lethal merle). These double-merle dogs are usually predominantly white, and most often are deaf and/or blind, and can develop numerous other problems, such as organ failure, auto-immune disorders, and other disorders.

The only way to get double-merle dogs is if two merles are bred together. If two merles are bred together, approximately 25% of the litter will be double- merles. Because of all the problems that double-merles are born with, they must be euthanized at birth.

Some breeders feel that bringing puppies into the world and then euthanizing them is wrong. Other breeders have no qualms whatsoever about these breedings. Many responsible breeders feel that a merle-merle breeding should be done only for an exceptional cross.
