
How Does The Starving Time Of The

How Does ?The Starving Time? Of The Colonists Relate To The Hebrew?S Exodus? Essay, Research Paper

Many things in history can be connected to one another. The ?Starving Time? of the colonists and the Hebrew?s Exodus are two examples that relate so clearly. Their relation can be expressed through religious beliefs of the two or through the roles of the groups involved.

The two specifically relate to each other through religious means. While the Hebrews were escaping the Egyptian army, they were cornered next to the Red Sea. At this point, God split the sea and allowed the Hebrew people to pass through. When the Egyptians reached the same point, the sea, again, converged upon itself. The flight of the Hebrews from the Egyptian control was known as the Exodus. This miraculous moment for the Hebrews relates to the rush of good fortune received by the colonists during what could have been their last days. The way they encountered the ship that was equipped with enough supplies to aid them showed their good fortune in a way that provided special religious contentment among the people.

Such colonists as John Smith expressed their belief that these welcomed events were the ??arm of the Lord of Hosts, who would have his people pass the Red Sea and Wilderness, and then to possess the Land of Canaan?? This quote shows that Smith thought of the people of Jamestown as a sort of Hebrew during the Exodus. It was probably common among the colonists to relate these two, because it seemed, in both instances, that when the group could no longer go on, God came to their aid.

Another important connection between the two is the role of each of the parties involved. Some historians relate John Smith to Moses in these two stories. Both were leaders who, although not successful from the beginning, brought their people to a stable place in the end. The roles of the colonists and the Indians can be transferred depending on the point of view. Some could relate the colonists to the Hebrews, searching for the land that would give them the opportunity that they knew was waiting for them. This could give the Indians the role of the Egyptians, trying to hold the colonists back. If looked at from a different point of view, the Indians could have been the group trying to go on in life and the colonists acted as the Egyptians trying to halt advancement of them. Although throughout history the roles could switch, in this situation the role of the colonists relating to the Hebrews is more conceivable.

Both the colonists at Jamestown and the Hebrews during the Exodus encountered difficulties that could not be explained to them at the time. Both hardships were greeted with extraordinary events that lifted the spirits in both situations. It is important to examine the roles of people throughout time and the correspondence between historical events such as these.