
Affirmative Action Essay Research Paper ThesisAlthough many (стр. 2 из 2)

Republican had been preparing a legislative assault on federal Affirmative Action, either by eliminating programs or with a sweeping measure to outlaw virtually all federal preferecnes on the basis of race or gender. Their targets include scores of congressional and executive branch initiatives that offer special consideration or set-aside for women, minorities and others in federal contracting and hiring. This proves that Republicans wish to eliminate Affirmative Action plan and replace it with nothing. With nothing to help women or minorities their is minimal chances of them competing in the job market.

In defending the program, the Clinton administration stressed that white-owned companies can quaify for bonuses given by Affrimative Action Plans if they prove that they are ?Socially or enconomically disadvantaged.? Some critics of Affirmative Action want to adopt social or economic hardship as a criterion for all Affirmative Action plans. ? Civi rights groups say they are not opposed to using socioeconomic disadvantages, but want to keep policies specifically aimed at women and minorities too?(America Online 3).

Speculation about the future of Affirmative Action must go beyond ?prognosis? of the court?s configuration and estimations of its respect for precedents said John Naibandian of University of Kansas (Public Administration Reveiw 43). He was also quoted as saying , ?Over an 18-year period, adminstrators hve become sensitized to court decisionexpressing the value of social equity. It is unreasonable to anticpate sudden administrative reversal of these impacts now regardlass of Court action (Public Administration Review 43).

Some observers have suggested that the solution to racial inequality in the United States lies largely in a two-pronged attack on discrimination in educationm and employment. If such a solution is possible, certainly the Supreme Court will play a role. But, in a system of separation of powers, it is axiimatic that only so much can be accomplished by even the most activist Courts. That is why all human beings must strive to understand the total implication of what they do. They must help each other see that there is a problem in employing women and minorities.

Saul Solano


English 102

October 18, 1995

Affirmative action: Is it a form of Racisim??

Thesis: Although many people believe affirmative action is a form of racism, it is actually used to help minorities find employment in an otherwise racist world.

I. Civil War

A. Laws passed during the civil war

B. Plans used to help laws

II. JFK and Excecutive order

A. Steps taken by JFK

B. JFK Executive order taking effect

III. Other Presidents

A. Harry Truman controbution to Affirmative Action

B. FDR controbution to Affirmative Action

C. D. Eisnehower Executive order

IV. Court Cases

A. Firefighters Local Union No.1784 v. Stotts

B. Stelle v. Louisvill & Nashville Railroad

C. Griggs v. Duke Power Co.

D. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green

E. Hazelwood School District v. United States

V. Those against Affirmative Action

A. Why are white male against Affirmative Aciton Plans

B. Why white male dislike the idea of affirmative action

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