
Death Penalty Essay Research Paper Whenever the (стр. 3 из 4)

have been prevented had the murderer been executed the first time around. In North Carolina in 1995, 750 people were murdered.(6) By stopping

repeat murderers at least forty-five lives could have been saved in 1995 in North Carolina alone. Every year, approximately the same number of

people would not die if an effective form of the death penalty were in place. One example of the benefit of the death penalty is what happened in

India in the 1800s. When Great Britain was beginning to colonize India, there was a religion known as the Thuggee religion. These Thuggees

were probably the most violent, dangerous, and brutal gang of thieves ever. They killed literally thousands of people (mostly foreigners) and

stole their money. In fact, one of the requirements of this cult was that each member had to murder at least one person every year. The British

jumped to action to curb the problem by speedy arrests and executions. Thousands of Thuggees were executed. After a few years, the leader of

the Thugees was captured and executed. During his trial, it was found that he had murdered 931 people. In 1883, the British had completely

solved the problem by executing the last known Thuggee.(7) Often opponents will argue that some criminals are so deranged, so fearless, so

assured that they will not be caught that they will murder no matter what the penalty is. If this was true of anyone, it was true of the Thuggees.

Yet, the fact is often ignored that the death penalty can have a tremendous effect simply by eliminating those hideous murderers who will

murder no matter what the penalty is. No one can count the number of lives that were saved after all the Thuggees were executed. Opponents of

the death penalty sometimes contend that repeat murderers are rare. Yet, if six percent of all murders can be stopped, and forty-five lives can be

saved every year just in North Carolina alone, who wants to be responsible for the forty-five unnecessary deaths that occur each year because

our government does not take care of the murderers the first time around.

The death penalty can save lives by stopping repeat murderers, but does it deter murder? Opponents of the death penalty argue that there is no

deterrent effect. However, there are a number of studies that indicate that the contrary is true. A study by W. Bailey of the period from 1967-68

showed a deterrent effect in twenty-seven states.(8) A later study by him showed a deterrent effect in twenty-five states.(9) During the

moratorium on Capital punishment in the United States, murder increased by one hundred percent.(10) A review of the fourteen nations who

abolished the death penalty showed that the murder rate increased by seven percent from the five year pre-abolition period to the five year

post-abolition period.(11) Since 1990, Harris County, a single county in Texas has had more executions than any other state in the United States.

During the period between 1990 and 1995, Harris County has had a forty-eight percent drop in crime, the greatest decrease in the United States.

In Harris County, the highest homicide rate was in 1981, one year before the death penalty was reinstated in Texas.(12) All of these studies

indicate that implementation of the death penalty correlates with a drop in the homicide rate. A study by Stephen K. Layton at University of

North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that each execution deters an average of eighteen murders.(13) By increasing the use of the death penalty,

thousands of lives could be saved. In Utah, there have been five executions since 1977. During the year following each execution, there was a

significant drop-off in the homicide rate.(14) Criminologist Steven Stack recently found that after a widely publicized execution, there was a drop

in the homicide rate. He found this drop to be more significant with whites than with blacks.(15) “Hyam Barshay, a poet, said, “The death

penalty is a warning, just like a lighthouse throwing beams out to sea. We hear about shipwrecks, but we do not hear about the ships the

lighthouse guides safely on their way. We do not have proof of the number of ships it saves, but we do not tear the lighthouse down.”(16)

Although the death penalty is a deterrent, it is not nearly as strong a deterrent as it would be were it implemented more often. The deterrence

theory states that in order for a crime to be deterred, justice must be swift, severe, and certain. With numerous appeals, the death penalty is not

swift. In fact, the average amount of time spent on death row before being executed is ten years.(17) In addition, between 1977 and the present,

the execution rate per murder is .055 percent.(18) In other words for every 1800 murders, only one person is executed. Thus, the death penalty is

not certain either. In fact, most murderers can rest assured that more than likely they will not be put to death. The death penalty is severe. If it

were altered so that it became swift and certain, there would be a significant drop-off in the homicide rate. People have a natural fear of death. It

is a common trait of man that we think about the consequences before we act. If not consciously, we still think about them subconsciously.

Imagine for a minute what the world would be like if every time a murderer killed someone, he died instantaneously. More than likely, there

would be an extremely low homicide rate. Of course, it is impossible to make that a reality, but our government can make justice much more

swift, severe, and certain than it already is if we simply increase the use of capital punishment and change the laws so that it is faster and has a

shorter appeals process. The death penalty is important because the lives of thousands of potential victims who are at stake.

Given the benefits of capital punishment, it is hard to imagine why anyone would be against it, but there are several arguments against the

death sentence that need to be addressed. Opponents of the death penalty point out that there is a possibility of wrongly executing an

innocent man. Of course, there is a possibility of wrongly sending an innocent man to prison, or wrongly fining an innocent man, but they

contend that because of the finality and severity of the death penalty, the consequences of wrongly executing an innocent person are much

more wrong. There has never been any proof of an innocent man being executed, although there are some studies that show in a few cases,

there is a possibility that someone was wrongly executed.(19) One of the most often quoted studies of innocent men being executed is the

Bedau-Radlet Study. It is the most comprehensive study ever done in this area and has found twenty-two cases where the defendant may have

been wrongly executed. This study is very controversial and many studies such as Markman and Cassal, found the study’s methodology so

flawed that in at least twelve of those cases there was substantial evidence of guilt and no evidence of innocence. In the other eleven cases, the

Bedau-Radlet study placed almost no weight on the jury’s verdict, and the evidence available only proved that the case was questionable, not

that the defendant was actually innocent.(20) Another point to be made is that our judicial system takes many precautions to ensure that the

rights of the innocent are protected. In order to understand this, one must look at the complex process required to convict someone of first

degree murder and get him sentenced to death. First a person is arrested and given an attorney. Evidence must be presented proving beyond a

reasonable doubt that the defendant committed first degree murder. The defendant must have been in a clear state of mind. After a five to six

week trial, the defendant goes on to a second trial to decide whether or not he deserves the death penalty. Again, a full trial is held. Defense

presents evidence on why this murderer does not deserve to die. After this occurs and the murderer is sentenced to die, his case is

automatically appealed to the state Supreme Court. After that, he may file a number of different appeals. Finally, about ten years later, after

every legal attempt and delay tactic has been exhausted, the murderer is executed. As should be evident from this complex process, every

reasonable precaution is taken to ensure that no innocent man is executed.

Although it is very unlikely that an innocent person would be executed, the question arises about whether the execution of an innocent man is

a strong enough argument to abolish the death penalty. Before deciding, one must remember the lives that the death penalty saves. Repeat

murderers are eliminated, and potential murderers are deterred. As mentioned earlier, one must consider the victims as well as the defendant. Is

it worth it to lose forty-five innocent lives so that no innocent person is executed. Wesley Lowe states the matter well when he says, “As for

the penal system accidentally executing an innocent person, I must point out that in this imperfect world, citizens are required to take certain

risks in exchange for relative safety.”(21) We risk dying in automobile accidents for the convenience of using a car. This practice is considered

acceptable. Risking the possibility that someone might be wrongly executed is worth it to save the lives of thousands of innocent people who

might be the next victims of murder.

A second argument against the death penalty is discrimination. Eighty-two percent of all murder victims are white and thirteen percent are

black. This is about a 6:1 ratio. Opponents of the death penalty, such as the NAACP, argue that the system values white lives more than black

lives. If this is true, one has to wonder why whites represent fifty-five percent of those executed and blacks thirty-nine percent,(22) when blacks

have committed forty-nine percent of all murders, and whites thirty-nine percent from 1976-1994.(23) Successful prosecutions depend on the

nature of the crime and not the race of the victim. The reason that whites are overwhelmingly the victims in death row cases is that whites are

overwhelmingly the victims in capital crimes. In McClesky v. Zant, the court ruled that the death penalty was not racist in its application. The

death penalty is not racist and does not violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause.

However, even if the death penalty were racist, the solution is to fix the discrimination not to end the punishment. “Ernest van den Haag wrote,

‘If and when discrimination occurs it should be corrected. Not, however, by letting the guilty blacks escape the death penalty because guilty

whites do, but by making sure that the guilty white offenders suffer it as the guilty blacks do. Discrimination must be abolished by abolishing

discrimination–not by abolishing penalties. However, even if this cannot be done, I do not see any good reason to let any guilty murderer

escape his penalty. It does happen in the administration of criminal justice that one person gets away with murder and another is executed. Yet

the fact that one gets away with it is no reason to let another one escape.’”(24)

One of the problems with the death penalty right now is that it is rarely used that it often seems arbitrary. The proposal set forth later in this

paper makes the death penalty the standard punishment for murder and removes the loopholes. This proposal would make a racist application

of the death penalty nearly impossible. If the death penalty were to be the standard punishment for murder, and the rules deciding who received

the death penalty were tightened, the death penalty would apply equally to the people of all races.

On more moral grounds, opponents of the death penalty will contend that execution is the same as murder. They will argue that using the death

penalty to stop murder is like fighting fire with fire, and that executing the criminal makes the state no better than the murderer himself. A

number of analogies can be drawn to discredit this argument. If execution is murder, then certainly killing someone in a war is murder. Thus, our

country should not fight in any more wars. At once, the reader realizes that this proposition is ridiculous. Although wars are not good and

killing people is a tragedy, sometimes they are necessary to protect the rights of a group of people. The death penalty is necessary to protect a

person’s right to live. Is arresting someone for a crime the same as kidnapping someone? Is confiscation of property to pay a debt the same as

theft?(25) In the same way, executing someone is not murder; it is punishment inflicted by society on a deserving criminal.

In order to understand what form capital punishment is in now, we will consider the history and constitutionality of the death penalty. Since the

founding of our country, the death penalty has had its place in American society. In its original form, death was the mandatory punishment for

a number of crimes, including murder. As time passed, a small minority of people began to disagree with the death penalty. Although most

Americans still supported it, sometimes these people would end up on juries for capital cases, and as a result, legislators began to notice that

juries were less likely to convict when the death penalty was the automatic punishment. This development lead to a weakening and changing of

death penalty laws. Instead of mandatory death sentence, juries would decide what sentence to give. In addition, many crimes that had been

punishable by death were taken off the list of capital crimes. Pretty soon, the death penalty became an optional punishment for first degree


In 1971, in McGautha v. California and Crampton v. Ohio, the Supreme Court ruled that states need not specify in statutes the factors to be

considered by the jury in issuing the death penalty. This case also held that while bifurcated trials (trials with two stages) are preferred, they are

not required.(26) Ironically, only one year later this ruling was overturned. In 1972, in Furman v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled the death

penalty unconstitutional in the way that it was being implemented. The eighth and fourteenth amendments were cited, especially regarding the

due process and equal protection clauses.(27) The death penalty was declared unconstitutional because it was not being issued fairly or evenly.

The Supreme Court had ruled that the death penalty was cruel and unusual punishment in the way that it was being carried out. In order to

reinstate the death penalty, the states had to have uniform standards and guidelines for the jury to use in determining the death penalty. After

Furman v. Georgia, a few states set up mandatory death penalty statutes for certain crimes. However, in Woodson v. North Carolina, these laws

were overturned. Florida, Georgia, Texas, and twenty-two other states wrote new laws reinstating the death penalty with specific aggravating

and mitigating circumstances.(28) Aggravating circumstances were reasons why the defendant should receive the death penalty. Mitigating

circumstances were reasons why the defendant should not receive the death penalty. Lockett v. Ohio ruled that states may not limit the kinds of

mitigating circumstances that juries can consider.(29)

The benefits of the death penalty will never be wholly realized unless it is carried out in a regular, consistent manner. Thus, on the

consideration of these points, there are several problems with the death penalty as it is presently being implemented. The first problem with the

death penalty is that second degree murder isn’t being punished adequately. Second degree murder is murder. It means that a criminal

unlawfully, intentionally killed another person without reason, excuse, or provocation. Yet, right now, second degree murder is a crime

punishable by fifteen years in prison. If there are significant mitigating circumstances, the murderer could be sentenced to even less time, not to

mention the fact that most criminals don’t serve their full sentence anyway. A criminal justice system that allows convicted murderers out of

prison after a few years does not stop repeat offenders and does not deter potential murderers from committing the same crime. Murder is

classified into two degrees, yet it is essentially the same crime. The only difference between first and second degree murder is that under first

degree murder, the prosecution must prove premeditation and deliberation. Murder for first and second degree is “unlawfully killing another

human being with malice.” If a murderer intends to kill someone, then kills him, it is hard for one to understand how premeditation and

deliberation makes the crime any worse. If a murderer did not premeditate and deliberate on his murder, is the victim any less dead? Is the one

who murdered him any less guilty?

A second problem is that first degree murder is hard to prove. Premeditation and deliberation must be proven in order for a murder to be

classified as first degree murder. This may seem simple, but lets take a look at what the prosecution has to prove in order to convict the