
An Analysis Of J. Michael Bishop (стр. 2 из 2)

“The enterprise of science embodies a great adventure: the quest for understanding in a universe that mathematician Freeman Dyson once characterized as ‘infinite in all directions, not only above us in the large, but also below us in the small.’ We of science have begun the quest well, by building a method of ever-increasing power, an method that can illuminate all that is in the natural world. In consequence, we are admired but also feared, mistrusted, even despised. We offer hope for the future but also moral conflict and ambiguous choice. The price of science seems large, but to reject science is to deny the future.” (261)

V. Summary

In Enemies of Promise, J. Michael Bishop addresses a scientific community he says has alienated itself from the common man, thus bringing upon itself criticism and inspiring distrust and fear from society. Although Bishop makes no excuses for the shortcomings of science and academia, he delivers an ominous message to those who would attack the scientific community: Science is the future. Learn to embrace it or be left behind.

Appendix A: Supplementary Information

The Huia bird.


Appendix B: Works Cited

Anderson, Kirby. “Truth Telling to a Truth-denying Generation” Dallas/Ft. Worth Heritage, The (11-09-99).

Bishop, J. Michael. “Enemies Of Promise” The Presence Of Others Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz New York: St. Martin’s, 1997 255-263.

Truth About Creation, The Christian Coalition, The Religious information pamphlet.

New York: Christian’s, 1996.

“Cloning Of Extinct Hiua Bird Approved” CNN.com July 20, 1999


Hisamatsu, Shinichi “Hisamatsu Shinichi on postmodernism” April 18, 1999


(title unknown) New York Times, The c.October, 1999.