
War Against Marijuana Legalize It Essay Research (стр. 2 из 2)

Everyone in this country is born with the right to make decisions. We all have choices, but how we make them is important. If we continue to doubt others, or even discriminate against them, we will always be in constant battle. The word ?freedom? is suddenly followed by thousands of rules and exceptions. If we make things that can harm individuals illegal, is it really stopping it. Are we really thinking about what is out there now to legally screw up lives isn?t doing the job already? Let it be our choice, let it be our right, make it legal to be free to make our own choices. If we could just take a moment to think about all the madness in our world, the freedom to smoke pot is just a tiny seed. That is what marijuana comes from, a seed. It is a natural plant, which somehow along the way got miss-understood.



Partnership for a Drug-Free America, Surveys, Attitude tracking studies


The Birmingham News, Val Walton, News staff writer (June 21, 2000)

The Arizona Republic, ?A losing Drug War?,

Pat Flannery and Dennis Wagner, (Sunday, June 4, 2000)

Washington Hemp Education Network (W.H.E.N)

Compare legal drugs with illegal drugs

?Prohibition Ensures Misuse? (November 22, 1996)


Donald Tashkin, Physician, New England Journal of Medicine

?Is Frequent Marijuana Smoking Hazardous to Health?

?Cannabis 1977? Ann. Intern. Med. pg.539-49 (1978)

?Respiratory Status of Habitual Marijuana Smokers? pg.699-706 (Nov 1980)

Nicholas Cozzi, ?Effects of Water Filtration on Marijuana Smoke: A literature Review? Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Newsletter, Vol. IV #2 (1993)

Survey on Hawaii?s war on pot done by Honolulu Advertiser, April 1, 1994

Found at: http://www.norml.org/facts/myths/myth18.html

Norman, Salyard and Mahoney

?An Evaluation of Pre-employment Drug Testing? from Journal of Applied Psychology

Pg.629-39 (1990)

Most facts were found at


What is Marijuana?


Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report, Caroline Wolf Harlow, Ph.D. BJS Statistician (April 1998)

Office of National Drug Control Policy, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse fact sheet

Barry R. McCaffrey, Director

http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov, or call, 1-800-666-3332, (March 2000)

Social Issues Resources Series

?A Losing Battle? article found in Drugs-SIRS, West View Library,

Clara Germany, staff writer of Christian Monitor (1991)