
Уніфікована мова моделювання (UML) (стр. 6 из 6)

[9] OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification (draft). Version 1.3R9. (http://www.rational.com/uml/)1999.


[10.1]Model-DrivenEngineering("Керована моделями інженерія"), Douglas C. Schmidt

[10.2] Developing Applications Using Model-Driven Design Environments. (Розробка додатків з використанням керованих моделями середовищ розробки"). K.Balasubramanian, A.Gokhale, G.Karsai, J.Sztipanovits, S. Neema.

[10.3] CALM and Cadena: Metamodeling for Component-Based Product-Line Development. ("CALM і Cadena: метамоделювання для заснованої на компонентах розробки продуктового ряду")A.Childs, J.Greenwald, G.Jung, M.Hoosier, J.Hatcliff

[10.4]Automating Change Evolution in Model-Driven Engineering ("Автоматизація еволюції змін у модельно-модельно-керованій інженерії"") Джеф Греq, Джейн Лін і Джинг Жанг.

[10.5] Model-Driven Development Using UML 2.0: Promises and Pitfalls. S.Ghosh, Trung Dinh-Trong, A. Solberg. ("Модельно-модельно-орієнтована розробка з використанням UML 2.0: обіцянки й прорахунки"

[11] Ivar Jacobson, G. Booch, Jim Rumbaugh The Unified Software Development Process: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1999, 512 p.

[12] Jim Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, G. Booch Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1999, 576 p.

[13] B.P. Douglass Real-Time UML. Developing Efficient Objects for Embedded Systems: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1998, 365 p.

[14] G. Booch The Visual Modeling of Software Architecture for the Enterprise. Rose Architect. October 1998, Vol. 1, No 1. p 18-25.

[15] Barker R. CASE Method. Entity-Relationship Modeling. Copyright Oracle Corporation UK Limited, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1990

[16] Object Management Group, 2003. OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification / www. omg. org.

[17] .http://www.rational.com/uml.

[18] Chonoles M. J., Schardt J.A. UML 2 for Dummies. - Hungry Minds, 2003. - 412 р.

[19] Nock C. Data Access Patterns: Database Interactions in Object-Oriented Applications. - Addison Wesley, 2003. - 512 р.

[20] Fontoura M., Pree W., Rumpe B. UML Profile for Framework Architectures. First edition. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.,, 2001, 240 pages

[21] Fowler M.,Scott K., UML Distilled Second Edition A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language Second Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1999, 224 pages

[22] Gramma E.,Helm R.,Johnson R., Vlissides J. Design Patterns. Elements of reusable object-oriented software. , Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1999, 368 pages.

[23] Rebecca M. Riordan, Designing Effective Database Systems, Addison Wesley Professional., Inc., 2005, 384 pages

[24] Thomas A. Pender . UML Weekend Crash Course. Wiley Publising, Inc., 2002, 362 pages

[25] Rebecca M. Riordan, Seeing Data: Designing User Interfaces for Database Systems Using .NET, Addison Wesley Professional., Inc., 2004, 544 pages

[26] Husman H. Loose Semantics for UML/OCL // Society for Design and Process Science, 2002. - P. 32-39.

[27].Genova G., Llorens J., Quintana V. Digging into Use Case Relationships // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. - 2002. - V. 2460. -P. 115-127.

[28] Kendal S. Fast Track UML 2.0. - Apress, 2004., 416 р.

[29] Gogolla M., Henderson-Sellera B. Analysis of UML Stereotypes within the UML Metamodel // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. -2002. - V. 2460. - P. 84-99.

41./[30]Naumenko A., Wegmann A. A Metamodel for the Unified Modeling Language // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. - 2002. - V. 2460.- P. 2-17.

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[32] Paige R., Ostroff J. Metamodelling and Conformance Checking with PVS // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. - 2001. - V. 2029. -P. 2-16.

[33] Walden K., Nerson J.-M. Seamless Object-Oriented Software Development. - Prentice-Hall, 1995.

[34]. Owre S., Shankar N., Rushby J., Stringer-Calvert D. The PVS Language Reverence Version 2.3 - September, 1999. -(Tech. Rep. / SRI International Technical Report).

[35] Overgaard G. Formal Specification of OO Modeling // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. - 2000. - V. 1783. - P. 193-207.

[36]Clark T., Evans A., Kent S. The Metamodelling Language Calculus: Foundation Semantics for UML // Lect. Notes Comput.Sci. - 2001. - V. 2029. - P. 17-31.

[37] Cardeli L, Abadi M. A theory of Objects. - Springer-Verlag, 1996.

[38] Lellahi K. Conceptual Data Modeling: An Algebraic Viewpoint // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. - 2001. - V. 2244. - P. 336-348.

[39] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,www. wikipedia.gb

[40] стаття ACM "Death by UML Fever"

[41]UML Forum. "UML FAQ". http://www.uml-forum.com/FAQ.htm.