
Еволюція сфери гостинності міста Києва другої половини XIX - початку XX століття в контексті розвитку українського туризму (стр. 6 из 6)

Развитие капитализма в Украине способствовало национально-культурному возрождению. Прогресс просвещения, науки и культуры актуализировал интерес украинцев к собственной истории, памяткам культуры, что, в свою очередь, способствовало развитию экскурсий с познавательными целями, а также природного и исторического краеведения. Последние дали начало историко-культурному туризму в Украине. Эти процессы повлияли на дальнейшее развитие сферы гостеприимства в Києве в направлении проведения модернизации учреждений, дифференцирования ценовой политики, изменения требований к качеству предоставляемых туристам услуг.

Ключевые слова: туризм, деловой туризм, историко-культурный туризм, паломничество, гостеприимство, религиозное гостеприимство, светское госте-приимство, учреждения гостеприимства, сфера гостеприимства г. Киева.


Galyna Vishnevska. Evolution of Kyiv hospitality sphere from the second half of the ХІХ-th – tothe beginning of the ХХ-th century in the context of Ukrainian tourism development. – The Manuscript.

Dissertation for the scientific degree of the candidate of culturology by speciality 26.00.06 – applied culturology. Cultural practices. – Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Kyiv, 2008.

Dissertation is devotedto determination of constituents of hospitality sphere in Kyiv and character of its evolution in connection with becoming and development of tourism as new social and cultural practice in Ukraine from the second half of the ХІХ -th – to the beginning of the ХХ-thcentury.

The basic types of mass trips in Ukraine, which lead to forming of network of hospitality institutions, which provide services the proper categories of travelling, are analysed in dissertation, and which subject to the condition development of capitalism in Ukraine and caused this national and cultural revival saved (pilgrimage) or transformed (trips with an auction purpose, regional excursions) in new forms which get the signs of tourism: business, historical and cultural.

Kyiv is described as social and cultural attraction, his role is shown as a spiritual and religious center of orthodoxy in the context of pilgrimage and religious hospitality. Influencing is certain, what Kyiv entailed on becoming and development of business and historical and culturaltourism, evolution of hospitality society.

Religious and secularinstitutions of hospitality are analysed as a basic component of city hospitality sphere. It was explored quantitative and high-quality evolution of the Kyiv hotels and other institutions of the temporal placing, institutions of feed; character of this evolution is certain.

Keywords: tourism, business tourism, historical and cultural tourism, pilgrimage, hospitality, religious hospitality, secular hospitality, institutions of hospitality, sphere of hospitality of Kyiv.