
Life and A.A. Ahmatovoj's creativity (стр. 2 из 2)

In days of reprisals, the hardest tests when her husband will shoot, and the son will appear in prison, creativity becomes unique rescue, «last freedom». The muse has not left the poet, and she has written great "Requiem". Thus, in creativity Ahmatovoi the life was reflected; creativity was her life.

The native earth.

Not with those I who has thrown the earth

On worry to enemies.

I shall not accept their rough flattery,

I of the will not give songs to them.

But the exile is eternally pity to me,

As the prisoner, as the patient.

Your road, the wanderer is dark,

As wormwood bread the stranger smells.

And here, in the deaf person to the child of a fire

The youth rest ruining,

We uniform blow

Have not rejected from itself.

Also we know, that in an estimation late

Each hour will be justified...

But in the world there are no people more ruthlessly,

More haughty and easier us.

The analysis of poem Ahmatovoi «Native earth».

Late Anna Andreevna Ahmatova leaves a genre of "a love diary”, a genre in which she did not know contenders and which it has left, maybe, even with some fear and ogladkoi, and passes to meditations about a history role. Ahmatova has written about A.S. Pushkin: «It does not become isolated from the world, and goes to the world». It was also its road - to the world, to sensation of a generality with it.

Meditations about destiny of the poet lead to meditations about destiny of Russia, the world.

In the beginning of a poem of Anna Andreevny Ahmatovoj «the Native earth» two final lines of the poem composed most Ahmatovoi in postrevolution years are taken out. And it begins so:

«Not with those I who has thrown the earth

On worries to enemies ».

Ahmatova has not wished then to adjoin number of emigrants though many of its friends have appeared abroad. The decision to remain in the Soviet Russia was not neither the compromise with the Soviet people, nor the consent with the course chosen by it. Business in other. Ahmatova felt, that only having shared lot with own people, it can remain as the person and as the poet. And this presentiment has appeared prophetic. In the thirtieth - the sixtieth years its poetic voice has got unexpected force and power. Having incorporated all pain of time, its verses have towered over it and became expression of universal sufferings. A poem «the Native earth» brings an original result to the relation of the poet to the native land. The name has double sense. The "Earth" is and the country with people occupying it and with the history, and simply soil on which people go. Ahmatova as though returns to value the lost unity. It allows it to enter into a poem remarkable images: « Dirt on galoshes "," a crunch on a teeth », - receiving metaphorical loading. Concerning Anna Ahmatovoj to the native earth is not present sentimentality sides. The first quatrain is constructed on negation of those actions which can be connected with patriotism display:

«In treasured ладанах we do not carry on a breast,

About it verses navzred it is not composed … ».

These actions seem it unworthy: in them there is no sober, courageous sight at Russia. Anna Ahmatova does not perceive the of the country as «promised paradise» - too many in domestic history testifies to the tragical parties of Russian life. But is not present here and insults for those actions which the native earth «brings living on it». There is a proud humility to that share which it represents us. In this humility, however, there is no call. Moreover, in it is not present and the realised choice. And in it is weakness of patriotism Ahmatovoi. The love to Russia is not for it a result of the passed spiritual way as it was at Lermontov or the Block; this love is given it initially. Its patriotic feeling is absorbed with parent milk and consequently cannot be subjected any rationalistic corrective amendments.

Communication with the native earth is felt at all on spiritual, and at physical level: the earth represents an integral part of our person because to all of us is foreordained to merge corporally with it - after death:

«But we lay down in it and we become it,

Because also we call so freely - the ».

In a poem three sections that is underlined and graphically are allocated.

First eight lines are constructed, as a chain of parallel negative designs. The ends of phrases coincide with the ends of lines that creates the measured "persevering" information which is underlined by rhythmics of an iambic pentameter.

After that the quatrain written trehstopnem anapestom follows. Change of the sizes throughout one poem - the phenomenon rare enough in poetry. In this case this rhythmic fault serves for opposition to a stream of negations, the statement for how by the collective lyrical hero the native earth all the same is perceived. The statement it has lowered enough character that amplifies anaforicheskim repetition:

«Yes, for us it is a dirt on galoshes,

Yes, for us it is a crunch on a teeth … ».

And, at last, in the ending trehstopnei anapest it is replaced by the tetrameter. Such fault of metre gives to two last lines of width of poetic breath which find a support in infinite depth of the prisoner in them of sense.

Anna Andreevny Ahmatovoj's poetry «ate - even in initial verses - feeling of the native land, a pain about the native land, and this theme sounded in its poetry all more loudly

… About what she wrote last years, always in its verses the persistent thought about historical destinies of the country with which it is connected by all roots of the of a being » was felt. (K. Chukovsky)

The conclusion

Anna Andreevna Ahmatova has created surprising lyrical system in Russian poetry, having connected the creativity new poetry of 20 centuries with great poetry of 19 centuries.

Poetry Ahmatovoi represents as if the novel sated with the most thin psychologism.

In verses Ahmatovoi the life, which essence in its first books is developed and makes love. And when it leaves the person, leaves to stop it fair pangs of conscience cannot even: «In an illness sad washing the flesh, And free spirit already pochiet pines is serene». Only it is seeming serenity, it is devastating, generating sad comprehension, that in the house left by love "not absolutely safely".

Ahmatova did not aspire to cause in the reader sympathy, and furthermore - pity: the heroine of its verses does not require it.

For Ahmatovoi art is capable to incorporate the world and by that to do it more richly, and it defines its effective force, a place and a role of the artist in a life of people.

The list of the used literature

1 Good. Д.Д, Timothies. Л.И, Leontev. А.А the children's encyclopaedia volume 11 language and the literature, 1976г.

2 Life Ahmatovoi 1987г.