
Медико-психологічна характеристика невротичних розладів у музично-педагогічних працівників (стр. 7 из 7)

Ключевые слова: невротические расстройства, музыкально-педагогические работники, сценический дискомфорт, синдром аффективных нарушений, эмоциональное выгорание, самоактуализация, профилактика, психотерапевтическая коррекция.


Osokina O.I. «Medical-psychological characteristic of neurotic disorders at the musical-pedagogical workers». – Manuscript.

Dissertation for the candidate of medical science degree in speciality 19.00.04 – medical psychology. – Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies. – Kharkov, 2008.

In the dissertation there were presented the results of research of 152 musical-pedagogical workers with neurotic disorders. There were studied the clinical-psychopathological features of this disorders and their subclinical forms. A role of several professional and social factors in the development of neurotic disorders was studied. There were determined some personal features of the musical-pedagogical workers with neurotic disorders. A role of emotional burning out and self-actualization in formation of the given pathology was accepted. Two variants of «scenic discomfort» were allocated: the syndrome of affective infringements and reaction of scenic alarm. There were described their diagnostic criteria. There were investigated clinical structure, clinical-dynamical and pathopsychologicalfeatures of a syndrome of affective infringements. The diagnostic criteria were scientifically proved. The differentiated system of prophylaxis and psychotherapeutic correction of neurotic disorders at musicians-teachers was offered. There was proved it's efficiency.

Key words: neurotic disorders, musical-pedagogical workers, scenic discomfort, syndrome of affective infringements, emotional burning out, self-actualization, prophylaxis, psychotherapeutic correction.