
Роль дисфункції ендотелію при вроджених вадах серця у дітей раннього віку (стр. 6 из 6)

The dissertation is submitted for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in speciality 14.01.10 – Paediatrics. – Danylo Halyts’kyi Lviv National Medical University, L’viv, 2008.

The dissertation is devoted to the problem of early diagnostics of endothelial dysfunction, which is based on the investigation of the levels of nitrogen oxide and endothelin-1 in the blood serum of the infants with congenital heart anomalies. Present studies revealed high nitrogen oxide concentrations and low endothelin-1 concentrations in the blood of patients with both type of congenital heart conditions: those with increased and decreased pulmonary circulation. Endothelial dysfunction in patients with congenital heart diseases is noted early, even before manifestation of pulmonary hypertension and histological sings of smooth muscles disorders. It was proved that blood levels of nitrogen oxide and endothelin-1 can be used as diagnostic markers of secondary pulmonary hypertension, which complicates the course of congenital heart anomalies with increased pulmonary circulation. They should be taken into account in determination of pulmonary hypertension severity and in decision making about optimum time for surgical correction.

Key words: Congenital heart diseases, pulmonary hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, nitrogen oxide, endothelin-1.


ПВС ¾природжені вади серця

ДЕ ¾ дисфункція ендотелію

ЕТ-1 ¾ ендотелін-1

ЕКГ ¾ електрокардіографія

ДЕхоКГ ¾ допплерехокардіографія

ЛГ ¾ легенева гіпертензія

НК ¾ недостатність кровообігу

NO ¾ оксид азоту

NO2¾ нітрит аніон

Підписано до друку 10.04.2008 р. Формат 60х84/16.

Папір офсетний. Друк на різографі. Об’єм 2,0 друк. арк.

Тираж 100 прим.


ПП «Колір Про Сервіс»

М.Львів, вул. Кишинівська, 12/2