
Особливості клініки діагностики профілактики та лікування захворювань пародонта у вагітних із акушерською (стр. 6 из 6)

Ключевые слова: заболевания пародонта, беременность, акушерская патология, гормональный фон, лечение, «Климадинон».


Shekera O. O.Peculiarities of clinical course, features of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases at the pregnant with obstetrical pathology. – Manuscript.

Dissertation to apply for scientific degree the candidate of medical science in speciality 14.01.22 – Stomatology. –National medical University named O. O. Bogomoletz, Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2008.

Dissertation is devoted the study of periodontal status and hormonal background for pregnant with obstetric pathology and increase of efficiency of prophylaxis and treatment of periodontal diseases at this category of patients.

The character of clinical coarse and severity of pathological processes in periodontal tissues depend of longevity, clinical features of pregnancy and age of women. Reliable decline of content of progesteronumis on a background the decline of estrogen, that takes a place in parts of pregnant with obstetric pathology with the changes of hormonal background results in violation of structure and function of the state of periodontal tissues were revealed.

There was developed and grounded complex of treatment and prevention care measures directed to prevention of development and subsequent progress of periodontal diseases in pregnant with obstetric pathology. The efficiency of usage this complex in treatment of periodontal diseases in pregnant was shown in the nearest and remote terms of supervisions.

Key words: periodontal diseases, pregnancy, obstetrical pathology, hormonal background, treatment, klimadynon.


Підписано до друку27.10.2008р. Формат 60х90/16.

Ум. друк. арк.0,9. Обл.-вид. арк.0,9.

Тираж 100.Зам.58.


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м. Київ, вул. Боженка, 17, оф. 504.

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*Автор щиро вдячна співробітникам вищезгаданих закладів за постійну увагу й практичну допомогу при проведенні досліджень.