
Болезнь Альцгеймера: симптоматология и терапия (стр. 2 из 2)

Литература к статье Колыханов, Селезнева
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15. McManus DQ, Arvanitis LA, Kowalcyk BB, and the Seroquel Trial 48 Study Group. Quetiapine, a novel antipsychotic: experience in elderly patients with psychotic disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 1999; 60: 292–8.
16. Katz I.R., Jeste D.V., Mintzer J.E. Comparison of risperidone and placebo for psychosis and behavioral disturbances associated with dementia: a randomized double-blind trial. J Clin Psychiatry 1999; 60: 107–15.
17. Sailer C.F., Salama A.L. Seroquel: biochemical profile of a potential atypical antipsychotic. Psychopharmacology 1993; 112: 285–92.
18. Juncos J, Yeung P, Sweitzer D, Arvanitis L, Nemeroff C. Quetiapine improves psychotic symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease (poster). Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology; Las Croabas, PR; December 14–18, 1998.
19. Schneider L., Yeung P., Sweitzer D., Arvanitis L.A. "SEROQUEL" (quetiapine fumarate) reduces aggression and hostility in patients with psychoses related to Alzheimer's disease (poster). Presented at the 152th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association; Washington, DC, May 15–20th, 1999.