
Сознание как проблема в современной философии и науке (стр. 5 из 5)


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12. Там же. – С. 75.

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Vinnik, D.V. Consciousness as a problem in the modern philosophy and science.

The main objective of the paper is to study two sorts of reductionism in the philosophy of mind. Positive reductionism hypostasies mental phenomena as material or nonmaterial substance. Negative reductionism rejects the substantiality of the mental domain and reduces mental events and mental states to the complex of behavioural or functional relations in cerebrum. The first type of reductionism comprises such doctrines as physicalism and mentalism; the second one comprises behaviourism and functionalism. The immediate analogues of the mentioned types may be found in phenomenological philosophy. These are transcendental-phenomenological and eidetic reductions. In phenomenological philosophy, the function of the reduction procedure is not to explain, but to describe. Historically, the first type of reductionism foregoes the second one. However, E.Husserl demonstrated that logically, negative reduction appears as a necessary condition of positive one.