
Трансформація мотиваційно-смислової сфери особистості як напрямок діяльності практикуючого психо (стр. 2 из 2)


Transformation of the reason-meaning sphere of personality

how the direction of practice-psychologist’s activity.

In this work inspect an instant problem of contemporary psychology expression of psychological assistance with the nessarity of transformation, changing of of reason-meaning sphere of personality. The analysis of traditional and new manner in psychology, discount aim- and meaning-organizating function of reasons reveals new possibility for constructive solving of this problem. Psychologist can change the aksent in cooperation with client from immersion in the problem, from the process of cooperation on-to the result. That gives the opportunity to complicate the filtres of individual expierence, language, values, interests and others.

ÓСпіцина Лариса Валеріївна

доцент кафедри практичної психології

Запорізького державного університету

330086 м. Запоріжжя, вул. Перемоги 119 “Б”, кв.43.

тел. 60-72-07