
Impact of Evolution on Human Thought. Testosterone (стр. 2 из 2)

The arguments in scientific world regarding testosterone and their role in human anatomy are not over yet. The subject is hard to explore, because experiments that has to be done in order to find right answers are not considered to be ethical on humans. The scientific world has no choice, but to use random historical facts to come to the answers. However, the fact the testosterone play a huge role in human development and behavior is not argued by any more.


1) “The Testosterone Syndrome”; Eugene Shippen, M.D. and William Fryer, M. Evans and Company, Inc., 1998

2) “Hormones; Molecular Messenger”; John K. Young, Franklin Watts, 1994

3) “The Trouble with Testosterone and other essays on the biology of the human predicament”; Robert M. Sapolsky, Scribner, 1997

4) “The Hormone of Desire; The Truth about sexuality, menopause, and testosterone”; Susan Rako, M.D., Harmony Books, 1996

5) “Never Too Buff”; John Cloud

6) “The He Hormone”; Andrew Sullivan