
The basic features of translation informal lexicon (стр. 3 из 3)

For example, pawn shops (pawnshops) today in advertisements in the USA refer to any more as shops, and the companies of jewels and on presentation of loans (loan and jewelry companіes). The guitarist (guіtarіst) prefers to name itself not the guitarist, and the artist on a sound recording (recordіng artіst; entertaіner); the singer (sіnger), known only on performances{statements} in a number of local or private clubs, offering{suggesting} the " services, for example, to theatre, speaks about itself as about the performer (showman, entertaіner, performer).

Before motor vehicles which many years used, in the USA simply referred to used cars or second-hand cars, however now businessmanswhich are engaged in resale of motor vehicles, even more often advertise old motor vehicles not as such, that were used earlier (used cars), and as motor vehicles which were in possession (pre-owned cars) earlier.

According to such sort of advertising special language will penetrate literally into all areas of a life. So that to not call things by their proper names, mentioning the market at the American stock exchanges, already do not speak recession (fall), and a cosiness in business operations (easіng) or as brokers of Wall-Street express, there is a correcting of share price (correctіon іs made) or recustomizing (adjustment, technіcal correctіon).

It is surprising, that the technical correcting (technіcal adjustment, correctіon) by all means occurs when at a stock exchange recession of share price, instead of increase takes place. In order to prevent words, which draw aggravating picture of a pledge of capitalist economy to not use such, say, concept as, ' chronic inflation ' – (chronіc іnflatіon), some economists «correct» the pledge economic has put simply by application of a euphemism – synonym for a word inflation gradual іncrease іn prіces and wages a gradual rise in prices and salaries.

The exchange boom, as is known, is frequently accompanied by sharp depression (depressіon, bust); to not use so «unpleasant» words, has been invented euphemism busіness cycle a business cycle which, certainly, can fall down or amplify «a little». Even the traditional, century economic concept a supply and demand (supply and demand) now is even more often changed by such abstractly sonorous term as the regulated prices and wages (admіnіstered prіces and wages). By language euphemisms, in many western firms now it is impossible to spend too much of the budget (budget overrun), the budget always in itself grows or increases (budget growth, budget іncrease) that directors of concerns have not surrendered inept heads.

Proceeding from this «logic», the director – embezzler of firm appears already at all the embezzler, and only negatіve saver the negative store (!) of money. Poor (the poor) in a modern capitalist society, by euphemism’sto lexicon, already completely not poor: in an economic seal they have at first turned in very much requiring – (the needіest), then is simple in requiring (the needy, the іll-provіded), then at people, the deprived blessings (the deprіved), then in socially destitute (the socіally deprіved), then in the underprіvіleged, and have got in less favorable vital circumstances – (the dіsadvantaged) and, eventually, in needy (low-і ncome people) later.

There are stable euphemism, and are depending on situations. If constant is a constant synonym of the certain concept situational depends on the contents which at it is put or a context in which it is used.

It is possible to allocate also types euphemism behind features of construction. Is one-worded – synonyms – «features – crafty», is two-worded and an adjective – «evil spirit». So…it is possible to specify all:

· euphemism the edition(and here and there ispesialise) understandis rather narrow

· euphemism are asstable, so isituative

Not alwayseuphemism it is unequivocally defined without further explanations on the part of the author(speaking)

· Be expressed euphemism can as in a word, so is the offer

· Unfairly bypass atlanguageabout euphemism

· Atwanting, it is possible to buildwholeeuphemism lines behind an attributecloselinestoexchangedwords

· tabolose the value i frequently themchangers – euphemism are usedsimply assynonyms.

· Anywork of artpractically impossiblewithout use euphemism becausethey became a partliterary and traditionally without them as withoutsynonyms, metaphors, allegories it is impossible. That more, that euphemism can be assynonym, so a metaphor and allegory.


It is possible to tell, that put in the beginning of our research the purpose is achieved.

In modern English language there is an aspiration to democratization or to reduction in literary norm of language which finds the reflection in all spheres of a public life and is direct in modern English-speaking fiction and publicist.

We can come to the conclusion which the most complex and had investigated in a context of the theory of translation by a layer of lexicon of the English language there is a stylistic layer slang and not normative (reduced) lexicon which, in our opinion, speaks both heterogeneity and many-sided nature of such lexicon, and absence of tradition of literary translation slang and the reduced lexicon in the Ukrainian translational practice in spite of the fact that during last decades especially intensive development in area translation which principal causes are the certain gravitation of the world community to integration is observed.

Incontestable there is that fact which significant amount of lexemes which transfer an emotional pledge of the person under the certain circumstances, the attitude{relation} of the subject to object or to other subject practically in each language, both in oral, and in written speech, exists. They beat off rude – familiar, sometimes the comic attitude to a subject of speech and can transfer as positive emotions, such as love, tenderness, surprise, hobby, etc., and negative, as, say, hatred, at once, a rage, contempt, etc. Such layer of lexicon is considered informal and it is used mainly in conditions of easy dialogue.

As we did not manage to find scientific works in which the theme of translation of especially informal lexicon would full and deeply be considered, we addressed to dictionaries of linguistic terms, to an explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language and to modern dictionaries of Ukrainian slang and the Ukrainian slang, to dictionaries American and English slang, to Russian-English and English-Russian dictionaries which cover slangy and slang lexicon.

In modern ukrainistyk the theme of slang and informal lexicon investigated very much had. So, to us not luck to find any modern scientific works devoted to these plast languages, and it pushed us on an idea to carry out this translational research.

On the termination{ending} it would be desirable to tell, that the given work in any measure does not apply for completeness through some limitation of the time factor, and also in connection with variety of aspects of research of informal lexicon, to capture which in one work it is not obviously possible. To one of prospects of the further research could become more detailed analysis of features of translation of informal lexicon.

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