
The place of “Macbeth” among Shakespeare’s tragedies (стр. 2 из 5)

But even this is impossible and he knows it. He makes up his mind to go on, further with plans for the murder of Duncan. His wife, however, persuades him to go forward – Holinshed writes of heras(20) «burning in unquenchable desire to bear the name of queen» – and after some agreement between them, Macbeth kills his king while he is a guest in Macbeth’s castle: By his crime Macbeth has bought the kingship through evil, though many must doubt his honesty, no one is brave enough to defy him openly when he kills the grooms (and not only the groom we want to add) to make it seem that they are guilty. Even the lines which Macbeth speakes when he announces the murder ring false and hollow, and arouse the suspicious of Malkolm and Donalbain, who flee from Scotland. Macbeth is quick to notice this, and turns suspicion on to them.

Macbeth with eyes open to the hideousness of his offense, a brave, imaginative and morally sensitive man commits a stealthy murder for gain (прибыл).

His victim is his guest his benefactor, his kinsman and his king; and to shield himself from detection he incoutinently (21) sacrifices the lives and reputation of two innocent underlings. The retribution is as appaling as the crime – his soul’s slow death in seef – harrow, degradation, loneliness, and despair, then his bloody extermination.

Why should such a man do such evil? The play’s style and a few shreds to literary evidence suggest. 1605–06 as the period of composition; so it followed «Hamlet», «Othello» and possibly also «King Lear», those other tragedies in which destruction is wrought by naked evil, not mere domestic or political strife in «Macbeth» the evil works through the protagonist as well as upon him. The one with whom we identify is the one who possessed: this citadel crumbles from within. The supernatural soliciting of the Weird Sisters, the strenuous persuasions of the write, do not explain Macbeth’s guilt. They enhance its power over our imagination by revealing stages is its course and suggesting forces in perilous balance.

In Holinshed’s «Chronicle», from which Shakespeare drew his material, adding to the sins of the semi – legendary Macbeth these of Donwald, slayer of King Duff, the Weird sisters are «goddesses of destine» (derived from a heathen fatalism).

In the play they are Elizabethan witches, their prescriptive powers subtly curtailed; they predict, abet, and symbolize damnation but do not determine it. Any sense that Macbeth is a helpless victim, his crime predestined, his will bound, as canceled as the play proceeds.


Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear

Things that do sound so fair?

The prophecies, nevertheless, without explaining or excusing Macbeth's crimes, impress us as mitigation:

powerful and wily forces are speeding him on his course. The more earthly influence of his Lady’s persuasion impresses us in a similar way.

In a perverted way Lady Macbeth is doing what all loyal wives are expected to do, urging her husband on to what she deems his good: her as in the period of danger that follows, she at least is all for him. This is one of the marvels of the play, the manner in which this frightful collusion proceeds in an atmosphere of domestic virtue without the effect of irony. If the evil is great it is also limited, even in respected to the mallfactors.

After Lady Macbeth’s collapse, her initial ferocity is remembered as something false to her wise and kingly physician seems to us not misplaced.


We hear our bloody cousins are bestowed

In England and in Ireland, not confessing

Their cruel parricide, filling their hearers

With strange invention: but of that tomorrow.

When there withal we shall have cause of state

Craving us jointly. Hie you to horse; adieu,

Till you return at night. Goes Fleans with you?

(III.I. 29–35 p)[2].


Узунқулоқ ҳар хил гаплар эшитаяпмиз;

Қонсираган, кўрнамак, қўш фарзанднинг бири

Англияда яна бири Ирландияда

Гарданидан соқит қилиб падарқушликни,

Эс ғазабин ўзларидан чалғитмоқ бўлиб,

Ҳар хир туҳмат, чўпчак тўқиб тарқатармишлар

Чорасига бамаслаҳат ўйлаб, пишитиб,

Иш тутармиз. Оқ йўл берсин. Маҳтал қилманг. Хайир.

Базмда юз кўришгунча! Ҳа ўғлингиз Флинс сиз биланми? (С.А). (61–62 б).


Бизга етишди –

Қотил жиянлар ҳақида миўғмиш хабарлар.

Ирландия, Англия мулккида улар

Паноҳ топиб, рад этишар падарқушликни.

Турли-туман уйдирмаю ёлғонлар билан

Одамларни чалғитишар. Буни эртага

Ҳокимият ишларини кўрган кенгашда

Гаплашамиз яна. Майли, ҳозирча – хайр.

Биз кутамиз. Ҳа, Флиенс ҳамроҳингизми?

(Ж.К. 241 б).

«We hear» is given in Uzbek us «Узунқулоқ ҳар хил гаплар эшитаяпмиз» Two words turned in to a whole sentence. In English the Uzbek sentence can be understood as! They say all Kinds of sentences = talks»

«If we translate we hear» is «Бизнинг эшитишимизча». Turning two words into a whole sentence doesn’t mean here any violence of the origin, on the contrary the thought of the writer is caught truly and given nicely. In Russian Macbeth speaks thus:


Одинизбратьев – кравопийц, послухам

В Ирландии, и, в Англии – другой.

Они отцеубийство отрицают.

И сеют басни для отвода глаз

Об этом мы на завтрашнем совете

Подумаем. Счастливо пути.

До скорого свиданья. Торопитесь.

Вы с Флинсом едете? (III.I. стр. 513)

The lines, cited above sound thus in Uzbek:

Sadulla Ahmad translated from Russian

(from Boris Pasternak) and, братья – кровапийцы are given as «қонсираган, кўрнамак»


Сен, азизам, юра бер шундоқ

Маъсум бўлиб, ҳеч нарсадан бехабар бўлиб,

Кейин нашъу намоларга тўларсан қандоқ. (Ж.К). (III.2–222 б).


Иш битгандан сўнг, билиб ўзинг, қойил қоласан.

(С.А.). (III. 70 б).

At the beginning Lady Macbeth teaches Macbeth what to do, how to behave and in this position vice versa, Macbeth is giving instructions to his wife how to behave, what to do. He should then feel safe from all his enemies, but fate quickly descends upon him in a most horrible form. At the Bonquet prepared as if to celebrate Macbeth’s feeling of final safety, Banquo’s ghost comes to haunt him.

(1. Вильям Шекспир. Танланган асарлар. Беш жилдлик. Тўртинчи жилд. Макбет. 157–296 бетлар. Тошкент. Ғофур Ғулом номидаги Адабиёт ва санъат нашриёти. 1985). This is a terrible punishment both for his crime and also for the evil pretence of expecting Banquo to be at the banquet. Lady Macbeth cannot see the ghost, but such is the sympathy between her and her husband, she knows or guesses all that has happened, and begins to make excuses for him. He cannot support her in own pretence, and when the ghost appears a second time Macbeth loses his nenu.

He now stands in great need of encouragement and goes to the promises concerning his fate, but the last apparition is none other than Banquo’s ghost, which brings Macbeth back to his latest crime. The prophetic promises turn out to be as evil as the murders; Macbeth is «possessed», and, knowing he is now too far gone in crime to turn back, he vows that in future he will think and act at the same time:


From this moment

The very firstlings of my heart shall be

The firstlings of my hand. (IV.I. 146–8).


Мендан кўра сен эрчилроқ чиқдинг-ку, замон,

Бузибю Қўрқинч ниятимни. Ҳаракат энди.

Учқур қарор бтлан юрсин елкадош бўлиб,

Йўқса, қўлдан кетиб қолар. Бугундан бошлаб.

(Ж.К). (IV.I. 249 б).


Ғафлат босибди.

Вақт, сен қора ниятимнинг олдини олдинг

Лаънат! Минбад қароримни кечиктирмайман.

(С.А.). (IV.I. 99 б).


Да будут.

Созданья чувств, родясь созданьем рук.

After this, Macbeth’s touches of humanity become rarer/ The murder of Lady Macduff and her children is possibly even more horrible than his other crimes, because it seems carried out simply to accord with his vow, and without the least reason. He is driven into his castle of Dunsinane and eventually fights with the ferocity of a wounded animal. When he is told of his wife’s death his humanity momentarily returns. He thinks of the passage of life, so rapid and apparently so meaningless and is awoken to the immediate situation by the message that the wood of Birnam is in fact moving. The first evil promise of the witches has proved worthless; but he fights on, only to meet at last his enemy him, and the second of the witches promises is shown also to be worthless. To the end Macbeth fights bravely and this bravery is something outside the sense of safety which the witches promises had given him. But evil has killed hope in him, and he meets his death because he has put his trust in what was either evil or worthless Banquo’s warning had once shown him the danger, but he had been either unwilling or unable to respect it:

The instruments of darkness, …

Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s

In deepest consequence. (I.III. 124–6).

Банко (секин Макбетга)

Жуда кўп вақт, бошга кулфат тушгиси келса,

Жаҳаннамнинг тили билан башорат қилиб,

Осонгина ишончингни қозонадию,

Имонингни қўлдан олиб, чалиб кетади.

(С.А.) (I.III. 19 бет).

Банко (в сторону, Макбету)

Но духи лжи, готовя нашу гибель,

Сперва подобьем правды манят нас,

Чтоб уничтожить тяжестью последствий.

(I.III. стр. 489).

Duncan is, with Banquo, in stringing contrast to Macbeth. As king of Scotland, Duncan is taken to be an old man, and appears in the play to be honourable, trusting and humble in carrying out the duties of his position. We see him first when his country is hard-pressed by invaders from Norway and rebels aty home. In this struggle Macbeth distinguishes himself as a great fighter and Duncan hears good reports of him with great pleasure. But what the king says of the rebel. Thane of Cowdor shows his own particular difficulty: he is too trusting, too ready to accept what seems to be true:

There’s no art

To find the mind’s construction in the face:

He was a gentleman on whom I built

An absolute trust. (I, IV. 4–14) 27 p


Вот как обманчив внешний вид людей!

Ведь человеку этому я верил

Неограниченно. (I.IV.стр. 490)


Афсуски, биз одамларнинг ичидагини

Юзидаги жилвалардан ўқий оламиз.

Бўлмаса, мен шу вассалнинг садоқатига

Чин юракдан ишонардим. (С.А.) (I. II 22 б)

Duncan is, there fore, powerless when he has to face evil and he puts himself gently and meekly into the hands of hostess, without taking normal precautions of having an armed quard posted near where he is sleeping. The two attendants he has by him have, like him, enjoyed a good party, and are sleepy, and useless. The king goes to rest, well fed and happy in his hostess’s assertions of loyalty and friendship towards him. He is murdered in his sleep by Macbeth. Duncan has proved to be fatally easy ground for his followers to plant their ambitions in. It is Lady Macbeth who has in the end some sort of finer feelings about him: Here Lady Macbeth‘s thoughts:

Леди Макбет:

Дункан мабода

Ухлаганда падаримга ўхшамасайди,

Унда ўзим \амма ишни этардим ало.


(Ж.К.) (II. 2.192.б)

Lady Macbeth:

Had he not resembled

My father as he slept, I hadn’t done.

(II.II. 12–13 p)

Леди Макбет:

Когда б так не был схож Дункан во сне

С моим отцом, я сладила сама бы.

(II.II. стр. 501)

Макбет хоним:

Эвоҳ, Дункан уйқусида марҳум отамга

Бунча ўхшаб кетмаса-ми! Уни мен ўзим

Тинчитардим. (II.II. 39 бет)

Banquo, like Duncan, is pictured as good, brave and gracious. Both these men are, because of their positions and their honourable natures, great dangwers to Macbeth in his ambitions, for their goodness contrasts too plainly with his wickedness. Like Duncan too, Banquo trusts too readily in appearances; they are both too easily deceived into thinking all is well in Macbeth’s castle because its situation is attractive:


This quest of summer,

The temple – naunthing martlet, does approve

By his loved mansionary that the hearen’s breath

Smells wooingly, here; no jultly, frieze,

Buttreis, nor coign of vantage, but this bird

Hath made his pendent bed and procreant cradle.

(I.IV. 3–8 p.)


Тому порухой

гнездо стрижа. Нам этот летний гость

Ручается, что небо благосклонно

К убежищу. Нет выступа, столба,

Угла под кровлей, где бы не лепились

Подвешенные люльки этих птиц. (I.6.стр. 495)



Гапингизга кафил, шоҳим. Бу ёзлик меҳмон

Турар жойнинг соўлигидан дарак беради:

Кўр кузатдим, кўзлагани баҳрали манзил,

Бирор устун, туртиб чиққан бтрор бурж йўқки,

Беланчакдай солланмасин очиқ ҳавода.

(С.А.) (I. 6. 28–29 б)[3]

Banquo is close to the king and also to Macbeth; he arrives with Duncan at Macbeth’s castle, and when the party for king is over, he meets (shows that his) Macbeth after midnight and shows that his thoughts are full of the prophecy of the witches, whom he and Macbeth came upon at the beginning of the play. They have time to talk at length, yet Banquo has already sensed something evil springing up in the Macbeth’s mind, for he says, half to himself, half to Fleance:


Святые силы!

Меня избавьте от проклятых дум,

Нас искушающих в ночное время.

(II. 7. с. 499)


Кечалари умримизни эговлагувчи

Ваҳимали хаёллардан мени қутқаринг!

(С.А.) (II. 1. 35б)


Аммо ётиб ухлаганим йўқ, эвоҳ азизлар,

Тунги нопок хаёллардан, асрангиз мени.

(Ж.К.) (II. 1. 188–189 б)

Here we see Banquo who is very much anxious because Duncan has been murdered. We notice in a very dark atmosphere not only physical but also moral death of Macbeth, is a noble warrior. But he scared, stinged, hurt with vanity = conceit. Once having entered the read of crime he has not strength of stopping, coming down from this road. He sees forward to his own ineritable death. Tragic events take place in the background of dark nights, in the darkness of which the three images of witches flash = gleam. Like Three Weirds of an antique mythology they gain undivided power over Macbeth’s fate.