
Literary analysis of the play "Pygmalion" by G.B. Shaw (стр. 4 из 4)


In this work I tried to make a scientific analysis of Bernard Shaw’s life, literary activity and his contribution to the treasure of world literature and one of his famous works Pygmalion. Shaw was a prolific writer. He was a playwright, a novelist, a critic and a publicist. He made success in the field of realistic drama. He criticized bourgeois moral, robbery, appropriation of the fruits of other common people’s labour, showed injustice of the society.

In Pygmalion Shaw masterfully connected two themes equally exciting for him: the problem of social inequality and the problem of the classical English language. Act by act, word by word we understand that the set of behaviour, that is the form and the speech maintenance, manner of judgment and thoughts, habitual acts and typical reactions of people are adapted for the conditions of their environment. The subjective being and the objective world correspond each other and mutually penetrate into each other.

Pygmalion is one of Shaw’s chef-d'oeuvre and reveals the mastership of the playwright. It was written when the author reached the peak of his creative activity. In this work Shaw touched upon social and economic problems of the British people in the beginning of the industrial 20th century. Shaw wants to say in this work that education and proper upbringing of people may lead the world to harmony in spiritual and material lives of human beings. That is why one of the main heroes of the work Higgins, the professor of phonetics, says, “The great secret is not having bad manners or good manners or any other particular sort of manners, but having the same manner for all human souls: in short, behaving as if you were in Heaven, where there are no third-class carriages, and one soul is as good as another.”

The list of used literature

1. English and Western Literature. Oxford University Press, 1993

2. Энциклопедия истории всемирной литературы. М., 1972

3. Abduvaliyev M. A. Pages from the History of English and American Literature. Andijan, 1997

4. Lambert T. England in the 20th Century (электроннаяверсия)

5. Кун Н. А. Легенды и мифы Древней Греции. М., 1955

6. Шоу Б. Полное собрание пьес в 6 томах. М.,1980

7. Андреев Л.Г., Карельский А.В., Павлова Н.С. и др. Зарубежная литература ХХ века. М., 1996

8. Ивашева В.В. Английская литература ХХ века. М., 1967

9. Гражданская З.Т. Бернард Шоу: Очерк жизни и творчества. М., 1989

10. Бачкало И.Б. Бернард Шоу. М.,1999

11. Образцова А.Г. Бернард Шоу и европейская театральная культура. М., 1980

12. WorldBookEncyclopedia. Chicago, 1993

13. Alfred Bates. The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization. London, 1996

14. http://en.wikipedia.org/

15. http://www.fashion-era.com/

16. http://www.localhistories.org/