
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Research Paper Corporate (стр. 2 из 2)

communication engulf our lives? Although an ethical analysis of technodecision

making has begun to emerge among specialized experts, it must be expanded to

include all citizens in a high-science, high-technology society. Experts alone,

whether scientists and engineers or philosophers, cannot solve our problems for

us. Efforts must be made to open and involve the emerging specialized fields of

techno-ethical analysis with a wider public. One reasonable way to begin is with

a review of some recent developments in biomedical, environmental, and computer

ethics- -relating them to real-world problems facing society. FROM MEDICAL TO

BIOMEDICAL ETHICS >From its earliest history, medicine was associated with

the acceptance of special moral obligations by those who attempted to assist

nature in promoting health and overcoming illness. Because physicians brought

specialized knowledge or expertise to bear on vulnerable patients, the

Hippocratic tradition of medical ethics emphasized their responsibilities not

just to avoid harm and to do good but also not to disclose confidences or to

take sexual advantage. At the same time there was always an implicit

responsibility on the part of