
Freedom And Revolution Essay Research Paper Freedom (стр. 3 из 3)

authoritarian and statist apparatus which would act from above and set about

wiping out everything that stood in its way with an iron hand.

This is indeed what happened. The factory committees were merged with the

Bolshevik controlled Trade Union movement. In a decree in March 1918

workers’ control was supposed to return to the conception of monitoring and

inspection rather than management, in nationalised enterprises, worker’s

control is exercised by submitting all declarations or decisions of the

Factory or shop committee.. to the Economic Administrative Council for

approval….Not more than half the members of the administrative council

should be workers or employees. Also in March 1918, Lenin began to campaign

in favour of one-man management of industry. In 1919, 10.8% of enterprises

were under one-man management, by December 1920, 2,183 out of 2,483

factories were no longer under collective management.

Control of the Economy

So within a few short months of October, the Bolsheviks had taken control of

the economy out of the hands of the working class and into the hands of the

Bolshevik party. This was before the civil war, at a time when the workers

had showen themselves capable of making a revolution but according to the

Bolsheviks, incapable of running the economy. The basis of the Bolshevik

attack on the factory committees was simple, the Bolsheviks wanted the

factories to be owned and managed by the state, whereas the factory

committees wanted the factories to be owned and managed by the workers. One

Bolshevik described the factory committee’s attitude: We found a process

which recalled the anarchist dreams of autonomous productive communes.

Partly they did this to remove the threat of any opposition to Bolshevik

rule, but partly, these decisions were a result of the Bolshevik political

perspective. These policy decisions were not imposed on them by external

objective factors such as the civil war. With or without the civil war their

strategic decisions would have been the same, because they arise out of the

Leninist conception of what socialism is and what workers control means.

Their understanding of what socialism means is very different from the

anarchist definition. At the root of this difference is the importance given

to the relations of production. In other words the importance of the

relationship between those who produce the wealth and those who manage its

production. In all class societies, the producer is subordinate and separate

from those who manage production. The workplace is divided into the boss and

the workers. The abolition of the division in society between ‘order-givers’

and ‘order-takers’ is integral to the Anarchist idea of socialism, but is

unimportant to the Leninist.

The phrase workers control of the means of production is often used.

Unfortunately it represents different things to different tendencies. To the

anarchist it means that workers must have complete control over every aspect

of production. There must be workplace democracy. They must have the power

to make decisions affecting them and their factory, including hours worked,

amount of goods manufactured, who to exchange with. As Maurice Brinton,

author of The Bolsheviks and Workers Control explains:

Workers management of production – implying as it does the total domination

of the producer over the productive process – is not for us a marginal

matter. It is the core of our politics. It is the only means whereby

authoritarian (order-giving, order-taking) relations in production can be

transcended, and a free, communist or anarchist, society introduced. We also

hold that the means of production may change hands (passing for instance

from private hands into those of a bureaucracy, collectively owning them)

without this revolutionising the relations of production. Under such

circumstances – and whatever the formal status of property – the society is

still a class society, for production is still managed by an agency other

than the producers themselves(20)

In contrast, the Leninist idea of socialism has more to do with the

nationalisation of industry or State Capitalism than the creation of a

society in which workers have control over their own labour power.

In Can the Bolsheviks retain State Power? Lenin outlined his conception of

‘workers control’:

When we say workers control, always associating that slogan to the

dictatorship of the proletariat, and always putting it after the latter, we

thereby make plain what state we have in mind.. if it is a proletarian state

we are referring to (i.e. dictatorship of the proletariat) then workers

control can become a national, all-embracing, omnipresent, extremely precise

and extremely scrupulous accounting (emphasis in the original) of the

production and distribution of goods. By ‘accounting’ Lenin meant the power

to oversee the books, to check the implementation of decisions made by

others, rather than fundamental decision making.

The Bolsheviks saw only the necessity for creating the objective conditions

for socialism. That is, without a certain level of wealth in society, it is

impossible to introduce all those things that socialism requires; free

healthcare, housing, education and the right to work. Lenin said Socialism

is merely the next step forward from state capitalist monopoly. Or, in other

words, socialism is merely state capitalist monopoly which is made to serve

the interests of the whole people and has to that extent ceased to be

capitalist monopoly (21) or also State capitalism is a complete material

preparation for socialism, the threshold of socialism, a rung on the ladder

of history between which and the rung called socialism there are no


The introduction of Taylorism and one man management in the factories in

1918 and 1919 displays a fixation with efficiency and productivity at the

expense of workers’ rights. They didn’t see that without control over your

own working life, you remain a cog in someone else’s wheel. Workers’

democracy at the point of production is as important as material wellbeing

is to the creation of a socialist society.

However, there is yet another problem with the Bolshevik vision of a planned

economy. The Bolsheviks thought centralising the economy under state control

would bring to an end the chaos of capitalistic economies. Unfortunately

they didn’t consider that centralisation without free exchange of

information leads to its own disasters. The bureaucratic mistakes of Stalin

and Mao are legendary. Under Mao, the sparrows of China were brought to the

brink of extinction to prevent them from eating the crops. Unfortunately

this led to an explosion in the insect population (previously the sparrows

ate the insects so keeping the numbers down) and resultant destruction of

the harvest. In Russia huge unusable nuts and bolts were manufactured so

quotas could be met. Industrial democracy did not exist. Plans were imposed

on the population. It was not possible to question or criticise. Any

opposition to the state was counter revolutionary, no matter how stupid or

blind the state decisions were. Only with workers democracy can there be

free exchange of ideas and information. Planning an economy in ignorance is

like playing football blind, difficult if not impossible to do successfully.

In short, it was bad politics, perhaps motivated by wishful thinking, that

led the Bolsheviks to believe that holding the reins of state power could

possibly be a short cut to socialism.

5. Learning the lessons of history

What unites all Leninist traditions (Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism) against

the anarchists is their defence of the Bolsheviks in the period 1917-1921.

It is this Bolshevik blueprint which they seek to recreate. The reasons

variously given for the collapse of the revolution are the backwardness of

Russia (either industrially or socially), the Civil War and the isolation of

Russia. What Leninists argue is that the fault didn’t lie with the politics

of the Bolsheviks or with the policies they implemented but rather with

conditions that were beyond their control. Even those who were critical of

the Bolsheviks suppression of democracy, such as Victor Serge and the

Workers Opposition group, ultimately defended the Bolsheviks’ position.

Their argument is that without the measures the Bolsheviks took, the

revolution would have fallen to a White reaction and a return to the


Our argument is that no matter what the objective factors were or will be,

the Bolshevik route always and inevitably leads to the death of the

revolution. More than this, defeat by revolutionaries is much worse than

defeat by the Whites, for it brings the entire revolutionary project into

disrepute. For seventy years socialism could easily be equated with prison

camps and dictatorship. The Soviet Union became the threat of a bad example.

Socialists found themselves defending the indefensible. Countless

revolutions were squandered and lost to Leninism and its heir, Stalinism.

Freedom and utopia

In the following passage Engels outlines how revolution will lead to

mankind’s freedom;

Proletarian Revolution – [is the] solution of the contradictions [of

capitalism]. The proletariat seizes the public power, and by means of this

transforms the socialised means of production, slipping from the hands of

the bourgeoisie, into public property. By this act the proletariat frees the

means of production from the character of capital they have thus far borne

and gives their socialist character complete freedom to work itself out.

Socialised production upon a predetermined plan becomes henceforth possible.

The development of production makes the existence of different classes in

society henceforth an anachronism. In proportion anarchy [chaos] in social

production vanishes, the political authority of the state dies out. Man, at

last the master of his own form of organisation, becomes at the same time

lord over nature, his own master – free.(23)

In power, the Bolsheviks followed this program. They centralised production,

removing from it ‘the character of capital’, yet the existence of different

classes did not die out. Bolshevik party officials got better rations,

accommodation and privileges. In time they were able to transfer their

privileges to their offspring, acting just as the ruling class in the West.

Chaos in social production didn’t vanish, chaos in Stalin’s time led to

famine. The political authority of the state did not die out and the soviet

people were not free.

The ‘character of capital’ is not the only force underpinning the structure

in society. Power relations also have a part to play, and contrary to

Engel’s assumptions, power does not only come from ownership of capital. The

members of the central committee may not have owned the deeds to the

factories per se but they were in charge.

Freedom isn’t just a goal, a noble end to be achieved but rather a necessary

part of the process of creating socialism. Anarchists are often accused of

being ‘utopian’. Beliefs are utopian if subjective ideas are not grounded in

objective reality. Anarchists hold that part of the subjective conditions

required before socialism can exist is the existence of free exchange of

ideas and democracy. To believe that revolution is possible without freedom,

to believe those in power can, through their best and genuine intentions,

impose socialism from above, as the Bolsheviks did, is indeed utopian. As

Sam Faber puts it in Before Stalinism:

determinism’s characteristic and systemic failure is to understand that what

the masses of people do and think politically is as much part of the process

determining the outcome of history as are the objective obstacles that most

definitely limit peoples’ choices(24)

The received wisdom is that there was no alternative open to the Bolsheviks.

The Bolsheviks could have followed a more democratic route, but they chose

not to. They were in the minority and their goal was to have absolute power.

Their failure to understand that socialism and democracy are part of the

same process destroyed the prospect for socialism in the Soviet Union. Next

time there are revolutionary upheavals in society, it is to be hoped that

the revolutionary potential of the working class will not be so squandered.

Leaving the last word to Alexander Berkman;

No revolution has yet tried the true way of liberty. None has had sufficient

faith in it. Force and suppression, persecutionn, revenge, and terror have

characterised all revolutions in the past and have thereby defeated their

original aims. The time has come to try new methods, new ways. The social

revolution is to achieve the emancipation of man through liberty, but if we

have no faith in the latter, revolution becomes a denial and betrayal of
