
Untitled Essay Research Paper SNI has been (стр. 3 из 3)

"Asian values"; in a Time interview, Singpore?s Lee Juan Yew

reflects on China and the Asian economic crisis. (March 16, 1998). Time,

v151n10. 40-41. This interview reveals the relevance of cultural in conducting

business in Asia. Korea: Developments in Individual OECD Countries. (June 1997).

Economic Outlook, n61. 95. This article discusses the Korean governments fiscal

policies in response to economic slowdown. Korea National Tourism Corp.?s

Korea travel manual.(October 26, 1995). Travel Weekly, v54n85. 14-22. This

manual helps clients understand local culture. Kyu-Taik, S.(Winter 1998). An

exploration of actions of filial piety. Journal of Aging Studies, v12n(4). 369.

This is an analysis on how social values in Asian countries can determine the

role of filial piety in elderly care and how the hierarchy of the family is

affected. Lee, Catherine and Timewell, Stephen. (April 1997). Caging the Korean

Tiger. The Banker, v147 n854. 75. This article discusses the Korean economy

crises and resulting effects on businesses. Leppert, P. (1991). Doing business

with the Koreans ? a handbook for executives. Sebastopol, Ca.: Patton Pacific

Press. Book stresses the importance of knowing your Korean counterpart in

culture, family, politics, and business. Montagno, Ray V. (April 1996).

Integrated cross-cultural business training. Journal of Management Development,

v15 n4. 57. This article discusses the value of cross-cultural training to

businesspersons conducting business in foreign countries. Thomas, J. (December

1998). Contexting Koreans: Does the high/low model work? Business Communication

Quarterly v61n(4). 9-22. Scholars test Korean and American business managers in

an attempt to document language differences between high and low context

societies. Tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid when doing business in the tough

but lucrative Korean market.(June 1997). Business America, v118n(6). 7-8. The

Korean business community has acquired many western traits, however, they are

still very much steeped in traditional ways and a businessperson doing business

with a Korean company would do well to follow the simple suggestions outlined in

this article to further understand the Korean business culture. United States

Department of State Country Commercial Guide ? Korea FY 99 (February 10,

1999). [On-line], Available: http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/business/com_guides/1999/eastasia/korea99.html

Prepared by the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Korea, this government document is a

complete and up to date resource for conducting business in Korea. Van Horn, M.

(1989). Pacific rim trade. New York: American Management Assoc. This practical

book is written by an author who has hands on experience setting up Pacific Rim

trade. All aspects of marketing, manufacturing, and investing are covered. The

world fact book. (February 28, 1999) [On-line], Available: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/country.html

This Central Intelligence Agency web site covers geography, people, government,

economy, communications, transportation, and military issues of South Korea. Woo

Gon Kim, Hyan Ju Shin and Kye-Sung Chon. (February 1998). Korea?s lodging

industry: problems, profitability and regulations. Cornell Hotel &

Restaurant Administration Quarterly, v39. 60-68. This study discusses the Korean

hotel industry?s significant issues including room supply, complications of

regulation, and hindrances to expansion.