
Samuel Clemens Works Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

soon becomes clear that Hank values nothing so much as making money, and his

schemes for doing so reveals a distinctly unattractive side of his character.

Hank’s language consistently reveals his true values. His is the diction of the

marketplace. He tells us, for example, that "It is no use to throw away a

good thing merely because the market isn’t ripe yet." After he has

destroyed Merlin’s Tower, he declares that "the account was square, the

books balanced." When another of his schemes fails to work out, he tells us

that he "sold it short." He mocks the knights because they all

"took a flier at the Holy Grail now and then," observing: There were

worlds of reputation in it, but no money, Why, they actually wanted me to put

in! Well, I should smile.(Miller, 122) After all, Hank is much too

"practical" to waste time on anything that is not financially

remunerative. It should not come then in any surprise that Hank wishes he could

remake man without a conscience because conscience "cannot be said to

pay." Ironically, when Hank is enslaved, he criticizes his master for

having a heart "solely for business." Hank is completely unaware that

the slave master is only a cruder version of himself; both see men in terms of

their commercial value, and neither is apt to allow sentiment to interfere with

business. That Twain himself saw a parallel between slave masters and financiers

is establishes by an illustration in the first edition of A Connecticut Yankee,

an illustration that Twain singled out for praise: The slave master was given

the features of Jay Gould, the great robber baron. And it is worth nothing, at

this point, that Hank is tied by his name to a capitalist of dubious reputation,

the great American banker, J.P. Morgan. (Miller, 122) In short, Hank Morgan

never learns. He arrives in Camelot with all the prejudices of a

nineteenth-century provincial. He encounters a civilization that is radically

different from his own- a civilization that is, without question, far from

perfect. But his understanding f that civilization never grows in either depth

or complexity. He is, in Twain’s own words, "a perfect ignoramus," and

his opinions cannot be accepted at face value. It would be a mistake, however,

to read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court as a satire at Hank’s sole

expense. Twain satirizes modern industrial society through Hank, whose faith in

advertising and cost effectiveness is naive to say at least. But Twain is no

simple romantic. Throughout the nineteenth century, many writers glorified the

Middle Ages, finding withing the distant past a soothing contrast to the dark

Satanic mills they saw before them. From Sir Walter Scott- who , as we know,

Twain absolutely loathed- on a Carlyle, Ruskin, and the Pre-Raphaelites, the

Gothic Revival in architecture, and a resurgence in Arthurian scholarship that

continues to this day, post-industrial man has been fascinated by the Age of

Chivalry and Faith. But A Connecticut Yankee is not a part of this tradition

(Miller, 133). Hank’s condemnation of Camelot is excessive, and through it we

discover many of his limitations. On the other hand, it must also be

acknowledged that Twain was not trying to idealize the past. Therefore, A

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court should not be read as an attack upon

the Middle Ages per se, any more than as a satire of modern American values. It

is, as Twain himself reminded us, a contrast. The contrast between the medieval

and the modern is comic in so far as it is grotesque- neither the past nor the

present is any more ideal than human nature itself. If humor seems eventually to

disappear toward the end of the novel, it is because the apocalyptic conclusion

denies us the possibility of hope. Presented with a vision of history in which

corruption seems to triumph, a vision in which the present is but a logical

extension of the past, we are ultimately left scorched by Twain’s anger at the

perpetual stupidity of men. As Hank Morgan observes, almost certainly speaking

for Twain: "I reckon we are all fools. Born so, no doubt." (Miller,


1. Baldanza, Frank. Mark Twain: Introduction and Interpretation. (c) 1961

Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. 2. Bellamy, Gladys. Mark Twain as a Literary

Artist. (c) 1950 Univ. Of Oklahoma Press. 3. Bloom, Harold. Mark Twain: Modern

Critical Views. (c) 1986 Chelsea House Publishing. 4. McNeer, May / Ward, Lynd.

America’s Mark Twain. (c) 1962 by May McNeer and Lynd Ward. 5. Miller, Robert

Keith. Mark Twain. (c) 1983 Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 6. Twain, Mark. A

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. (c) 1889 by Charles L. Webster. 7.

Information Finder. Mark Twain. (c) 1994 World Book, Inc. 8. Microsoft Encarta

96 Encyclopedia. Mark Twain. (c) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation.