
Computer Viruses Past Present And Future Essay (стр. 2 из 2)

incidents involved 17 PCs and 50 disks at a time. In the case of a 3Com

network, the visible signs of infection did not materialize until after

17 PCs were infected. The LAN was down for a week while the cleanup was


? Even the costs of dealing with a so-called benign virus are high. A

relatively innocuous Jerusalem-B virus had infected 10 executable files on

a single system. Because the computer was connected to a token ring network,

all computers in that domain had to be scanned for the virus. Four LAN

administrators spent two days plus overtime, one technician spent nine

hours, a security specialist spent five hours, and most of the 200 PC on

the LAN had to endure 15-minute interruptions throughout a two-day


In the October 1993 issue of Virus Bulletin, Micki Krause, Program Manager for

Information Security at Rockwell International, outlined the cost of a recent

virus outbreak at her corporation:

? In late April 1993, the Hi virus was discovered at a large division of

Rockwell located in the U.S. The division is heavily networked with nine file

servers and 630 client PCs. The site is also connected to 64 other sites around

the world (more than half of which are outside the U.S.). The virus had entered

the division on program disks from a legitimate European business partner. One

day after the disks arrived, the Hi virus was found by technicians on file

servers, PCs and floppy disks. Despite eradication efforts, the virus continued

to infect the network throughout the entire month of May. ? 160 hours were spent

by internal PC and LAN support personnel to identify and contain the infections.

At $45.00 per hour, their efforts cost Rockwell $7,200. ? Rockwell also hired an

external consultant to assist Rockwell employees in the cleanup. 200 hours were

spent by the consultant, resulting in a cost of $8,000. ? One file server was

disconnected from the LAN to prevent the virus from further propagating across

the network. The server, used by approximately 100 employees, was down for an

entire day. Rockwell estimated the cost of the downtime at $9,000 (100 users @

$45/hr for 8 hours, with users accessing the server, on average, 25% of the

normal workday). ? While some anti-virus software was in use, Rockwell purchased

additional software for use on both the servers and the client PCs for an

additional $19,800. ? Total Cost of the virus incident at Rockwell was $44,000.

Technical Overview

Computer Viruses And How They Work

Viruses are small software programs. At the very least, to be a virus, these

programs must replicate themselves. They do this by exploiting computer code,

already on the host system. The virus can infect, or become resident in almost

any software component, including an application, operating system, system boot

code or device driver. Viruses gain control over their host in various ways.

Here is a closer look at the major virus types, how they function, and how you

can fight them.

File Viruses

Most of the thousands of viruses known to exist are file viruses, including the

Friday the 13th virus. They infect files by attaching themselves to a file,

generally an executable file – the .EXE and .COM files that control applications

and programs. The virus can insert its own code in any part of the file,

provided it changes the hosts code, somewhere along the way, misdirecting proper

program execution so that it executes the virus code first, rather than to the

legitimate program. When the file is executed, the virus is executed first.

Most file viruses store themselves in memory. There, they can easily monitor

access calls to infect other programs as they’re executed. A simple file virus

will overwrite and destroy a host file, immediately alerting the user to a

problem because the software will not run. Because these viruses are immediately

felt, they have less opportunity to spread. More pernicious file viruses cause

more subtle or delayed damage – and spread considerably before being detected.

As users move to increasingly networked and client-server environments, file

viruses are becoming more common. The challenge for users is to detect and clean

this virus from memory, without having to reboot from a clean diskette. That

task is complicated because file viruses can quickly infect a range of software

components throughout a user’s system. Also, the scan technique used to detect

viruses can cause further infections; scans open files and file viruses can

infect a file during that operation. File viruses such as the Hundred Years

virus can infect data files too.

Boot Sector/partition table viruses

While there are only about 200 different boot sector viruses, they make up 75

percent of all virus infections. Boot sector viruses include Stoned, the most

common virus of all time, and Michelangelo, perhaps the most notorious. These

viruses are so prevalent because they are harder to detect, as they do not

change a files size or slow performance, and are fairly invisible until their

trigger event occurs – such as the reformatting of a hard disk. They also spread

rapidly. The boot sector virus infects floppy disks and hard disks by inserting

itself into the boot sector of the disk, which contains code that’s executed

during the system boot process. Booting from an infected floppy allows the virus

to jump to the computer’s hard disk. The virus executes first and gains control

of the system boot even before MS-DOS is loaded. Because the virus executes

before the operating system is loaded, it is not MS-DOS-specific and can infect

any PC operating system platform – MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2, PC-NFS, or Windows NT.

The virus goes into RAM, and infects every disk that is accessed until the

computer is rebooted and the virus is removed from memory. Because these viruses

are memory resident, they can be detected by running CHKDSK to view the amount

of RAM and observe if the expected total has declined by a few kilobytes.

Partition table viruses attack the hard disk partition table by moving it to a

different sector and replacing the original partition table with its own

infectious code. These viruses spread from the partition table to the boot

sector of floppy disks as floppies are accessed.

Multi-Partite Viruses

These viruses combine the ugliest features of both file and boot

sector/partition table viruses. They can infect any of these host software

components. And while traditional boot sector viruses spread only from infected

floppy boot disks, multi-partite viruses can spread with the ease of a file

virus – but still insert an infection into a boot sector or partition table.

This makes them particularly difficult to eradicate. Tequila is an example of a

multi-partite virus.

Trojan Horses

Like its classical namesake, the Trojan Horse virus typically masquerades as

something desirable – e.g., a legitimate software program. The Trojan Horse

generally does not replicate (although researchers have discovered replicating

Trojan Horses). It waits until its trigger event and then displays a message or

destroys files or disks. Because it generally does not replicate, some

researchers do not classify Trojan Horses as viruses – but that is of little

comfort to the victims of these malicious stains of software.

File Overwriters

These viruses infect files by linking themselves to a program, keeping the

original code intact and adding themselves to as many files as possible.

Innocuous versions of file overwriters may not be intended to do anything more

than replicate but, even then, they take up space and slow performance. And

since file overwriters, like most other viruses, are often flawed, they can

damage or destroy files inadvertently. The worst file overwriters remain hidden

only until their trigger events. Then, they can deliberately destroy files and


Polymorphic viruses

More and more of today’s viruses are polymorphic in nature. The recently

released Mutation Engine – which makes it easy for virus creators to transform

simple viruses into polymorphic ones – ensures that polymorphic viruses will

only proliferate over the next few years. Like the human AIDS virus that mutates

frequently to escape detection by the body’s defenses, the polymorphic computer

virus likewise mutates to escape detection by anti-virus software that compares

it to an inventory of known viruses. Code within the virus includes an

encryption routine to help the virus hide from detection, plus a decryption

routine to restore the virus to its original state when it executes. Polymorphic

viruses can infect any type of host software; although polymorphic file viruses

are most common, polymorphic boot sector viruses have already been discovered.

Some polymorphic viruses have a relatively limited number of variants or

disguises, making them easier to identify. The Whale virus, for example, has 32

forms. Anti-virus tools can detect these viruses by comparing them to an

inventory of virus descriptions that allows for wildcard variations – much as PC

users can search for half-remembered files in a directory by typing the first

few letters plus an asterisk symbol. Polymorphic viruses derived from tools such

as the Mutation Engine are tougher to identify, because they can take any of

four billion forms.

Stealth Viruses

Stealth aircraft have special engineering that enables them to elude detection

by normal radar. Stealth viruses have special engineering that enables them to

elude detection by traditional anti-virus tools. The stealth virus adds itself

to a file or boot sector but, when you examine the host software, it appears

normal and unchanged. The stealth virus performs this trickery by lurking in

memory when it’s executed. There, it monitors and intercepts your system’s MS-

DOS calls. When the system seeks to open an infected file, the stealth virus

races ahead, uninfects the file and allows MS-DOS to open it – all appears

normal. When MS-DOS closes the file, the virus reverses these actions,

reinfecting the file.

Boot sector stealth viruses insinuate themselves in the system’s boot sector and

relocate the legitimate boot sector code to another part of the disk. When the

system is booted, they retrieve the legitimate code and pass it along to

accomplish the boot. When you examine the boot sector, it appears normal – but

you are not seeing the boot sector in its normal location. Stealth viruses take

up space, slow system performance, and can inadvertently or deliberately destroy

data and files. Some anti-virus scanners, using traditional anti-virus

techniques, can actually spread the virus. That is because they open and close

files to scan them – and those acts give the virus additional chances to

propagate. These same scanners will also fail to detect stealth viruses, because

the act of opening the file for the scan causes the virus to temporarily

disinfect the file, making it appear normal.

Anti-Virus Tools And Techniques

Anti-virus software tools can use any of a growing arsenal of weapons to detect

and fight viruses, including active signature-based scanning, resident

monitoring, checksum comparisons and generic expert systems. Each of these tools

has its specific strengths and weaknesses. An anti-virus strategy that uses only

one or two of the following techniques can leave you vulnerable to viruses

designed to elude specific defenses. An anti-virus strategy that uses all of

these techniques provides a comprehensive shield and the best possible defense

against infection.

Signature-Based Scanners

Scanners – which, when activated, examine every file on a specified drive – can

use any of a variety of anti-virus techniques. The most common is signature-

based analysis. Signatures are the fingerprints of computer viruses – distinct

strands of code that are unique to a single virus, much as DNA strands would be

unique to a biological virus. Viruses, therefore, can be identified by their

signatures. Virus researchers and anti-virus product developers catalog known

viruses and their signatures, and signature-based scanners use these catalogs to

search for viruses on a user’s system. The best scanners have an exhaustive

inventory of all viruses now known to exist. The signature-based scanner

examines all possible locations for infection – boot sectors, system memory,

partition tables and files – looking for strings of code that match the virus

signatures stored in its memory. When the scanner identifies a signature match,

it can identify the virus by name and indicate where on the hard disk or floppy

disk the infection is located. Because the signature-based scanner offers a

precise identification of known viruses, it can offer the best method for

effective and complete removal. The scanner can also detect the virus before it

has had a chance to run, reducing the chance that the infection will spread

before detection. Against these benefits, the signature-based scanner has

limitations. At best, it can only detect viruses for which it is programmed with

a signature. It cannot detect so-called unknown viruses – those that have not

been previously discovered, analyzed and recorded in the files of anti-virus

software. Polymorphic viruses elude detection by altering the code string that

the scanner is searching for; to identify these viruses, you need another


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