
Problems With Immigration Essay Research Paper PROBLEMS (стр. 2 из 2)

A way to decrease the amount of immigration would be to give people no reason to leave in the first place. The United States , and other countries who are suffering from an intake of immigrants should get involve in what ever country the immigrants are coming from. By this the country should pump money and resources in the problematic country. The country should also get involved politically by supporting candidate who support humanitarian issue. Their can also be an embargo place on the country to help motivate them into fixing the problem. Penalties should be raised and fully explained to immigrants trying to illegally cross into another country.( Ricmond H. Anthony Immigration and Ethnicity. pp . 141-147 )

Other solutions would require the government to get directly involved. Mexico could reestablish the Bracero program. This program found temporary jobs for four million Mexicans. If this program could be reactivated a large source of immigrants of immigrants would come back if they could get the same conditions home that they get here. ( Sowell Thomas. Migrations and Cultures. pp. 191-193 )

My Solution

Another way to deal with immigrants would be cooperating ,or pressuring with the neighboring country causing the immigration overflow. The country should be responsible for its citizen if doing a bad job of controlling its population. All the violations of miss controlling the population can be evaluated by a neutral country. This neutral country would be decided by both countries involved. This evaluation would be paid for by both countries.


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Frederick, C. . Aliens In The Work Place. Boston Mass. press, 1996.

Fredericks, Rose. ” Many Mexicans Don’t Stay Long In U.S., According To New Study” Wall Street Records Jan. 29, 1997, p.2

Lee, M. Sharon. Global Trends In Migration: Theory and Research on International Movements. New York. The Center for Migration studies, 1981

Lii, H. Jane “Many Immigrants Buy Faked Passports ” New York Times July 6, 1994 ,p.A12

Muller, Thomas. Immigrants and The American Cities. Boston Mass. press, 1993.

Perez, Tianguis Ramon. Diary of Undocumented Immigrants. Houston Texas. Arte Publico press, 1991.

Richmond, H. Anthony. Immigration and Ethnicity. New York. New York press, 1972.

Sowell, Thomas. Migrations and Cultures. New York. Basic Books, 1996.

Unknown ” Immigration Just The Facts ” The New York Times March 25, 1996, p. A19

Unknown ” Illegal Immigrants Add to Population Peril ” The New York Times June 19, 1996, p. A14

Unknown ” Four Mexicans Die Swimming U. S. Mexican Border ” The New York times Nov. 24, 1997 p. A17
